Zhang Yunyan was imprisoned in a cave in the underworld, and met a thousand-year covenant. The tragic tragedy was re-enacted, and the poor soul was about to die.

Both Shizhu and the "Stone Table" are owned by the reclusive master. There are hidden demon methods that are intended to harm innocent souls, cannot be blocked, and cannot resist.

At this point, Yun Yan was skeptical of the so-called Millennium Covenant. If the ancient man is real, he claims to be a friend of the year-old friend of life and death, he should be in favor, and should be taken care of Take care and let friends feel friendship and warmth.

However, the fact is completely the opposite. That guy let the demon monkey take her life, and imprisoned the soul here, so that the soul of the "forgotten friend" was destroyed with the cave, how vicious. This is a good friend. It is purely an enemy. It is venting deep hatred.

Maybe the demon monkey and the sika deer are all the accomplices of the so-called Millennium Covenant, or they may be transformed by that guy's demon law.

Demon monkeys and deer may have been around for thousands of years, waiting to appear today. They killed Yun Yan and imprisoned her soul in this cave.

Is this really the case?

Zhang Yunyan didn't know, still guessing, she still knew nothing.

Yun Yan always wanted to understand that she and the man of the Millennium Covenant had been separated for thousands of years, didn't know each other, and had no resentment or resentment. Why did she kill her cruelly, even the soul?

That ancient man was so cruel, not only did he kill a small man thousands of years later, but he also talked about friendship. It wasn't too ridiculous, it was too shameless.

How can the so-called Millennium Covenant and these horrible things be explained?

It is an indisputable fact that the millennial covenant, the reclusive man who lives here, not only has no affection, no caring heart, but also tortures and harms her. What he did was puzzling and unacceptable.

Is that expert such a good friend? He claims to have a life-and-death relationship with Zhang Yunyan. Why is there no feeling of friendship, and he must be put to death and hurry up? The expert has different words and deeds, and is doing exactly the opposite. How should he explain it, and how to justify it?

If the millennium message is determined to be true, it can only be said that the master's words are lies, a sinister and cunning guy. He hated the people who entered his cave house, and like Zhang Yunyan, he wanted to kill him, and let the "forgotten friends" and the cave house destroy together.

The so-called "Millennium Covenant" would be terrible if it existed. He failed to kill Zhang Yunyan in the cave below Yulong Lake, and traced it here, not only taking Yun Yan's life, but also destroying her soul.

What's more hateful is that the guy didn't forget to beautify himself when he killed someone, but also called his friend, claiming that friendship is unforgettable, that is, to make the victim die unclear and without hatred.

However, it is also difficult for Zhang Yunyan to determine this interpretation. The authenticity of the millennium message cannot be concluded, perhaps because of the operator.

The guy can walk between the yin and yang realms, set up the demon law organs in this cave, and have a random illusion.

In short, Zhang Yunyan's encounters were traps set by demons and monsters, unable to break free, and unable to be autonomous.

Perhaps the so-called messager is the demon monkey, who killed Zhang Yunyan in the Yangtze, still let it go, and imprisoned his soul in the cave of the underworld, and will die out with the destruction of the cave.

Zhang Yunyan's soul is locked in

After that, weird things happened one after another, puzzling, nervous and terrifying.

These mysterious things are too nerve-wracking to guess and conclusive, and Yun Yan doesn't want to bother. Since her soul is insecure, she will soon die out. She also has no ability to change reality. She has no ability to control herself and can only wait to be destroyed with the cave.

Zhang Yunyan didn't give up, she wanted to know some secrets of this monster, and once again picked up the rolling colored beads.

Strangely, the monster's temperament changed so much that he did not immediately break free, and watched over by the hateful soul.

Yunyan wondered again, why did this monster give up the struggle and become so obedient again?

This guy is really a monster. It's hard to guess that his temperament will change.

Faced with another weird mystery, she couldn't explain, and she didn't put down the colored stone beads. She was looking closely, hoping to know the secret information.

Caizhu is not only extraordinary, but also very delicate. It can be described as a rare thing in the world. I'm afraid it is rare to see it in the world.

The process of Shizhu's appearance is very weird. It seems that it was born from the "stone table". Is this really the case?

It is doubtful to think about it carefully. This stone bead may have existed for a long time, but at this time it was exposed by the demon method according to the preset procedure, that is, it was controlled by the demon method in the cave.

Zhang Yunyan still has doubts about this explanation. If there is any objection to pregnancy, how can such beautiful beads be formed? Was it made by the reclusive master?

Caizhu is so precious and has powerful mana. It can be called a treasure. The master made it with painstaking effort. Why not take it away?

The guy stored the rare treasures in the "stone table", and it was not re-launched until a thousand years later. What is it, did it really come out for Zhang Yunyan?

This explanation is also difficult to make sense. Yun Yan has a feeling that this closed cave seems to be related to himself, and the weird things and weird things in the cave also have some connection with himself.

"Stone Table" is the same, colored stone beads are no exception, it seems that all appeared for her.

If these mysterious things have something to do with Yun Yan, what is the relationship? Is it just to torture her in every way and finally destroy the soul?

As for the relationship, Zhang Yunyan himself could not say clearly, neither could he deny nor make a conclusion. Her speculation was specious, and somehow, or a feeling, could not confirm that these monsters were really related to herself.

In the mysterious cave, the atmosphere of horror has faded, and the tension has been relieved. Only the deadly silence has not changed, which is disturbing.

Zhang Yunyan was turning over and looking at the colored stone beads. Suddenly her expression changed dramatically, revealing a look of astonishment, and she seemed to have made a new discovery.

Yun Yan looked round at the colored stones with her eyes round, surprised, and exclaimed, "Ah, there is a word in it!"

It turned out that she found that the red "ribbon" was a "fate".

Yun Yan was surprised and couldn't believe it. It looked like a fate.

She was horrified and suspicious again. Was the two "ribbons" also words?

Zhang Yunyan immediately turned over and looked around, and it turned out that the yellow and blue "ribbons" were also marginal words. She stared at Caizhu with her eyes round, surprised and even more puzzled.

It turns out that looking at colored stone beads from three different specific angles, the three red, yellow and blue color bands are three "edge" characters.

go away

At these three specific angles, the character of the word "yuan" is not seen at all, that is, three colored streamers that are intertwined and framed.

It's amazing. The three "yuan" characters are entangled with each other, but it can clearly recognize the flashing text in three different colors, which is incredible.

What's even more puzzling is why the three "color ribbons" are fate words? They are not formed for no reason, they must have profound meanings, and what are they?

Zhang Yunyan couldn't guess, and didn't know what secret was hidden inside. However, she had a bad hunch, its content must be terrible and terrifying.

In the observation, Yun Yan realized that the three "yuan" characters had different strokes, such as Qing Geman dance, or were vigorous and powerful, which made people feel warm and relaxed, and also had a tenacious passion.

Facing another magical discovery, Zhang Yunyan was surprised.

She looked at herself and said to herself: "Unexpectedly, there is such a mystery in the small beads. It is amazing. I can't imagine it. It's incredible."

She stared at the bright colored beads with a look of surprise and admiration all over her face. The more she looked, the more extraordinary she felt, and the more mysterious and mysterious.

Suddenly, Zhang Yunyan was shocked physically and mentally, and her eyes opened immediately. Boo, how did this monster change?

She looked at Caizhu. Not only did she not be surprised, but she felt strange and strange.

There were some milky things in the colored beads, but now they became clear and transparent, and no impurities were seen, and they became transparent crystals without any defects.

This change is still silent and completed in an instant. It is mysterious and weird, and Yun Yan is not aware of it.

Previously, she did not see the signs of change, did not see the process of change, and did not know what was foreshadowing. The more she became more nervous, the more she feared.

Zhang Yunyan looked at Shi Zhu and was puzzled. Since it was necessary to implant the fate word, it was enough to write directly, so why bother? It's true that using three strips of color to show the denotation is really mysterious, but it also requires a lot of energy. Is this necessary?

If this is necessary for colored stone beads, it is not so easy to pursue mystery, it must have its sinister purpose.

Three colored marginal words are implanted in the small stone beads, and the colors are different. What is the purpose? Is it related to the devastating disaster?

It is unknown, at least not before the destruction of the cave, or perhaps at the time of destruction, it will always be a mystery.

Zhang Yunyan couldn't help but think of her encounter in the Devil's Cave Mansion in Qinglong Mountain, where there are countless engraved words on the rock wall. Those fate words are different in size and style, which are both mysterious and touching.

According to the spirit tortoise, those fate words were not written by a group of demons of Jiuyou Shengjun. It is unknown who actually did. They may have been left by those who lived there a long time ago. Those fate words are too old, there is no way to figure it out.

The Devil's Cave Mansion in Qinglong Mountain and this horrible cave have mysterious fate, which is not only reminiscent but suspicious.

The countless pens in the Devil's Cave Mansion have different body styles, all of which have a touching aura, exuding different breaths.

Although there are only three marginal characters in this colorful stone bead, they have different pen bodies and have different appeal.

Why are there fate words in these two places? Why is there a moving charm? Is there some unknown connection between the two places? If so, what is it? 2k novel reading network

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