Night, roadside barbecue stalls.

“More than twenty years in a flash, a rush and summer.”

Hua Kang, who had a bearded beard, raised his wine glass, took a sip of beer, and exuded a decadent atmosphere, “Many people have forgotten many people, many people have replaced many people, busy, as if they have done everything, as if they have done nothing, but they feel like a waste!” ”

Xiao Yu didn’t say a word, raised his wine glass, and drank it in one gulp.

Then he stared at Hua Kang so calmly, looked at the handsome uncle’s face, watched the muscles above constantly trembling, and the expressions of guilt and anger constantly changed.

Maybe others don’t know what hua kang’s heart is thinking at this time.

But Xiao Yu was clear.

Because not willingly!

More than twenty years of youth have been lost in the profession of undercover.

A drug cartel was destroyed and a drug factory was eliminated.

However, the black hand behind the curtain is still at large.

In exchange… It’s an empty!

“I’m not reconciled!”

Sigh, Hua Kang slapped the wine glass on the table.

The wine glass shattered.

Blood flowed from the palm of his hand.

“By what?”

Hua Kang stared at his bloodshot eyes, “Why can these bad people live well, doesn’t it mean that the Heavenly Dao is good for reincarnation?” So why did God allow them to appear, why didn’t he put retribution on their heads… Why? ”

Xiao Yu raised his hand, took out a few hundred yuan bills, and handed them to the stall owner who came over, giving an apologetic expression.

The stall owner grinned and shook his head, not taking the money.

He replied with an understanding expression, pointed to himself, and turned away.

Xiao Yu smiled and shook his head.

That’s why he still likes this human world.

Because it has a human touch, although it is dirty, it also has a hint of warmth.

Xiao Yu laughed at himself, “There will be an answer.” ”

In fact, he is not very comforting.

It’s like the national football team in the past life did not win the championship, is he not just dead?

Well, in the end he was blind, because there was no hope at all!

“The answer?”

Hua Kang held up his bleeding hand, grabbed the bottle and took a few sips, his lips twitching continuously, “Fart answer… In order to investigate the drug cartel, several undercover agents died in front of me, even my master! ”

“Do you know how my master died?”

“I saw these bastards with knives and stabbed my master in the chest, I saw the blood spurting out, and I saw them throw my master into the car and say they were looking for a place to bury…”

“For more than four years, my master’s body has not been found, and no one knows where his body is buried!”

Watching Hua Kang emit a wolf-like low howl, Xiao Yu shrugged and moved.

How many police officers die each year, and how many policemen’s bones are gone.

After some policemen died, they couldn’t even mix with the Quick Medal.

That’s the police profession!

“Blame me, it’s useless.”

Forty-something years old, Hua Kang couldn’t bear it any longer, tears flowed from his eyes, he pounded his chest, his eyes flashed with a red light of madness and despair, and he hissed: “If I could find out everything in the drug trafficking syndicate as soon as possible, find the drug factory as soon as possible, or find the black hand behind the scene, my master wouldn’t have to die, didn’t have to die!” ”

Looking at the man in front of him who was in pain, Xiao Yu sighed.

Remembering his past life, there were also some people who died in front of him.

He was not desperate and sad, like a hysterical, vengeful madman!

“Haha, haha…”

Hua Kang cried and laughed while muttering, “But there is no way, I have no ability, everything is over!” ”

Is it over?

Xiao Yu narrowed his eyes.

The system does not prompt the task to complete at all.

Explain that the task is not completed, how can it be completed?

“Let’s go.”

Xiao Yu stood up, lifted up Hua Kang, and stared at the bloodied hand, “First go and bandage it.” ”

“Bandage something.”

Hua Kang looked at his hand, drunk and only smirked, “When my master was stabbed with a knife, he shed a lot of blood and more blood than me. ”

Yes, being stabbed in the chest by someone, it is definitely going to…

Suddenly, Xiao Yu was stunned and looked at Hua Kang sheepishly, “What are you talking about?” ”

He suddenly remembered what Hua Kang had just said.

[I saw with my own eyes that these bastards took a knife and stabbed it into my master’s chest, and I saw the blood… Squirted out? 】

Squirted out?


“What do I say?”

Hua Kang was confused and shook his head.

The next moment… Syllable!

A slap slapped Hua Kang in the face.

Not only did he wake up drunk.

Also beat his people into obscurity.

“Answer me a few questions.” Xiao Yu opened his mouth coldly.


Hua Kang looked back and nodded.

“Who killed your master?” Xiao Yu asked.

“My last head of a drug cartel.” Hua Kang gritted his teeth and said.

“Because of what?” Xiao Yu continued to ask.


Hua Kang said angrily, “My master has been tracking down the drug cartel, and the former head of the drug cartel also longed for his death.” On that day, I don’t know how my master was caught by him. Then he called us all over, and he assassinated my master in front of us. ”


Xiao Yu narrowed his eyes, “A few knives, when stabbing, the back of the hand is facing up, or the palm is facing up?” ”

“A knife.”

Hua Kang said very affirmatively, “Directly stabbed in the chest, with the back of his hand facing upwards.” ”

“Huh!” Xiao Yu sneered.

Do you know how big the gap between the ribs and the ribs is?


Knife piercing, flat stabbing, with the back of the hand facing upwards.

This is a stab in the chest, not the stomach, how do you use the force and still maintain a flat angle of the stab?

If you don’t believe me, I raised my knife arm to a certain height, with the back of my hand facing upwards, and flattened the forward stab.

See if you can do parallel stabbing, see if you can use force?

And also……

Normally are you not when the ribs are ornamental?

How did you get so coincidentally, without pricking the ribs?

Still very coincidental that there is no problem with the angle and get your knife stuck?

The most important point is, how many people understand the ‘intercostal muscle’?

Is it the muscle between the ribs?

How many people know that the defense, hardness, and density of the ‘intercostal muscles’ are three to four times that of the abs?

If it weren’t for all sorts of ‘coincidences’, you wouldn’t have stabbed someone in the chest with a knife.

The strength is small, you can’t even pierce the ‘intercostal muscles’!

Well, you’re a coincidence, even if you stab in.

Here comes another question.

Just now Hua Kang said that after his master was stabbed… Spurting blood?


The knife, the stab is still in the chest, or in the ribs.

That kind of squeezing force can be pierced into it.

Under this kind of squeezing force, it is difficult to squirt blood, and it is difficult to shed some blood.

Unless you pull the knife out, maybe it’s still possible.

The knife spewed blood before it was drawn…

Are you sure you’re not playing me?

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