The Coming Heroine: The Only Princess

Chapter 172: Grim Reaper Approaching

Zhang Yunyan stroked the green tiger and sighed. There was sadness and sadness on Junmei's face. Being trapped in the terrible "Hell", she either died of hunger or was eaten by the devil. Regret and resentment were useless. She could only accept the cruel reality.

Perhaps, Yun Yan was destined to die here, and died very miserably. It is useless to blame the sky, and a tragic ending is inevitable.

Yun Yan still did not give up, but also struggled for survival, and carefully looked up and down the cave, hoping to find something. She was worried that she could be detected by the devil, but could not sit still, and was eager to find the way to escape in the contradictory mentality.

After Yun Yan's inspection, she found nothing and became more frustrated, sighing.

She is also superfluous. If there is a way to escape, last time, Ling Turtle had already informed and took her away, why was she chased by the devil and had nowhere to hide, and also took the life of a strange friend.

Yun Yan is so anxious, so eager, has been fantasizing, and excusable, no matter who is here, he will want to escape from the dead.

Death was approaching step by step, and the young life was coming to an end. Zhang Yunyan looked at the dark and quiet cave, feeling more cold and cold, his heart cold like ice.

At this moment, "Boom!" A loud noise, the ground shaking, shocking, at this time, the "full moon" in "sky" disappeared.

Yunyan looked at the top of the dark cave and lamented that the unattainable entrance was closed, and there was no way to escape, and that little fantasy was completely shattered.

Zhang Yunyan was worried that a group of demons from Jiuyou Shengjun was about to arrive. He held the flying dragon's sword tightly and looked at the moon-like hole, ready to fight desperately with the fierce gods.

After a while, the devil did not show up, there was still no sound in the hole, and nothing changed. It seems that Jiuyou Shengjun remotely controlled the opening and closing of the cave in the depths of Dongfu, and did not arrive in person.

Zhang Yunyan breathed a sigh of relief. She prayed that the devil wouldn't come out and let herself and the green tiger stay here quietly, even if she died like this, it wouldn't be so miserable.

Qing Hu lay quietly beside Yun Yan, not knowing what pain is and what despair. In the mortal desperation, I don't know if it is dependent on the sadness, and whether it is afraid of death.

Zhang Yunyan was not as simple as Qinghu, and she was in tears with grief and despair.

She is about to die. She has no hope of reunion with her brother Yuntian and sister Yunxia. The enemy Yan Xiaopeng and Feng Jiabao who killed his righteous father are still at liberty. They are still doing evil and have no chance to eradicate ...

None of these missions have been completed, and she has no ability to complete them in this life.

The unfulfilled vows have all come to nothing. This is the biggest pain, the pain of tearing the heart and the lungs. Yun Yan's heart is bleeding, and the feeling of despair has reached the extreme.

She hated the fierce demon Ligui, hated her incompetence, and had no face to see the undead of two relatives.

In the cave, death was quiet, and there was a low weeping sound in the silence, which stung the nerves of thriller. In Hell, the air seemed to be condensing, suffocating, and bloody.

Zhang Yunyan was like a clay sculpture without a soul, sitting there idly, with eyes blinded and a look of hopelessness in his face.

She seemed to be watching and seeing nothing, not because it was dim and obscured, but because she was tightly enveloped by the pain and despair, without everything in her eyes, she had become a void.

The cave is very quiet, you can hear the needle

, But without the slightest quiet and peaceful atmosphere.

Zhang Yunyan seemed to hear a terrible voice, which was the footsteps of death, approaching relentlessly. It's over, everything is over, all wishes will be lost.

This is the reality, the reality is so cruel, no matter how reluctant she is, the terrible tragedy is being staged scene by scene, and the painful ending will soon come, unable to change.

Zhang Yunyan was in a desperate situation of death, and fell into the sadness of the past ...

The blood of the Zhang family is deeply hated, and the deep hatred of the righteous Lin family is not reported. None of the brother Yun Tian and Yun Xia have so far been silent, and there is no hope of reunion. The enemies Yan Xiaopeng and Feng Jiabao are violent, deceiving, and have no opportunity to serve the people Killed ...

Yunyan faced her father and mother who died with hate, and could not go to see the undead of her righteous father and mother, as well as her three brothers and sisters who had already died.

She is trapped in the horrible Devil's Cave, and she is deeply caught in the cruel reality. She has to face her dead relatives without face, and she has to face it.

The hope of life is gone, and death is coming. Zhang Yunyan has no choice but to wait for death. Pain, despair, grief, sorrow ... are all inevitable in reality, and are being performed in every scene ...

Zhang Yunyan looked at the round hole on the opposite side, hoping that the devil would not show up, and let himself and the blue tiger stay here quietly until he died ...

The green tiger stared at the mysterious place of the flash, hummed in a low place, seemed to find something, and was eager to try.

Zhang Yunyan hurriedly patted the black dog to calm it down, so as not to alarm the gang of demons of Jiuyou Shengjun and cause disaster.

Seeing the appearance of the green tiger, the devil is about to arrive. She has reached the last moment, and her heartbeat is very tense. She couldn't hold her hands, she would fight to the end anyway, until she fell down.

The demons and ghosts did not show up, and the tight nerves eased a little. It seems that those guys haven't found anyone entering the Dongfu, otherwise, they would have come flying to kill two foreign lives, how can they wait till now.

As time passed, Zhang Yunyan's thoughts also changed, and she had the idea of ​​exploring the Devil's Cave.

The last time she entered Devil's Cave, she saw countless flashes of fate, and she had a mysterious feeling of unknown origin. She saw an unfinished chess game and found nothing else.

Dongfu is so huge and complicated that there must be many secrets, and perhaps treasures. If you can get powerful treasures, you may still compete with the devil.

Although Yun Yan was willing to explore, he still hesitated. He didn't know whether to go in or not. There is a place where the demons and ghosts live, which is likely to be sent to death.

Zhang Yunyan knew that even if she didn't go in, there was no way out, she had to wait for death, or die of hunger or thirst, or be killed by the devil. If you go into the investigation, those fierce gods are waiting for you to die, and they die faster and worse.

Not going in is a dead end, an inevitable end; going in is also a dead end, the inevitable end, all with the same result and the same miserable. She had no choice but to die, but it was only a short time, or a short time to come.

In hesitation, Zhang Yunyan sat down with a lament, and lived for a while. The devil did not show up after all, and there was no danger for the time being.

She didn't give up, still holding a hint of fantasy, in the short silence, maybe there would be unexpected changes, and she might escape

Devil's Cave is unknown.

This is a dream before death, an illusion of desire but not desire. Although this is a wonderful dream, there is also a slim hope and a little hope of living.

Tonight's experience is really terrible, and dangerous disasters have followed, all so weird, so horrible, it feels terrifying and puzzling.

Zhang Yunyan was "pulled" by Qinghu to the Qinglong Mountain, and accidentally encountered the sika deer in danger and rescued it.

The sika deer has a huge body, shiny fur, peculiar piebald, and can understand human language. This is not the case with ordinary deer. Is it really a monster?

The matter did not end, she and the green tiger were brought to the mountainside by the sika deer, and then disappeared mysteriously, without warning and silently.

This magical ability is definitely not possessed by ordinary sika deer. It seems to be a monster.

Then, the old woman who claimed to be a half-fairy appeared, not only with a mouthful of bullshit, but also with her. The old demon posing as a half-fairy must be an associate of Jiuyou Shengjun. She appeared mysteriously and disappeared mysteriously.

Later, the green tiger fell into a deep cave, and neither fell nor was injured, and his body was intact. It was incredible that this was an impossible miracle. However, this "never impossible" miracle happened.

Next, she reluctantly fell into Devil's Cave, and a "never impossible miracle" also occurred.


Now thinking about it, Zhang Yunyan felt that the reason why he would fall into the demon hole is likely to be related to the old demon.

The guy didn't leave, and was still monitoring himself secretly, entrusted by Jiuyou Shengjun, secretly casting a demon to push her into the cave and gave it to the devil.

All kinds of weird things are frightening and puzzled. Zhang Yunyan didn't know what was going on, and didn't know why these weird things happened tonight, and she was involved.

The weird sika deer, the insidious and sly old lady, the cannibal devil Ligui, the inexplicable fall ... all kinds of weird things conceal hidden secrets, and they contain harmful evil.

The night was dark, silent, and the atmosphere was tense, horrifying, and mysterious.

Zhang Yunyan was in a desperate situation and had nowhere to run. How terrible and tragic the consequences were, I could not imagine.

She was nervous, terrified, looking at the horrifying little hole in front of her, thinking, hesitating, not knowing whether to enter that "full moon" ...

At this moment, the black dog and the green tiger got up and ran to the small hole without hesitation and scruples.

Zhang Yunyan was startled, very anxious, and immediately whispered to let the black dog come back. Don't alarm the devil, so as not to cause trouble.

Green Tiger's arbitrary behavior has been ignored and has entered a small hole.

Yunyan Xiu frowned and groaned, watching the black dog's disappearing hole very anxious and helpless, not sure what to do.

In desperation, she was afraid of the slightly brighter hole in front of her, knowing that entering the arms of the devil would lead to a terrible death.

However, she can't let the green tiger die alone. It is a strange friend, a dependency in desperation, and a comrade in war.

Zhang Yunyan was still hesitant and anxious, and it was difficult to decide whether to go or not.

Another cruel reality, Qinghu insists on deep investigation and cannot stop her, she must face it. 2k novel reading network

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