Fast forward three days.

Inside the commercial car, Xiao Yu watched through the window of the car as a couple walked out of the hospital and got into a high-end car.

In these three days.

Xiao Yu was monitoring the couple, checking everything about them and learning about their past.

In the end, they came to the conclusion that they were very affectionate!

The same is true for these three days.

Xiao Yu had also learned about Luo Yuying thoroughly.

After an investigation, three years ago, the kidnapping occurred.

Doctors frequently visited the homes of Zheng Xiangyu and Luo Yuying.

Through the questioning of those doctors, and the doctors recall the situation of that year.

After Luo Yuying’s kidnapping case appeared, she was seriously ill with autism, and she was frightened by something, which led to a strong ‘panic disorder’.

What is panic disorder?

A serious psychological disorder caused by acute, anxious, frightening, genetic and other causes.

It wasn’t until half a year ago that Luo Yuying’s panic disorder was cured.

At the same time, it aggravated Luo Yuying’s autism.

But it is definitely not serious enough to need to go abroad for treatment.

A key point.

People with autism will hardly leave their familiar environment and go to unfamiliar places.

The doctor also gave advice, it is best not to let Luo Yuying go abroad, which may aggravate the condition.

However, after Luo Yuying cured the ‘panic disorder’, she went through the immigration procedures as soon as possible.

The kidnapping case appeared, luo Yuying had panic disorder?

Obviously not suitable for going abroad, but applying for immigration?

And what makes a person with autism leave a familiar environment to live in a strange environment?

The van slowly followed the limousine not far away.

Xiao Yu, who was in the co-driver, raised the corner of his mouth.

Tomorrow is the day when Zheng Xiangyu and Luo Yuying go abroad.

It is also a time-to-time day for system tasks.

When limousines and vans pull into a villa area.

The two cars stopped one after the other, and the doors opened at the same time.

Xiao Yu looked at Zheng Xiangyu, whose expression had changed not far away, “We are meeting again!” ”

Zheng Xiangyu did not speak, nor did he have the calm of the past, and he stared at Xiao Yu with a complicated expression.

His wife, Luo Yuying, got out of the car and stood next to Zheng Xiangyu at a loss.

Like a frightened rabbit, half of her body was curled up behind her husband.

The two men looked at each other like this, and time seemed to stand still at this moment.

“Won’t you invite me to sit at your house?” Xiao Yu smiled and opened his mouth.

“Then come in and sit down.” Zheng Xiangyu had a smile on his face.

The villa is large and there is no luxury inside.

It is mainly simple, very warm, and has a taste of home.

Luo Yuying returned to the room, and Zheng Xiangyu went to pour tea.

“Thank you.”

Taking the tea, Xiao Yu nodded.

“You’re welcome.”

Zheng Xiangyu sat down, stared at Xiao Yu, and said a strange word, “Can’t we leave quietly?” ”

“No, you can’t.”

Shaking his head slightly, Xiao Yu took a sip of tea, which was not bad.

“What did you find?”

Zheng Xiangyu’s voice was a little cold.

“A lot.”

Xiao Yu put down his teacup, “You should not be able to go abroad.” ”

Zheng Xiangyu sighed and closed his eyes in some pain.

This pain was not because Xiao Yu had found anything.

It is a pain that is about to be separated.

Husband and wife separated!

“I’ve given you three days.”

Xiao Yu stared at the teacup in front of him, “Do you know why?” ”

“What?” Zheng Xiangyu did not open his eyes.

“I found out that you entrusted a property agency company and left a hundred million.”

Xiao Yu said: “When your husband and wife go abroad, this hundred million will be divided into two parts, which will be handed over to Chen Guodong’s sister Chen Rong and Chen Guodong’s girlfriend Kong Shanjing.” ”


Zheng Xiangyu smiled bitterly and opened his eyes, “And then?” ”

“Aren’t you going to say something to me?” Xiao Yu asked.


Zheng Xiangyu was stunned, and his eyes lit up in an instant.

This kind of light is like a drowning person seeing the hope of survival, seeing that it is the last straw to save his life.

Soon, Zheng Xiangyu’s expression returned to his former calm, and he slowly spoke, “Can I turn myself in?” ”

Surrender…… Xiao Yu stared at Zheng Xiangyu sheepishly.


Zheng Xiangyu smiled and said sincerely, “Bao Feng… I killed it! ”

Xiao Yu was completely stunned.

What did you say?

“It’s not that I want to shirk my responsibility, it’s that the cream is getting too much.”

Zheng Xiangyu’s smile was gone, and his expression was cold, “Ever since I found out that she abused my wife behind her back, I wanted to kill her.” ”

“Coincidentally, I came home early that night and saw Bao Feng grabbing my wife’s hair and beating her.”

“I was mad and rushed up to the second floor… Bao Shuang seemed to be panicked when he saw me, and wanted to arrest my wife, probably to threaten me. ”

“But how could I possibly let her touch my wife again?”

“I pushed the cream… That’s the handrail on the second floor of the villa. My strength was too great, and the frost rolled out of the handrail on the second floor and landed in the hall on the first floor. The result…”

“Her neck is broken and dead!”

“I knew I had killed someone, and I knew I had committed a crime, and I was very scared. And then I thought… Hide the body. In this case, maybe others don’t know that I killed the cream. ”

“But I can’t hide a corpse, and I don’t know how to hide a corpse.” At last…… I called Chen Guodong for help. ”

“Chen Guodong came, and after only a moment of silence, he told me that he would dispose of the body, and then he took the body away.”

“It didn’t take long for Chen Guodong to call me and tell me that I must remember that he kidnapped my wife, and then, helping the wrong person, kidnapped Bao Feng.”

“I know what he means, because the kidnapping of Bao Frost, no one will believe it, after all, Bao Frost has no money.”

“I was flustered and didn’t think about it so much, so I called the police.”

“It’s just that I didn’t think that Chen Guodong would actually… Suicide! ”

Zheng Xiangyu’s expression was so painful, “I am sorry for him, and I never thought that he would do this for me.” That’s right, I commissioned a company to leave a hundred million, left to his sister and girlfriend, which I owe them! ”

Xiao Yu did not speak, but his eyes were fixed on Zheng Xiangyu.

It’s like looking at a fairy, better looking at a monster.

Chen Guodong is like this, committing suicide for others.

In front of him, Xiao Yu saw a madman again.

For the sake of his own woman, he did not hesitate to bear the charge of murder.

What’s wrong with the world?

Suddenly, a scream rang out not far away.

“No, it’s not him, it’s the cream I killed!”

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