The Coming Heroine: The Only Princess

Chapter 168: Bizarre mystery

The old woman saw Zhang Yunyan a little dissatisfied, and sighed, her expression a little helpless.

She smiled bitterly and said, "Yunyan, don't ask more. In fact, the two of us are not strangers and we already know you. Let me say something that shouldn't be said. I met you thousands of years ago. I have also had contacts, albeit short-lived.

Thousands of years ago, again at the turn of life and death, Zhang Yunyan couldn't believe it. She even felt that this person was the old woman of the past. Although she didn't see Zhenrong at that time, she had the same words and similar voices.

The old woman again said: "Yunyan, you and I can be described as deep friendships, nostalgic. It's a pity ... It's a pity that Hurry hasn't seen each other again, it's too short ... Well, don't say that, it's all Thousands of years ago, things have changed a long time ago. However, our relationship and friendship have left a deep mark on my heart and I will not forget it. "

When Zhang Yunyan heard this, she was both surprised and surprised. Where did she start?

She never knew this old woman during her lifetime, not to mention the ancient people thousands of years ago. How could there be a deep friendship and how could there be a hurried departure? It was extremely absurd.

Yunyan has only been to Tianyue Kingdom thousands of years ago, and only knew Yue Hanmei's sister. She has never been to other ancient times, nor would she know anyone from another ancient age.

When Zhang Yunyan thought of Sister Yuehanmei, her heart moved, and she immediately asked: "Old god, there is one more thing you would like to ask, could you call Yuehanmei?"

The old woman froze: "Yue Hanmei? Who is Yue Hanmei? I don't know her. I don't know many people except you. I haven't heard of anyone named Yue Hanmei. You are a little suspicious. "

"I'm not talking about Tianyue Kingdom thousands of years ago. There is a man named Yue Hanmei, an elf made by a sika deer. Are you her?"

The old woman smiled bitterly and shook her head: "Yunyan, the old man has already said, I am not Yue Hanmei, nor do I know the woman named Yue Hanmei, don't suspect any more." She sighed and said, "Child I should go. The world is sinister. How precious you are. "

As soon as the voice fell, the old woman disappeared as the flash disappeared.

Zhang Yunyan was shocked again. Is she a monster or a fairy? Isn't she trying to tell a friendship, why did she leave so soon? Is it because she can't answer her question?

Just then, there was a voice in the air again: "Zhang Yunyan, you may not believe what the old man said, and there is nothing, just treat it as a joke, maybe you can understand it in the future."

The sound of the sky went away, and soon disappeared into the night.

The night sky was dark, inlaid with a bit of starlight, and a crooked moon.

After listening to these headless words, Zhang Yunyan was even more suspicious. Except for Yue Hanmei, no one from ancient times knew herself. That being the case, why not talk about it thousands of years ago?

She is only nineteen years old. She has never left her time except for going to Tianyue Kingdom once in Tiantongbaoyu. She has never been to other times thousands of years ago, nor has she seen any ancient people, including the old god.

She and the old woman have never seen each other, and have never even dreamed of it. How can there be a relationship between life and death?

Zhang Yunyan is a very ordinary mortal. In the kingdom of Tianyue thousands of years ago, she only knew Xiao Tianlong and Yue Hanmei. She had never seen a goddess, and it was impossible to interact with the old woman who claimed to be half a god.

The matter was so bizarre that it was unimaginable. this is

It is nonsense that even ghosts don't believe it.

Perhaps the old woman, like the millennial covenant, is in another ancient age. However, Yun Yan hadn't been there at this time, and she knew nothing about the old woman, it was only a mystery.

In the future, she may really want to go to another ancient era. There, she and the millennial covenant, as well as the old woman, can get to know each other.

As for when she can go to another era, how to travel through thousands of years of time and space, and to meet and meet those ancient people, it is unknown. If you want to solve this mystery, you can only wait for the future.

These are all my own imagination. I can't take it seriously. What bizarre things will happen in the future, I can't guess, I can only follow it.

Zhang Yunyan was puzzled and could not forget the old woman who claimed to be half a fairy. According to the feeling, the old woman who claimed to be half a fairy was likely to be the same person as the air woman of the past, and could not confirm it.

If two women are not one, who are they? What is the relationship between the two of her?

Zhang Yunyan didn't know what medicine was sold in the gourd of the old woman, both nervous and doubtful. In the terrible night, mysterious and weird things appeared one after another. She came at this time. It seems that the gourd is not a good medicine.

The old lady of the half-fairy body claimed to be trusted, so she came here and did an unspeakable thing.

In other words, the old woman and the person she had entrusted had a premeditated plan for her, Zhang Yunyan. That guy's work must be related to himself, otherwise she wouldn't click on her name, and told him clearly, without any obscurity.

Zhang Yunyan remembered the old Millennium Covenant again, and doubts arose again. Was that the messager real or magic?

The commenter also claimed to have been with her thousands of years ago, to be a friend of the New Year, and to have a life and death relationship. In this regard, she has always been skeptical, unable to confirm its authenticity, only suspicion.

What is puzzling is that these people and things happen at different times and in different places, but they have the same discourse. Why?

Also, after Zhang Yunyan escaped from the closed cave, she heard the words from the air. The invisible woman also claimed to have seen her thousands of years ago and had a life-and-death relationship, unbelievable.

The words of this man and the second woman are exactly the same. What is the relationship between them and what is it going to do? Why is she so concerned about Zhang Yunyan? Why make up the same lies to deceive her?

Yun Yan was very nervous. The more she thought about it, the more she felt terrible. She seemed to have been caught by a group of invisible ghosts and monsters, and she didn't know how to calculate herself.

Those guys must have unspeakable secrets, and the conspiracy and trickery are being implemented step by step, and she will not be missed.

It was a restless night, maybe a time of great events, and it was nervous and frightening.

In the dark night, Zhang Yunyan met the old woman who claimed to be a half-fairy, and experienced one thing after another mysterious ...

In short, everything was so horrible, so weird, unbelievable, and deeply shocked.

Fortunately, despite these mysterious and weird things, Yun Yan has not had a great impact, at least for now.

These things are like a mystery after another. Yunyan can't think of it, and can't solve it. The fear in her heart can't be eliminated. She looked at the vast night and the fuzzy mountain forest, and guessed wildly. She could neither explain nor have the ability to avoid it, so she could only follow it.

Zhang Yunyan inspected it carefully. In the mountains and forests, the sound of insects rang from time to time. No suspicious things or terrible things appeared.

The fear in her heart still could not be eliminated, and she wanted to leave the weird and unpredictable land as soon as possible, and immediately urged the green tiger to go down to the mountain to avoid danger.

Qing Hu ignored it, staring at the mountain and humming in a low voice, looking nervous and eager to try again.

Zhang Yunyan sighed secretly, what happened to Qinghu tonight, why is it so unusual, and why are you so interested in Qinglong Mountain?

Qinghu didn't know how dangerous it was, how terrible the mysterious and weird old woman was, and how vicious the hidden monsters and monsters were, but he was waiting here, and it seemed that something dangerous happened again.

Yunyan was very helpless and could not bear to leave her heterosexual friend and left alone. She could only be dragged by that invisible "rope" and tied herself to the green tiger. As for the consequences, she couldn't control so much.

Zhang Yunyan saw Green Tiger watching vigilantly and became more nervous. She didn't want any more horrible things to happen in her heart.

She suddenly remembered that she was on the mid-mountain of Qinglong Mountain. Is this the site of the Devil's Cave?

In the night, Yun Yan inspected nervously and could not confirm whether it was here.

At that time, her experience of visiting the gods to search for treasures was too terrible, and she was always in terror. At that time, it was a dark night, and she was not impressed by the surrounding scenery, and she couldn't tell where the gap suddenly broke.

After she escaped from the Devil's Cave, she ran down the mountain in a panic, how could she recognize the terrible place.

Although Zhang Yunyan could not confirm it, she also felt ominous. Even if it is not the site of the Devil's Cave, it will not be far from there.

She looked at the very vigilant black dog and couldn't help but be nervous and wondering what to do.

Qinghu is very alert and has a strong sense of perception. It seems that he has noticed something on Qinglong Mountain, or what happened, maybe he has a sense of Devil's Cave.

Yun Yan looked in the direction that the black dog was watching. Everything was calm. There was no sound except the insects, and nothing suspicious was found.

She frowned and wondered. What had happened that made Qinghu so alert?

Zhang Yunyan was dragged by Qinghu with an invisible rope. He could not make his own claim, but only followed it. He did not know what kind of danger would be ushered in, and whether it was a terrible disaster.

Suddenly, the dull noise came one after another, it was terrible.

When he was nervous and helpless, Zhang Yunyan was shocked again, and instinctively stood up to watch. This is a sign of the emergence of the "fairy". Is that old devil really showing up?

Qinglong Mountain was silent and unchanged.

The Green Tiger was also looking, his expression seemed tense and a little restless.

Jiuyou Shengjun! It must be him!

Zhang Yunyan's mind flashed the old devil's face in an instant, followed by a surprise, his eyes rounded and he hurriedly inspected, but still did not see the figure of the activity.

The dull sound of her counterpart was no stranger to her, and she had heard it outside of Qingshanzhuang. At that time, she was very nervous, very suspicious, and did not know why, but later she forgot.

Now, Yun Yan heard the sound again, and could not help but feel nervous and afraid.

It seems that this sound has its origins, and perhaps accompanied by a terrible danger, the Devil's Cave is likely to be opened, and the group of devil of Jiuyou Shengjun will appear. 2k novel reading network

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