The Black Technology Era of Xueba

Six hundred and ninetieth chapters comprehensive pressure

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"For a discount of 50 cents, the queue at the Shell gas station in Shanghai stood for three kilometers." The New York Times reported on the front page of the day the excitement of Xia Guoren driving their car to the Shell gas station to grab the discount. In the report, The New York Times sarcastically said: "The country that called for a complete energy revolution a few days ago is frantically grabbing gasoline. It is expected that Xia Guo will take 30 years or more to digest gasoline vehicles, compared with 30 years later. It seems that the people of Xia Guo should consider how to solve the problem at hand.”

The Wall Street Journal also commented with extreme prejudice: "Threats! After Xia Guo's intimidation of future energy, the people of Xia Guo still chose to snap up low-priced gasoline. The international oil price is returning to normal levels, but Xia Guo imports it. The cost of oil will go up."

Itar-Tass commented very pertinently: "Just like using all trade and sanctions to stop Xia Guo's industrial 2025 plan, the United States and Europe are using despicable means to force Xia Guo to stop the new energy revolution plan."

Russia is actually the biggest winner in Xia Guo’s energy revolution plan. Xia Guo started a new energy revolution and reduced the use of energy such as gasoline, but in industrial manufacturing and other fields, crude oil is still indispensable.

According to Xia Guo's internal news, after Xia Guo gradually reduced its import of crude oil from West Asia, which is too risky, it will still maintain or even expand its relatively stable imports of Russian crude oil to meet the development of its own industry.

Whether in terms of emotion or interest, Itar-Tass's comments are pertinent.

In Xiao Ming's office, each piece of news was collected by Chao Xiaochu and Qian Yi and sent to Xiao Ming. There is still one week left before the deadline for the framework agreement to be given to Europe. Now it seems that European car companies will not Accept the framework agreement of Pangu Technology.

"In the past few days, every day has been a global headline." Qian Yi said, "I didn't expect Pangu Technology to receive so much attention from the global media."

Xiao Ming was not worried about the current situation at all, and instead joked: "We just released a white paper, just a few pieces of paper, it can make the elites of Wall Street sweat, it's not bad, a few pages are not worth it. What money, just bragging."

Qian Yi knew that Xiao Ming was joking, "Why are you making them sweat? You are going to seriously injure them and kill them!"

Xiao Ming doesn't care what the outcome will be in Europe at this time, but he cares about the trend of Xiaguo Automobile Company.

Qian Yihui reported: "It may be that the current situation is not right. There are already some joint ventures that will continue to launch new joint venture fuel vehicles as originally planned. During this time, the sales of fuel vehicles have increased again."

The situation is so realistic. The businessmen of Xia Guo, like businessmen all over the world, are very pragmatic. They will first think about how to survive, and then think about how to make money. The law does not stipulate whether Xia Guo's joint venture car company can produce fuel again. Cars, which have nothing to do with patriotism, are purely market behavior.

Xiao Ming also does not blame these companies for their choices. Before things become clear, in the face of the present and the future, more people will choose the present.

Super Xiaochu said: "I have the news that Bill Rockefeller has just returned to the United States from West Asia, and the news of the oil production reduction in the crude oil country was also released when he left West Asia. From this, it seems that the Americans are really anxious."

Xiao Ming stood up, "Actually, they are all wrong in the form of estimation, thinking that after the rise in crude oil prices has an impact on the basic industries and people's lives in Xia, we must immediately compromise and terminate the plan."

"Of course not!" Xiao Ming said: "The West's behavior just shows that the energy revolution we are promoting has hit the West's sore spot. At every turn, we threaten to cut oil production and increase prices, and at every turn, we are choked by Xiaguo Energy to force us to submit. , Wall Street elites should seriously study the thousand-year history of the Xia Kingdom.”

"There is news from Europe!" Super Xiaochu received the official document from the European Automobile Association,

"The European side would like to make some changes to the performance of our proposed framework before signing it."

Europeans are not idiots. No matter whether it is the world of micronuclear batteries in the future, replacing existing batteries with micronuclear batteries to become the mainstream of new energy vehicles is a sure-fire business.

Europe also hopes that this time the global oil price rises and the difficulty of importing oil from the Xia country will increase, and give its own price.

The agreement can be signed, but Pangu Technology is required to delete the item in the agreement that the production of micro-nuclear new energy vehicles for Western companies must be a joint venture with Xiaguo Company.

This item was originally set by Pangu Technology to help Xiaguo's car companies enter the international market, taking the opportunity of micronuclear battery new energy vehicles to help Xiaguo car companies to achieve corner overtaking internationally.

Obviously, not all Xiaguo cars are Pangu Technology, and many Xiaguo car companies have been succumbed to oil prices and the uncertain future of new energy vehicles.

"No need to reply." Xiao Ming said: "Then leave the market to the future and prepare for the press conference."

There are less than two days before Europeans pay their answer sheets. Pangu Technology held a press conference, which was chaired by Qian Yi.

Qian Yi did not talk about the turmoil in the international crude oil market, but announced four news.

"First, Pangu Technology has fully mastered the controllable nuclear fusion technology, and the number of micronuclear batteries and civilian nuclear batteries will increase exponentially in the future."

"Secondly, the Tianhe series Leiqing and Huyue series micronuclear energy vehicles will be upgraded for free from now on. The in-vehicle assistant will join the mind control mode, and users can control the vehicle remotely through quantum communication and mind control."

"Thirdly, the Epoch New Energy Vehicle jointly controlled by Pangu Technology and Bidi will release an A-class household new energy vehicle priced at 120,000 yuan next week."

"Fourth, Pangu Technology and Bidi Automobile jointly invested 30 billion soft sister coins to support Xiaguo Automobile users to replace micronuclear new energy vehicles. Our replacement will be carried out in strict accordance with the brand and service life of the fuel vehicles in the hands of users. Take Langyi, which has been sold for 130,000 yuan for five years, as an example. Our replacement price is 80,000 soft sister coins. The replacement is not directly given to the user’s soft sister coins, but the deduction coupons are used to purchase Epoch or Tianhe energy vehicles. "

Qian Yi finally said: "Epoch and Tianhe will increase the production and sales of new energy vehicles. It is expected that by the end of next year, the market holdings of Xiaguo's new energy vehicles will reach 50 million. Future Energy Co., Ltd. and Bidi Group will also cooperate with relevant departments. Cooperation, increase subsidies for new energy vehicles, and help Xiaguo users to replace fuel vehicles with micro-nucleus new energy vehicles as soon as possible."

Without any hesitation, the four points of Pangu Technology's conference are the strongest response to the European and American consortia.

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