"This horoscope is wrong," Tan Tianshi took the birthday horoscope brought by Luo Shanguo sorcerer, combined with Qi Yan's birth position and deduced it, and shook her head repeatedly, "The name and the horoscope do not fit together."

The brown-haired man's face suddenly sank, and he took the cigarette from his mouth: "That kid dares to lie to me?!"

"Tao Yan, are you crazy?!" The agent stopped Tao Yan, not letting him pack up, "Such a good opportunity, you are clamoring to return to China? Did you know that the news company that you are going to participate in this movie has already Let it go, if you return to China now, those black fans will scold you again."

"Black fans scold me and I won't kill you. If I stay here, I'll be dead." Tao Yan stuffed his passport and ID card and other things into the suitcase. "My phone, where did you put it? I want to call the embassy."

"What do you want to do?" The agent was shocked. "Even if you want to make news, don't joke about the embassy. This is the most basic quality of our Chinese citizens."

"Don't think about it," Tao Yan reached out and grabbed the phone in his agent's pocket, "Give it to me quickly."

"Tao Yan, what do you want to do?!" The agent was pushed on the bed and watched Tao Yan **** his mobile phone, and then really dialed the number of the embassy.

"It's over..." The agent lay desperately on the bed, no wonder it was going to transfer Tao Yan, a well-known artist, to his newcomer. It turned out that Tao Yan was so difficult to deal with.

After the call was connected, Tao Yan hurriedly said: "I am a Chinese citizen Tao Yan. Someone kidnapped me two hours ago and forced me to say a person's birth date." He glanced at the hotel, it was him. The room I changed temporarily just now should not be monitored. "I'm not joking, what I said is true. I am an artist in China. If you don't believe me, you can check it out."

"Whose horoscope? It's one of my relatives, his name is Qi Yan. By the way, he...he also has a boyfriend, the youngest son of Mr. Cen Qiusheng!"

While talking on the phone, he suddenly heard the sound of opening the door, but because he locked the security lock, people outside could not get in temporarily, so he hurriedly threw the phone under the bed.

"Boom!" The door was smashed open, and the leading brown-haired man who had grabbed him walked in, still with undissipated anger on his face.

Before the agent could speak, he was dragged out by someone covering his mouth.

"Mr. Tao," the brown-haired man sneered, "I am very angry about your dishonesty."

Tao Yan was so scared that he shrank away from the corner: "I have told you everything you want to know, what do you want to do?"

"Tell me?" The brown-haired man poured himself a glass of water, the hot boiling water steaming in the glass, "Mr. Tao is an actor, I don't want to accidentally pour this glass of water on your face, otherwise it would be too bad. I'm sorry."

Tao Yan immediately covered his face with his hands: "What the **** do you want to do?"

"Tell me, what exactly is Qi Yan's birth date?!"

Tao Yan's shoulders trembled with fright: "What are you talking about, I don't understand."

Two drops of hot water poured on his arm, and the pain made him suddenly scream.

"Mr. Tao, I told you a long time ago that I am not patient."

"I said, I said," Tao Yan didn't think about it. He just missed talking for a day, and he was discovered. How did these people know that he was lying?

"It's November 11th, 36th year of China, not the 10th," Tao Yan suddenly felt an indescribable sense of relief after saying this date. He worked hard, but these people found out that he was lying. If something really happened to Qi Yan, he wouldn't be blamed.

He... he is different from his dad, Qi Yan can't blame him.

Tao Yiru is a well-known strong woman in the business world, so she held a birthday party for her son and gave her face as much as she could, and brought her younger generation to the banquet. However, when some people who were not well informed saw Tao Yiru next to Qi Yan and Cen Baihe who were helping to greet the guests, their minds were a little bit overwhelmed.

They never heard that Tao Yiru had a good relationship with the Cen family. How could Cen Wuye's temperament help Tao Yiru greet the guests? You know, even if it is the Cen family's banquet, the fifth master doesn't like to say a few more words.

"Welcome, this is my son Qi Yan, please take care of Mr. Wang in the future."

"Mr. Wang, hello."

"Hello, hello," Mr. Wang shook hands with Qi Yan in a daze. His eyes were a little dull. This is not Cen Wuye's boyfriend. Why has he become Tao Yiru's son again? Thinking that he was still laughing at Qi Yan as a little white face not long ago, he looked a little uncomfortable now.

"Mr. Qi is really a talent," Mr. Wang said with a smile and said a few good words, and took out the gift he had prepared.

The hearts of Tao Yiru and Cen Qiusheng were really big enough, and they watched the two sons get tired together and didn't stop them. I really don't know what these big brothers think.

No matter what Cen Qiusheng and Tao Yiru think, anyway, after many guests understand the relationship between Qi Yan, Cen Baihe, and Tao Yiru, they feel that the family's affairs are beyond words to describe, and they can only eat honestly. Food, chat, and watch Tao Yiru show off his son by the way.

Some people who asked Qi Yan to watch Feng Shui were very respectful of Qi Yan, and even the gifts they prepared were carefully selected.

"Master Qi," Boss Li squeezed to Qi Yan, "Do you have time these days?" Since Hongliangshan's problem was resolved, his beliefs were only money and Master Qi.

"Boss Li?" Qi Yan was stunned for a moment and recognized the person. "It's been a long time since I saw him. His waistline seems to have grown again?"

"Hahaha, I just made you laugh," Boss Li smiled honestly, touching his bulging belly, "It's all dependent on you to help me solve the important matter of life and death, so that I can grow flesh with peace of mind, otherwise..."

"Hi!" He waved his hand, "Today is your birthday, I won't talk about the bad things in the past."

It’s strange to say that since he listened to Master Qi’s advice, protected the natural scenery on Hongliang Mountain, and started to build the mountain temple, his fortune began to improve. The bank was willing to give him a loan to solve it, and then later invested in several projects made money, it was like a **** help.

Now that the mountain temple has been built, he just doesn’t know when people can officially worship, and he doesn’t understand these rules, so he wants to ask Qi Yan for help: "Master Qi, the mountain temple has been built. I also invited a master sculptor to sculpt the idol, but I don’t know the rules here..."

Qi Yan only then remembered that there is still such a thing, he forgot to count the recent days: "Tomorrow is a good day, suitable for inviting gods into the temple."

Inviting the gods into the temple means placing the carved gods in a proper position and holding a god-inviting ceremony to let the gods who worshipped know that there are his believers here, and pray for him to protect the peace.

"Please enter the temple for such an important matter, do you think you can..." Boss Li said with a smile, "I think the Hongliang Mountain God must be familiar with you. As soon as you invite him to an old man, he will definitely be willing to enter the temple. NS."

"This kind of thing always pays attention to a sincere heart, as long as you have righteousness in your heart and accumulate goodness into virtue, even if you don't believe in God in your heart, the natural fortune in the universe will naturally help you good luck," Qi Yan said the truth, but Seeing Boss Li looks like this, he obviously takes this matter seriously, so he nodded and said, "Since you are not at ease, I will accompany you on a trip tomorrow."

"Thank you, then I will trouble you." Boss Li was overjoyed, and he was about to say a few more words to Qi Yan. He turned to see Cen Wuye looking at him faintly, and he swallowed again when he ran to his mouth. I went back, "Master Qi, Master Qi, you are the little birthday star today, I won't bother you, and I will contact you tomorrow."

"Okay." Qi Yan watched Boss Li hide in the crowd in a hurry, and looked back at Cen Baihe with a smile, "What did you do?" He scared people like that.

"I didn't do anything," Cen Baihe shook Qi Yan's hand, "just glanced at him."

"Pretend to be innocent again," Qi Yan stretched out his hand to pull his face, looked at the guests in the room, and suddenly said, "The snow outside is so heavy, let's build a snowman."

Tao Yiru came over at this time, and after hearing Qi Yan's words, he waved his hand and said, "Go ahead, there is me here. Have fun on my birthday."

"Thank you mom." Qi Yan hugged Tao Yiru and dragged Cen Baihe out.

The snow scene outside was very beautiful. Snowflakes the size of goose feathers kept falling from the sky. Qi Yan bent down and formed a snow ball and squeezed it into the shape of a rabbit. "When I came to the imperial capital in the first year, I saw that the sky was up and down. Snow, the whole person can't wait to lie down on the ground and roll."

It rarely snows in winter in the mountain provinces. Even if it snows, it is in places where the mountains are relatively high, such as Wangxiang Town, where snow is hard to see, and only sleet is the most common.

So in the first year of coming to the imperial capital, when he saw that he was very pitiful, his classmates also laughed at him. At first glance, he knew that he was from the south or the southwest, because the children in these two places were particularly pitiful. I have never played in snow when I grow up.

Cen Baihe squatted down and silently helped Qi Yan Tuanxue, and in a short while, he set up a big school group.

"Bohe, you have become a grandfather," Qi Yan stretched out his hand to pat the snowflakes on Cen Baihe's head, and said with a smile, "I saw in the circle of friends, if a couple of lovers walk in the snow and hold hands until the snowflakes are full Head, you will definitely stay with you to the end."

"I don't know if I can reach the white head, but I will catch a cold for sure," Cen Baihe saw his face flushed with cold.

"Yeah." Qi Yan put his group's elementary school group on Cen Baihe's big snow group, and randomly picked a few leaves to make the snowman's eyes and nose.

"It seems that something is still missing." Qi Yan thought for a while, took off his scarf and put it on the snowman, and then took a few photos of the snowman.

"Don't be fooling around," Cen Baihe saw his neck exposed, and hurriedly took off his scarf and put it on Qi Yan. "It's not a joke in such a cold day."

Qi Yan smiled and put half of his scarf around Cen Baihe: "It's not all you are used to."

Cen Baihe looked at him grinning and couldn't say a word, but silently put his cold hand into his coat pocket.

Circle of friends.

Qian Qian is the most handsome: the snowman made by my family and I [Picture 1234]

Wang Hang: Make a snowman in a cold weather, MDZZ. [Vomiting expression]

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