Wang Dong’s scalp was numb.

Silent for a long time, he stared at Xiao Yu in a daze, “Brother, don’t make such jokes!” ”

Do you know what kind of criminal organization can be called a group?

First of all, there is strict organizational discipline inside.

Second, the connection between members has a certain solidity.

Subsequently, the members of the crime committed crimes many times over a long period of time, and even made crimes a regular occupation.

Finally, its criminal means are cunning and secretive, and its ability to commit crimes and evade investigation is strong, and the harm to society is particularly great…

“No kidding.”

Xiao Yu shook his head, “There are many people on the other side, and they have the means to commit crimes in a group manner, and the crimes involved are likely to include kidnapping, imprisonment, live organ removal, organ transplantation, and abandonment of corpses after killing…”

“It’s a big chain of black crimes, and it’s not something that three or five people can do.”

“If I’m not mistaken, this is a criminal syndicate that sells human organs and has formed an industrial chain!”

“How can it be…”

Wang Dong was a little difficult to accept, “If this criminal group really existed for two years, how could the second group not find any clues?” At least so many people have died, so many organs have been removed, there must be patients, right? ”

He’s not a hard bar.

That makes perfect sense.

Removing so many organs from the living must also be used on the living, right?

Where did the patient go?

As long as there are patients, after organ transplantation, there must be traces.

As a result, no traces were found in the second group, do you think it is possible?

“Then have you ever thought about such a possibility?”

Xiao Yu looked directly into Wang Dong’s eyes and said word by word: “Transnational crimes… The clients of this criminal syndicate are not in the prison, but abroad? ”

That’s why he said… We’re in big trouble!


Wang Dong inhaled cool air, “I want to ask a relatively low question, can the organs of yellow people be used by white and black people?” ”

“It’s really low and it’s mentally retarded.”

Xiao Yu was almost amused by Wang Dong, “No matter what race of human beings, the blood types of human races all over the world are divided according to the same classification method.” The normal blood type of a person is divided into four major blood types: O, A, B and AB. ”

“Of course, there are strange special blood types in this world… More than thirty. ”

“There are definitely differences in blood according to races, but as long as the blood type is the same, the body does not have immune rejection of organs, postoperative lesions…”

“Even if you transplant the organs to the pigs, the pigs can use them.” It’s like in today’s world, some people do transplant pigs’ hearts to patients. ”

“Patients who use the heart of a pig not only can walk out of the hospital bed, but also live for two months!”

The little brother’s words all forced Wang Dong to speak in confusion.

Someone actually transplanted a pig’s heart and survived for two months?

Are you sure you’re not telling me myths, do you believe me?

Wang Dong did not think that Xiao Yu would deceive him.

But still can’t accept it, take out the mobile phone to the mother.

People are stupid.

It’s actually true!

Even pig hearts can be used by humans.

What are the so-called organ transplants between human races?

As long as the human organs are well matched, the matching is correct.

No problems at all!

“That is…”

Wang Dong asked with a suspicious expression, “Are these beasts transplanting organs to foreigners?” ”

“Not sure.”

Xiao Yu shook his head, “This is just my guess, the specific situation will definitely be clear after investigation.” Assuming that the clients of the criminal group are foreigners, then it is easy to check. ”

“First of all, the organ is removed from the living body, it must not be stored for too long, it is best to operate nearby.”

“If a patient wants to transplant an organ, then they…”

“Inside?” Wang Dong gritted his teeth and asked.

“That’s right.”

Xiao Yu nodded, “Check if there are any diseases in the past two years, and foreigners who need organ transplant surgery have entered the city, which city have they entered?” ”

“And then, how long did it take to leave, and what was the state of leaving?”

“Organ transplantation is a major operation, and there is not enough cultivation to restore observation after surgery.”

“During this time, if they did not appear in major hotels and hospitals, there would definitely be one who disappeared… Blank period. ”

“Because they are all hiding in the black hospital for recuperation, recovery, until they can leave, they will not appear.”

“Look up the above points, if it is really like what I reasoned…”

Xiao Yu smiled coldly, “You can find them!” ”

From scratch, even out of nothing, it refers to Xiao Yu’s terrifying reasoning… Wang Dong looked complicated and sighed inwardly.

This reasoning does not mean that others cannot do it.

And when you can think of it, you don’t know the Year of the Monkey.

Say something bad.

IQ is not enough, do not deserve to play with other people’s little brothers!


Giving Xiao Yu a thumbs up, Wang Dong left…

Half a day.

“Got it!”

Wang Dong, who returned to the hotel, said a city name, “W City! ”

Root two group survey.

Within two years, as many as forty foreigners who were suffering from diseases and needed organ transplants entered W City.

Passports and visas are also various, such as business, study, tourism… Wait.

All are legally compliant.

Curiously, in two years, these forty foreigners have only left more than thirty people.

Seven of them died in an accident in W City.

But the deaths of these seven dead people are very strange.

Most of the so-called accidents are car accidents, almost the kind of shattered bones.

Even an autopsy cannot identify the specifics of the body.

What is even more strange is that no family of the deceased has been held accountable, and there has been no trouble and lawsuit.

What does the old saying say?

When things go wrong, there must be demons.

How did more than forty foreigners who were seriously ill and need organ transplants enter W City so coincidentally.

Why did the seven people who died have such a coincidence that most of them had car accidents, and they were all crushed to pieces?

In the past, no one investigated because even the family members were not prosecuted, and the dead were still foreigners.

It’s too late to cover the lid, check the hair?

Now it was different, and Xuan An personally investigated, and this problem became bigger.

Finally, there is a major doubt.

After these forty foreigners came to W City, there was more or less a “blank period”.

Some people have disappeared for more than ten days, and many have disappeared for a month or two…

Four hours later.

Xiao Yu and the whole group of the second group, driving to W City!

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