The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 147: Killing (everyone is responsible for supporting genuine)

   It took five minutes for the coalition forces on the opposite side to notice that something was wrong, and when they confirmed that there was no more soldier on the line of defense blocking their advance, it took a quarter of an hour.

   "Hahaha! This defenseless city has finally been completely exposed to us. What are the soldiers waiting for? The time has come for the family to get rich! Let's rush!"

   "Go on, let our army go first!"

   "Why! Grandson, we are the coalition army, I am the highest officer of the y** team, you can't order me!"

   "Asshole! The stray dog ​​Tortoise, this **** led the team to the city first! Stop!"

   People from these countries can still be in peace when they are unanimously outside, but in the face of real interests, who cares about which country you are the son of a tortoise?

   This messy army squeezed into a ball on its own, and in the process of rushing into the city with twists and turns, they were the first to make a fire with each other.

   Soldiers from different countries took a sigh of relief in private. Now the people in Focheng are not their enemies, but the group of coalition forces who robbed together are their greatest enemy.

In the article    Gu, it was recorded in detail that in the battle against the foreign coalition forces in Focheng in 19oo, the number of our military and civilian cooperation killed 988 people, and the casualties caused by the enemy's cannibalism were also close to this number.

According to medical records, the red-haired and green-eyed foreign devils carried by the corpse collectors after the battle were uniformly placed in the large field of the Holy Catholic Church, which was destroyed and turned into ruins, and the records were preserved intact for foreigners to pay. The number of redemption corpses has also reached thousands.

   Therefore, civil strife is the most terrifying and fatal source.

Of course, this is all something to say. The foreign soldiers who rushed in happily entered the city and looked at the big gates with black tiles and blue walls. They were no longer under the control of the chief, and they all looked like red. Rabbits with eyes widened, scattered in all directions, rushing for the wealth they were about to acquire in the streets and alleys.

   "Chong! The ancient country of gold and silk! Here we are!"

   "Stop! Stop! You bastards, you must obey the command! Come back to me!"

   Even if the officers yelled through their throats, these soldiers, who had been trained in independent thinking since childhood, ran away like wild horses without a trace.

   Starting today, we have grabbed enough wealth and returned home immediately. Whoever wants to be a big soldier who has left the country will do it. Anyway, I won’t do it anyway.

   are holding such thoughts, the team is not easy to lead.

   I will soon become a polished commander, so let me grab it too!

   Yes, the chief didn't care about it. He pulled a few still obedient cronies and rushed towards the nearest high gate compound.

   cut into pieces?

   That would be easier.

   In the dark corners, in the dark alleys, in the corners of no one, in the bottom of the aggrieved ground, there is an existence like the ecstatic messenger sent by the Lord Yan.

   This time, the red-lighted girls who love beauty, are rare to unite. In this special night, they put on black-lighted night clothes.

   This time, young and impulsive martial arts second generations, carrying knives, guns, swords, halberds, axes, and hooks in their hands, their most handy weapons, sharpened their sharp blades and stood on the eaves beams that cross the streets.

   This time, the little beggars in the whole city have lost their sleepiness, taking their puppies in the most hidden places on the street corners, with bright little eyes, watching the coming fat sheep.

   This time, Gu Zheng lay outside Wang Hanlin's house, waiting for the first step in implementing his plan to fish in troubled waters.

  ‘Huh...huh...huh! ’

   One by one, the short-headed boys kept pace at their feet and ran towards the position of the two groups of horses that had been in ambush for a long time. When they passed by, they kept walking, but they lost key information.

   "Three yellow-haired devils came over here, two long spears, one short spear, no vigilance!"

   The little beggar who was in charge of delivering the news disappeared like a gust of wind in this dark, unlit street.

   Can't add chaos to the combat troops, I have to go back to the guarding place to continue spying on the military situation.

   The two groups of people who received the notice immediately became quieter, and even the sound of each other's breathing could not be heard.

   "Hahaha!" The arrogant laughter resounded on the street along with the appearance of these three people.

   "It's really weird, do you say that the big families in the Buddha city don't light up the lights at night? Most of the Buddha city is like a dead city, without even a single light?"

   "What's the matter with this? After we finish the grab, light a fire, won't the city be bright?"

   "Hahaha! You really have you, not Sibusky, let's start with this one! It looks like an official house!"

   Hearing such a shameless conversation, Gu Zheng just grinned, and raised his right hand gently toward the dark place, swiping it down like a guillotine, and then gave the command to do it.

   I saw that Yi Jiaozheng delivered several sneak attacks, saps, the main points and actions indicated in the gang fight guide, and the red light after the rehearsal many times, and took the lead.

  The unbreakable fishing nets woven by the best fish girls in the Buddha city were caught off guard from the top of the three people's! what is this? "

Before the three of them had time to raise the weapons in their hands, the barbed wire nets that were removed from the enemy's defensive fence were wrapped around their arms like spider silk. stand up.

   This time, the appearance of somersaults illuminated by red lights is no longer a flashy ostentation. After their dazzling and quick somersaults are over, everyone's hands are still pulling a few points on the soft wire.

   And the three hapless ones who were twisted back and forth in the middle, the weapons in their hands had already been pierced into the flesh with the iron wire, and after the silk thread was tightened and tightened, they fell to the ground.

   "Help! .."

Before he could speak for help, Gu Zheng squatted down on the edge of the high wall and gave instructions for the next step. This time it was his left hand, which was cut down like a rainbow, and bursts of cold light came from these unlucky ones. Flashed above his head.

  The second generations, holding various weapons, jumped down from behind the walls on both sides of the road, and rushed straight to the other side's face, back of the head, and stabs unceremoniously.

   Those with hooks and forks first fished out the weapons that fell in the net, and all the remaining clubs and swords greeted each other.


  ‘Boom Boom Boom’

   The three people who failed to call for help were like archery targets on a martial arts arena, filled with various weapons, and fell straight out of this black high-door alley.

   I didn't even scream for the help words just now, so I died before my aspirations. 8

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