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Chen Yao brother’s battle strength burst out of 4 people in an instant, stunned Garni and the others.

In the current Peak battle strength of 9 Yao Dayu, who thought he was badly injured, no one except Fujun Xingyao would be their opponent.

But at this time, they are clearly miscalculated.

After killing this candidate, Chen Yao and four brothers immediately flashed towards the other candidate ahead.

“Protect him!” Demon God illusory shadow behind Garni immediately shouted, and his figure flew towards Chen Yao, who was heading for the first time.

A scarlet-red war blade emerged in the hands of Demon God illusory shadow, and the infinite fighting intent flashed in Garni’s eyes.

Although Chen Yao and the others are powerful, if they can kill 4 people, it is not a proof of themselves.

But what surprised him was that when the war blade fell, Chen Yao’s figure suddenly retreated, and then Huo Yao, Mu Yao and Shui Yao’s figures stepped forward and quickly pinched the trick.

Three blue giant snakes suddenly formed, winding up and restraining Garni’s attack.

While Ghani frowned, Chen Yao’s figure suddenly appeared behind him, right hand turned blade, and fiercely chopped down towards his neck.

At this moment, Ghani panicked, trying to control the Demon God illusory shadow back to defense.

However, at this moment, Demon God illusory shadow was entangled by 3 giant snakes, he could not draw any strength to resist Chen Yao’s attack.

The blue streamer flashes at the edge of the hand, this hand knife cuts through the air, and a sharp cracking sound is heard.

It was at this critical juncture that several candidates from the Garni side shot at the same time, manipulating the Demon God illusory shadow moved towards Chen Yao attack.

When Chen Yao saw it, a bloodthirsty smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, his figure suddenly flickered and disappeared into place.

Appeared next to a candidate next to him, his blade slashed down.

It can be said that Chen Yaoyao never thought of killing Garni from beginning to end. At the moment he shot, his figure was already ready to move.

This is the absolute crush in combat experience.


The fiercely hand blade hit the Demon God illusory shadow outside the candidate, and the crack instantly spread to the whole body of the Demon God illusory shadow, and then suddenly burst into a little starlight.

In the stunned expression of the candidate, Chen Yao shook his right arm like a snake, grabbed his neck, and left hand quickly followed.


In Ghani and the others’ frightened expression, this person was divided into two.

Looking at Chen Yao who smiled in the blood rain, they in ones heart trembled.

“Hahaha, fourth brother, good!” Huo Yao roared with excitement, and then controlled the spirit snake to wind up along the war blade, moved towards Gani bit.

The rest of the brother 2 saw it and immediately cooperated and wanted to kill Garni.

Upon seeing this, Garni activated his strongest power immediately.

Demon God illusory shadow’s body surface instantly showed many scarlet-red characters, and the power suddenly climbed, throwing hard, and Huoyao 3 people flew out.

At this moment, Chen Yao suddenly appeared beside him, punching him in the head of Demon God illusory shadow with a punch, blasting him into the ground instantly.

With the integration of offensive and defensive, four brothers let more than ten people present fall into the disadvantage.

This is the guarantee that a few of their brothers will be able to become princes.

After 10000 years of battle, they have the experience to deal with any battle.

Brother 9 started at the end of the day, starting from an ordinary soldier, just like the original Void Man, prove himself with battles again and again, step by step, their rich experience and skills are behind the rise and fall of Corpse Mountain Blood Sea.

In their battles, fighting to kill them as if they were eating and drinking, they have already become a part of their lives.

Coupled with the absolute trust and tacit cooperation of several brothers, the joint shot made them fearless.

At this moment, although there are more than ten candidates, they are clearly in the disadvantage.

Over time, two people were killed by Chen Yao 2 brothers.

Such an arrogant fight against more than ten Ghost Kings with the power of four people is what the brothers want.

The fear and fear on the enemy’s face is the spoils of war they want to see most.

This scene was also received by the eyes of the clan king who was behind the Luo Sujun.

At this moment, he slowly opened the mouth and said:

“It seems that long-term peace has cost them too much.”

“Yeah, how can their fighting style compare with that of us at that time. At that time, Luo Wei Da Yu, even the weakest ones were much stronger than them, let alone compared with the two of us.” Luo Xiu stared at the war junction, said solemnly.

“It seems that their clan veterans are needed. If you let them fight like this, it is estimated that none of them will survive.” Clan King slightly frowned.

“No, let me go, after all, 9 Yao brother is my sacrifice!” Luo Xiu grinned at this moment.

“Your strength can reach the level of Ghost King …”

“Okay, realm can’t represent everything, don’t forget … I used to be a god!” As he said, Luo Xiu’s figure became a black streamer, moved towards the center of the battlefield.

Looking at Luo Xiu away, the clan king couldn’t help but sighed.

He was not worried that Luo Xiu could not deal with Chen Yao and the others.

Although his strength is now only Ghost King Early-Stage, but as Luo Xiu said, he was once a god, even if he lost the power of Asura’s turning way, he still mastered the power of Asura’s two kinds of asura and Tao ,

At the peak, he realized Asura Law Force even more.

Facing Chen Yao and the others, Luo Xiu could never lose.

He sighed that the Immortal Path that Luo Xiu had taken was almost mortal.


Faced with Chen Yao and the others’ offensive, Garni and the others were extremely nervous.

Nearly the means of haunting, they couldn’t predict Chen Yao and the others’ next point of attack at all, and they were exhausted to cope with it. Under this kind of battle, they were beaten with no power.

But they dare not step back.

Because they may become King Luo Sui in the future.

At this moment they are the focus of Luo Sui’s soldiers. If those who might become kings in the future ran away, how would they serve the crowd in the future.

So even with the determination to die, they must gritt their teeth and brace themselves, using all means to resist the 4 Chen Yao, thinking about how to fight back.

When a Luo Luowang candidate was torn again, Gani finally could n’t help it. The Demon God illusory shadow behind him roared angrily and urged Demon God illusory shadow to move away towards Chen Yao, trying to take Life and death.

At this moment, a silhouette appeared in front of him, and then he only felt that his eyes were black, his eyes receded quickly, and his body fiercely hit the ground.

Garni quickly got up, moved towards and looked away, and suddenly found a familiar silhouette.

Scarlet-red’s hair, bronze’s skin is like cast steel, shining dark in the sun, naked upper body is also drawn with dark red lines, very oppressive sight.

Luo Xiu!

For this person, Garni did not know very well, only that this person seemed to have a great relationship with the clan king.

When the clan king said that this person also joined the battle of King Luoshu, Gani had only one idea, that is, the relationship.

Because Luo Xiu has never shown his own strength, and he has no prestige to match with each other. All the candidates, including Garni, dismissed this person, not to mention that this person would be their opponent.

But just now, Luo Xiu kicked him off and he didn’t even have time to react. The great force shocked him even more.

Then, a scene that shocked Luo Xiu happened.

Luo Xiu’s forehead slowly showed a scarlet-red mark, and the dark red lines on his body radiated scarlet luster.

“Asura Soul!”

The shock in the eyes of Ghani who saw this scene could not be more.

If the “Asura Word” of Ye Shiwen is the Extreme Dao Force of the curse killing, then the “Asura Soul” imprint displayed by Luo Xiu at this moment is the Extreme Dao Force with the strongest Taoist body.

Looking at Luo Xiu’s disdainful look, Garni gritted his teeth secretly.

However, Luo Xiu’s eyes suddenly turned to the right.

Immediately, a blazing silhouette emerged on his right, reaching for his right arm.

In the blink of an eye, Chen Yao, Mu Yao and Shui Yao appeared in his all around at the same time, each grabbing a part of his body.

“Die!” Huo Yao’s arrogant laughter surfaced.

Immediately four people worked hard at the same time, preparing to tear Luo Xiu to pieces.

Then a scene that surprised them happened.

Because Luo Xiu’s body was not torn, he still stood in place.

“Death!” Chen Yao roared again, and began to tear.

However, Luo Xiu stood so calmly and let them pull.

Extreme Dao Force “Asura Soul” gave him the most powerful Fleshy body in Asura Path, even though he has only the strength of Ghost King Early-Stage at the moment, it is still not what Chen Yao and the others can tear.

At this moment, Chen Yao and the others’ heart beat wildly, and Luo Xiu’s face showed a disdainful smile, then turned around and grabbed Huo Yao, grabbed his hair and pressed it to the ground.


Huo Yao’s head was stuffed into the soil.

Seeing the younger brother being controlled, Chen Yao’s 3 people were ruthless and moved towards Luo Xiu’s neck and waved away.


Luo Xiu opened his arms, and suddenly a scarlet-red Demon God illusory shadow with armor on his back emerged, and Chen Yao and the others flew out instantly.

“This … how is this possible, strength of Asura!” Asura Demon God, Ghani and the others looked dull, looking behind Luo Xiu, who was five times larger than Demon God behind them.

The power of summon Demon God they came from Asura Shesheng Road, and the most extreme of this power is “Astrength of Asura”, which is the Extreme Dao Force.

Just as Luo Xiu exerted his physique and strength, he was shocked by them.

Because in the whole area of ​​Luosui, there is no one other than the clan king and the other two elderly clan elders who control Extreme Dao Force.

However, even the clan kings, they have nothing more than that’s all in Asura’s pole.

But at this moment, this competitor, whom they considered to be the most relevant and the least likely to succeed, showed two kinds of Asura’s extreme power.

Garni and the others were incredibly shocked at the moment.

A guy with no race and no origin of race has always been better than them!

“Dead!” At this moment, Chen Yao and the others again approached and launched a crazy attack.

However, Luo Xiu stood in the same place and suffered an offensive like howling wind and torrential rain. The moment he left, Chen Yao and the others were smashed out again.

“8-arm Asura!” Luo Xiu murmured softly.

The flame of scarlet-red swept the body of Asura Demon God illusory shadow, and the Demon God illusory shadow behind shook, and two arms grew from behind.

Seeing this scene, players watching from afar are stunned.

“Lying trough, boss, isn’t this the power of the evil god?” The dog who was also watching the battle suddenly turned his head to look at the old saying opened the mouth and said.

The old saying is also stunned: “I also remember that the evil god boss used this ability when fighting the drought, how could he also?”

“Will this guy be the evil disciple, you Senior Brother?” Gouzi opened the mouth and said immediately.

“No, I think it should be the evil god. Senior also cultivated the Asura Path!” Looking at Luo Xiu in the distance, the ancient expression of the special expression of the grave.

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