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Players felt unbelievable about the official reply from the campaign.

No matter how popular the topic is, or even the suggestions strongly requested by the players, the battle official has always chosen to be silent or even ignore it.

But at this time, the official reply was posted.

Reply to a post that is completely unpopular.

At this moment, a large number of players in the forum flooded into that post, and wanted to see what is special about it.

But when they saw the content in the post, they were even more confused.

Players can’t understand what is going on in the battle official, and why they should use Soul Coins in exchange for such tattered goods.

So curious players began to guess whether this item has any hidden value.

In the discussion, many players who have studied archaeology stood up and began to analyze this item with professional eyes, and showed that this item has no practical value at all, because it has no historical precipitation, and it is a bronze ware made by modern technology.

But even so, players still feel very surprised.

Dog official, what kind of trouble is this?

They took the soul exchange coins, why the dog official refused, how can they now take out the soul coins to buy fakes?

Is the soul coin burning too much?

Players feel very well about the behavior of Boss behind the battle.

It can only be guessed that the boss behind the battle of generating electricity is a guy who collects “strange” item hobby.

Just as players were confused about this, Lu Wu once again posted a post:

[Priceless and unique rare treasure call for posts] landlord: battle GM

Content: In view of the behind-the-scenes battle of using power generation, Boss likes “priceless and unique rare treasure” very much, so I hereby post a collection. All items valued by Boss will be recovered in the form of soul coins!

The appearance of this post caused the forum to boil again.

This time, not only the China Server Forum, but also forum players from other servers also heard the news.

Because in the eyes of the players, this is not the soul recharge channel!

In comparison, just need to exchange soul coins for an alternative that’s all.

Just as players were discussing spiritedly, Lu Wu specially opened a new [priceless and unique rare treasure] section in the forum.

For players to post Xuanbao internally without affecting the layout of the main forum.

As for the effect, what Lu Wu has to do next is wait.

As he thought, when he heard that he could exchange coins, players immediately joined them.

Soon, various “priceless and unique rare treasure” tasting stickers appeared.

But what makes Lu Wu didn’t know whether to cry or laugh is that players in this section really post and so on.

[My bowl was also dug from the backyard. It ’s exquisite in appearance. It ’s worth 1000 soul coins. Boss come in and take a look! 】

[This is an Apple X uploaded by my ancestor, an item more than 300 years ago. Boss likes to exchange it for 300 soul coins (comical)]

[Turn the box upside down today and found a bottle of beverage more than 300 years ago. It should be possible to change this thing for 100 soul coins (confidence) (with photos)]

[This stick in my hand is said to have been used by the primitive people of the Stone Age. There is no falsehood. 】

[You are young and beautiful, just like the 18-year-old beautiful young girl. Well, it ’s me. It does n’t matter if you have money or not. Boss, do you want it? (funny)】

[This stone was picked up by a grandfather on the mountain after a meteor shower more than 200 years ago. The asking price is 3000 soul coins. The price is negotiable. I only want to sell it! 】

[Rare treasures, out-of-print physical books of “I Am the Behind-the-Scenes” collected in those years, and the autographs of the author “One Slash”, don’t lose 1 soul coin (funny)]

Looking at the posts that are constantly refreshing in the “priceless and unique rare treasure” section, Lu Wu has a headache.

I feel that this group of sand sculpture players is not reliable.

Not to mention the pots and pans, too much is that the pebbles picked up on the road can be posted in the “priceless and unique rare treasure” section, bragging about it for a while, describing the exaggeration

What other books are written in one stroke, and the kind of books that the street writer writes in vain don’t give him away, let alone 1 soul coin.

These players can say that there is only one purpose, which is to sell their “treasures” in exchange for Boss, the soul coin in the hands of Lu Wu.

For this reason, the players opened the Dafa Dafa …

Looking at the crowd of players who are still fooling around the forum, Lu Wu feels that his IQ has been insulted.

Fortunately, he simply does not need to identify, just look at the Divine Item mark, and all unmarked will be ignored.

What rare treasure, what Divine Pill magic medicine, as long as there is no mark, all waste and garbage disposal!

Of course, in addition to this part of the players, there are also some serious players who take out genuine antiques and other devices to exchange for soul coins.

But Lu Wu has no interest in antiques. After all, his real purpose is only to find the remains of Heaven Realm, who makes Totem.

After a day, Lu Wu not only found nothing, but was stunned by the players’ actions.

However, after players discovered that the Boss has never looked at the item, the style of the post began to change.

[Actually, the bronze sapling device yesterday was not a single piece, but a pair, and the other one was in my hand (with photos)]

[Actually, the brother upstairs is also wrong. The bronze sapling device is not a double, but a 3-piece set. This third piece is in my hand (with photos)]


In these posts, there are several bronze ancient tree shaped devices, and it is very similar to the bronze ancient tree device of the post in the morning.

In order to defraud the soul coin in the hands of Lu Wu, some capable players made seedlings of ancient bronze trees according to the stickers in yesterday’s post at a 1: 1 ratio, and wanted to defraud soul coin with this.

Lu Wu was completely stunned by their means.

How can the priceless and unique rare treasure section become a factory for making fake products?

What do you do with this ability is not good, and even want to lie to your soul coin, simply ignore and incompetent!

For such a post, Lu Wu decided to ignore it.

So the style of the “priceless and unique rare treasure” section changed again.

At this time, the sand sculpture players have become masters of tasting. In the post, they praise their “treasures” with gorgeous words, and each piece of treasure has compiled a story that can be weeping and touching.

Seeing Lu Wu, it was pretty painful.

A piece of jade stone can compose a story close to a cowboy and a weaver.

What is even more common is an ordinary “ant”. The player simply said that this ant is the Divine Beast who has guarded their family for 1000 years. This time, he has been destined to be with it.

Lu Wu feels that these sand sculpture players are really provoking their IQ.

I am so angry!

In the end, Lu Wu simply asked Divine Item to continue to monitor the posts in the “priceless and unique rare treasure” section, but he left the forum and prepared to go quiet.

As for his previous transaction with that player, he would naturally not reveal his address, but let No. 2 come directly to get it.

This No. 2 is no one else, it was the transformed person who used the spirit of Mu Zhiguang and the body of the black tiger.

However, after the fusion, Lu Wu did not awaken Mu Zhiguang’s memory because it was completely unnecessary.

While waiting, No. 2 came back.

After receiving the ancient bronze tree from No. 2, Lu Wu brought the ancient tree seedlings and Beili into the Divine Item space.

After that, there was nothing wrong with Lu Wu.

Beili put on his own “scientific research suit” and began to transform this seedling.

After being busy and consuming Lu Wu’s nearly 1000000 soul coins, the seedling recovered.

The branches and leaves stretched slowly, and the originally drooping trunk was upright. The 9 Golden Crow birds had their bronze shells faded out, and the whole body became golden, and then they spread their wings and began to circle around the ancient bronze trees.

At this time, Beili grabbed the “bronze ancient tree seedlings” and stood up, then threw it forward.

Suddenly, the roots of the bronze seedlings extended and penetrated into the ground of the Divine Item space a little bit, and began to grow rapidly after the seedlings landed.

At the same time, Lu Wu’s soul coin also began to decrease rapidly.

However, Lu Wu is not distressed because he knows that these payments will have high returns in the future.

After consuming 30010000 soul coins, this bronze seedling is more than half a meter tall.

At this moment, Beili stopped using Soul Power to catalyze the bronze seedlings, and immediately turned to Lu Wu sweetly smiled:

“Done, this bronze seedling is of the same origin as the ancient bronze tree. I awakened their weak connection, and now I will open it, and then let it bind with the players and grow together!”

Lu Wu heard that, with a smile on his face, stepped forward and rubbed Xiao Beili’s head:

“Working hard.”

Beili heard, laughed, and extended a finger.

Seeing this, Lu Wu couldn’t help but frowns saying: “It’s not good to eat too many snacks!”

“Who are you talking about this brat?” Beili heard, could not help but akimbo.

Lu Wu: “…”


Heaven Realm 9 Heavenly Layer.

An immense huge tree rooted on a Floating Island.

The top of this giant tree directly reaches the sky, the volume is extremely huge, the lush foliage hangs down, covering the whole island.

Nine golden giant birds on the tree were circling and flying around the giant tree, making a loud chirp from time to time.

At this moment, the giant tree suddenly shook, the volume began to shrink rapidly, and in the blink of an eye turned into a white haired old man wearing a robe.

“Mother of the tree, what’s wrong?” Seeing this scene, nine Golden Crows in the sky fell all around the white haired old man.

“Bloodline contact? No, it’s an attribute that is completely opposite to me!” The old man’s complexion made of bronze ancient trees looked extremely dignified.

“Tree mother, what do you mean?” 9 Golden Crows heard, curiously asked.

“I felt another larval state and I got in touch with me!” White haired old man said solemnly.

9 Golden Crow heard this, and couldn’t help but stunned, obviously couldn’t understand why.

“Tree mother, where is it, I’ll wait for brother to check it out!” Golden Crow opened the mouth and said immediately.

“I can’t find it, it seems to be within 3 within the realm, but it seems not within 3 within the realm. I can’t find out where it is through this weak connection, and I have a sense of crisis in it. Maybe it will hurt me in the future! “

After a long silence, the old man transformed by the bronze old tree opened the mouth and said again:

“If I am right, the person behind the scene wants to ingest my power to grow this seedling through this ontology that is completely opposite to my attribute!”

“Isn’t Yin Sector 3 the Emperor’s job!” 9 heads of Golden Crow heard, his face was suddenly angry, all around suddenly the heat wave rolled.

They know that their strength comes from ancient bronze trees. If the ancient bronze trees wither, then they will never survive.

Bronze ancient tree heard, shook the head:

“Although I know that Yin Sector 3 the Great has never let go of the original hatred, but I am sure they will not do so, because they are not stupid, and now wage war, Yin Sector will never win, and its connection with me is not from Yin Sector World! “

“Who would it be? With the exception of Immortal Emperor, who is this Heaven Realm force?

Old bronze tree heard, shook his head slightly, sighed:

“Everyone can, 10000000 don’t have to be those people!”

Hearing this, the nine Golden Crows were shocked, and they suddenly thought of who the mother tree said.

The opponent that can make the Tree Mother so fearful is not the Yin Sector 3 Emperor or Heaven Realm 3 Emperor, then there are only the taboos before the outbreak of the 3rd World War.

“Tree … Mother, aren’t they dead?” Golden Crow’s voice trembling slightly.

“Who can guarantee it? At first, their strength was so strong, even if Foreign Domain died after World War I, who can guarantee that they will not return!”

Hearing this, the faces of 9 Golden Crows became extremely ugly, and my heart shivered:

“If we return, can we have the power to fight?”

“Yes! We have the Guardian of Foreign Domain Holy Spirit, combatable!” As he said these words, the ancient bronze tree looked very dignified.

“As long as the devil does not return!” At this time the ancient bronze tree opened the mouth and said again. When he said this, his voice was obviously shaking.

Hearing the word Demon 2, the Golden Crow face of 9 heads suddenly changed, and a fuzzy silhouette appeared in my mind.

The strongest Human Sovereign slaughter!

“Mother of the tree, is he really that strong?” Golden Crow, headed, could not help asking.

“He can shake 3 realms alone!”

“How is it possible!” 9 Golden Crows appeared horrified.

When the war started, they had just born spiritual wisdom, so only the vague impression of the “slaughter” came from the mind of the tree mother, but they didn’t expect how the slaughter could be so strong.

“His battlefield has never been in the 3rd realm. He has always fought in the Foreign Domain. In order to plunder resources, he has opened up hundreds of battlefields in the Foreign Domain, and he has dealt with countless forces. The way was won, so he and his subordinates were collectively called ‘Foreign Heavenly Devil’ by Foreign Domain forces. “

“Why can he be so strong?” A Golden Crow couldn’t help but curiously asked.

“Unclear, I was not born when he existed, but I know that he is always so strong. Legend has it that all Human Race subordinates who follow him will gain the ability of Undying and Inextinguishable. The Human Race army he leads is even more Like the plague of locusts, they raged and plundered in Foreign Domain. So in Foreign Domain, their arrival is called the plague of Demon! “

“If it weren’t for his fall, how could we Heaven Realm dare to open the battle of the 3 realms!” Speaking of which, the ancient bronze tree was sighed.

“Since he is so strong, and Undying and Inextinguishable, why does it fall?” Golden Crows asked the facial expression grave.

“I don’t know, how big Foreign Domain is. It’s normal to meet an unbeatable opponent!”

“What did the demons once subordinate that day?” The Golden Crows asked again, after the understood had such terrifying potential enemies, they also had a sense of crisis.

“It should have fallen after the massacre, and it also fell. It seems that their Undying and Inextinguishable abilities come from the massacre, the massacre is dead, and their abilities are also dissipated. Naturally, they cannot survive in the Foreign Domain.”

“What about the slaughtered soul? Did you return to the realm of the 3rd world?” Golden Crow, headed by, asked quickly and eagerly.

“No, for this reason Immortal Emperor searched Heavenly Dao and Six Roads of Samsara, but they didn’t find him, so you can be sure that he should have fallen into Foreign Domain!”

Hearing this, a few Golden Crow let out a long relaxed breath.

After understanding the terrifying of “Human Sovereign Massacre,” they were terrified, but they knew that the massacre had already fallen, and the pressure suddenly dissipated.

“Don’t worry, as long as the” Demon “doesn’t come back, with Foreign Domain Holy Spirit as a coalition, even if those taboos come back, we have the power to fight, and now I have to continue to explore another source of mine, and need to sleep for a while It’s time. “Then, the ancient bronze tree glanced at the Golden Crow at side 9 and shook its figure, once again turning into a towering giant tree covering the sky.

Nine Golden Crows saw it, screamed, and flew into the sky, circling and dancing around the ancient bronze tree again.

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