The Blue Eyes

Chapter 279 - YOU ARE THE LOSER

The big building was made of iron and had a circular shape. At a glance, it looked like a smaller version of a football stadium but with a flat roof on top of it. The roof was made of iron as well, but it looked like a lighter type of iron.

Kevin was alerted when he saw the mysterious object. It was the first time he saw such a huge object emerge from the ground.

The front part of the roof suddenly opened, and three figures emerged from the inside of the iron building.

Kevin gasped as he recognized the two figures on the roof. "It's really them," he muttered while gritting his teeth.

The distance between him and the building was not so far, probably just around ten meters away, and he could see the faces of the people who were standing on top of the seven-meter height building.

"Steve failed to bring you here, but you came here on your accord, Kevin?"

That was the familiar voice of his former senior in Orka, Felix Smith. He had been suspecting the man, and he wasn't surprised by the man's appearance now.

"You have deceived me all along, Senior Felix."

Kevin's tongue felt so bitter when he addressed the older man that way. Felix was indeed his senior that was older than him, but after knowing what the man did, Kevin didn't want to be polite to that man anymore.

"I just want people to respect me more, Kevin," Felix calmly replied to Kevin's accusation. "Is your boss here? He's been looking down at me all the time, and I want to revenge him using the formula that he rejected a few years ago."

Kevin glanced at his surrounding, but it seemed that there was only the army of Calenta in the area. He knew that the leader of Orka was also in Chilad, but he was together with the important people of Calenta in the temporary base in Chilad.

Even the president of the country was present, but they were currently observing the situation in a safer place.

"You didn't only use your formula that was rejected by my boss, but you also used the formula from my father to make the werewolf evolve just like Mario Doxon, right? My father gave the secret formula to you before he died?"

Kevin knew that it was all just pleasantries and he didn't need to know the answer to the question, but he was still curious and wanted to know the truth from the cunning scientist.

However, Felix Smith didn't immediately answer the question and was glancing at the older man beside him instead. The man was indeed older with his head was almost bald due to old age, and he even needed to use a stick to support his old body.

The man was the other face that was recognized by Kevin.

"Your father was the one who shared the formula with me before he died, Kevin," it was the old man that answered his question, and Kevin clenched his fist to suppress his anger.

"You and my father are both evils. You are my father's accomplice all this time, right, Mr. Dawson?"

Kevin was still in his werewolf form, and he could immediately attack the old man with his ice powers if he wanted to. But, he still wanted to hear the man's answer, so he decided to hold back for now.

["He's Derek Dawson, Kevin."]

["It's Derek Dawson, Sir."]

Kevin still remembered how both Grace Hasler and Steve Finn mentioned the same name when he interrogated them. Grace mentioned the name as the name of someone who had ruined her mother's life, and Steve mentioned the name as the mastermind of the rebellion.

The two people had a different way to describe the man, but all Kevin knew was the man was indeed evil.

Derek Dawson had been acting like a saint all the time. He even asked Kevin to address him as 'uncle' and seemed to be a perfect father figure that he could dream of, but all of that was fake.

The real Derek Dawson was the one that currently smirked at him from the top of the building.

"I'm doing it because I have a purpose, Kevin," Derek voiced out his reasoning.

"You have a purpose?" Kevin asked in a mocking tone. "Your purpose is just to revenge for your ancestor, right? Your ancestor had been forced to leave his throne because of his behavior that's worse than animals, so you can blame the people for the coup d'etat!"

"What? You dare to say that my ancestor's behavior is worse than animals'? Selena always told me that you're a polite and nice boy, Kevin. I'm disappointed in you."

"Don't you dare to say my mother's name with your nasty mouth!" Kevin was beyond angry, and his blue eyes glared at the older man dangerously. "You have been deceiving my mother for so many years, so you'd better feel ashamed of yourself!"

Hearing Kevin's angry tone toward him, Derek suddenly laughed like a maniac. "You are right, Kevin," he replied in between his laughter. "I've been deceiving your mother for twenty years. Your mother thought that it was your father who had the idea to initiate the werewolf war, but it was me who gave your father the idea. I've been using your father all the time, Kevin. Too bad that your father didn't realize it until his death."

Kevin still tried to hold back his anger. He indeed hated his father for all the crimes his father committed in the past, but when he heard Derek's confession, he realized that his father wasn't the only one in the wrong.

Kevin was angry, but suddenly he laughed like he just heard the funniest joke in the world.

"You think that you've successfully deceived my mother and my father all these years, but the truth is it's my mother who managed to deceive you, Mr. Dawson.. You are the loser here."

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