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Ye Shenlan didn’t know what the game’s operating team thought.

It ’s one thing to have money. It ’s understandable to give 30,000,000 as a reward.

Compared with 300010000 cash and game currency and props, he feels that the game company’s operating team really treats players as pigs.

After thinking about it, he turned around and sat at the bar and continued to wait.

During this time another bartender came over and asked him if he wanted to drink something.

But Ye Shenlan refused.

It ’s not that he does n’t want to drink. After all, he has n’t been alive for a few days. He does n’t care about whether drinking is bad for his health.

The problem is that he has no money now. If the talks were unsuccessful, he paid for the alcohol and he had to push forward when he was starving to death.

While waiting, a middle-aged man wearing a black bowler hat and a suit, and with two temples coming from the main entrance, came straight to the bar and sat beside the night god Lan, looking at him solemnly. opened the mouth and said:

“You should be Lord Ye Shenlan, I’m Boss ‘Ueno Hideji’ of this wine house!” As he said, the man pulled out a box of business cards from his suit bag, took one from it, and handed it to Ye Shenlan .

After receiving the business card, after knowing that this person is the Boss he was looking for, Ye Shenlan expressed amazement, and did not understand why the Boss looked so eager in his eyes.

Although he was well-known in Japan a year ago, he felt that he was only a singer-artist that’s all in the eyes of this Boss. And the wine house run by this Boss is one of the most famous wine houses in Asia. Even if he is at his peak, his income can not be compared with it. It should not be such a gesture.

Could this person be a fan?

The night god Lan is speculated in his heart.

“Hello!” Ye Shenlan extended the hand and shook hands with the wine house Boss.

“That … Actually I’m here to ask if your wine house needs a singer …” Ye Shenlan looked awkward when he said this.

“Singing? I don’t need to sing!” Izakaya Boss shook his head quickly.

“One game is enough, I don’t need much money!” Ye Shenlan said quickly. If Boss refused, he had to think of other methods to make money.

“No, I have a better cooperation project, as long as it is successful, I guarantee you satisfaction!” Boss said with a solemn expression.

Ye Shenlan heard and expressed stunned, unable to understand what cooperation a wine house Boss can talk to himself.

Could it be that he is going to be his child’s private music teacher?

Don’t be funny, you don’t have a long time to live. After earning a sum of money, go to a few days and wait to enter the soil. How can you talk about cooperation?

“In this way, Lord Shenlan, please come with me, let’s go talk!”

Speaking of the wine house Boss, he pointed upstairs and motioned to the night god Lan to come with himself.

After thinking about it, Ye Shenlan decided to keep up and see what the cooperation Boss said was.

To be honest, his requirements are not high, he just wants to sing a song and earn a month of living expenses. In fact, he is not at all interested in long-term cooperation.

After all, if starved to death, in the eyes of Ye Shenlan, it is really shameful!

2 people went upstairs, during which Boss asked him what he needed to drink, Ye Shenlan did not refuse, ordered a glass of his favorite wine, the wine house Boss immediately arranged his subordinates to make, and then took Ye Shenlan 2 people upstairs s room.

This room is not a private room, but Boss’ own office.

Following the wine house Boss into the room, Boss closed the door, and suddenly the sound outside was completely shielded. It can be seen that the sound insulation effect of this room is excellent.

The interior decoration is not as luxurious as imagined by the night god Lan, but it looks very simple. The decoration of the wooden structure, there are 2 bookcases inside, filled with books.

At this time, Boss pointed to the sofa, instructing Night God Lan to sit down for a while, then turned to the desk, opened the drawer and took out a folded poster. Then he walked excitedly to the seat next to Ye Shenlan, spread out the poster and put it on the table in front of Ye Shenlan.

After seeing this familiar poster, Ye Shenlan, who had a dignified face, expressed amazement.

At this moment, he knew what Boss was going to do, so he wanted to help him win 300010000 cash rewards!

As one of the most well-known boss in Asia, the boss is opened in the most prosperous area of ​​Ginza. Is this Boss still less than 300010000?

Ye Shenlan couldn’t understand what the boss in front of him thought.

“Sorry, I really don’t have the energy to fight for the 30,000,000 reward for you!” Ye Shenlan shook his head immediately.

While refusing, Ye Shenlan had already thought about what persuasive words Boss would say.

It is estimated that I will promise to provide all the expenses during the competition, provide various financial assistance, and package myself, and may also be willing to share 30% or more of the prize money after winning the game.

But what made him didn’t expect is that the wine house Boss is also dumbfounded:

“What 30,000,000?”

Ye Shenlan heard it, and couldn’t help but stunned, and immediately pointed to the first option in the reward of “The Collection of Theme Songs” on the poster.

“Shen Lanjun, I think you made a mistake. The first reward is for the official fooling!” Boss quickly opened the mouth and said anxiously.

Hearing this, Ye Shenlan suddenly realized that he thought how this game company could come up with 300010000 to collect the theme song of the game. It was really a lot of money and it was fake.

“Why would there be a fool to choose 300010000, unless the guy was kicked by a donkey in my head, I guess the battle company would be anxious for others to choose the first one, after all, they are always stingy about game rewards!

What the restaurant Boss said next made the night god Lan stunned and even thought he had heard it wrong.

Only a fool chooses 30,000,000 cash?

Do smart people choose game currency and prop rewards?

? ? ? ? Ye Shenlan was confused and questioned.

“Are you serious?” Ye Shenlan asked quietly.

“Of course, I am very serious. For this reason, I have found 3 excellent composers to participate. You also know their three people, respectively … The purpose is to get the second song award!” Sakai Boss said this time The expression seems to be extremely serious when speaking.

“So … you want me to win the first place in this song contest for you, and then choose the game reward?” Ye Shenlan asked dumbfounded.

Seeing that Night God Lan had understood what he meant, the wine house Boss was heavily nodded.

At this moment, Ye Shenlan felt that she might be ill, and the logic of seeing the problem was all wrong.

“Shen Lanjun, I know your strength. When I wanted to seize the theme song of this battle, I asked people to collect the best materials of a group of singers and composers. The list I got is With you, and after analysis by authoritative organizations, they told me that you are the most capable to win the championship, but I have not been able to find you, so … “

Listening to the excited chatter of the wine house Boss, Night God Lan’s eyes were dull.

Playing a game also allows subordinates to collect the information of the singers, and even find an authoritative music institution for this purpose to assess the probability of each player winning?

Is this wine house Boss crazy, or am I really sick.

After touching the crumpled and crumpled “Illness Notice” in the pocket, Ye Shenlan felt that he was more likely to be ill.

“In this way, Shen Lanjun, as long as you win the first place in the theme song of the battle, I will sponsor you a 100000000!”

“Wh … what, a 100000000?” Even if I knew I would be alive in a few days, I could hear a 100000000, the heart of Ye Shenlan still beating peng peng straight.

It turns out that there are really idiots who will choose game rewards, especially for more than 3 times the price!

“Shen Lanjun, I know there are people outside who bid higher than me, but I can sign a contract with you, as long as you get the first place in the competition theme song collection competition, I will get the game reward for me, I can subsidize you 300000000, and help you ask the best medical team in the world to continue treatment for your body. I have investigated you and know that your current situation should not be optimistic. I will be looking for you when you disappear! “

Ye Shenlan felt suffocated.

What is a 100000000 is just a premise, there are three 3 treatment funding behind, listening to the meaning of the wine house Boss words, it seems that there is a higher bid outside him?

Night God Lan lay on his back on the sofa, feeling his spirit was severely impacted!

It’s over, and I’m sick, this illusion is in it with delusions.

(PS: Due to the busy work recently, I can only change 2 times a day. I have n’t been ashamed this month, but I am ashamed. It ’s terrible ~ do n’t abandon me)

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