Author: Erbao Angel

With this baggage opened, the first thing you see is a long knife with a scabbard. The format is a bit like the ancient embroidered spring knife that Gu Zheng once saw in a museum. The blade is not heavy and the length is moderate, even Gu Zheng. Such a half-sized boy can also wave with one hand.

Underneath it is a set of winter cotton armor with a helmet, short leggings, a double-breasted vest, and the material, which is quite porcelain.

Such a cotton-padded jacket, even if the cold wind blows through the sea, is enough to withstand the unimaginable cold.

Below the cotton-padded clothes is a single outfit that can now be seen directly on the upper body.

This suit is much simpler, except that the trouser legs are shorter than the trouser legs of the general arms, and it has the taste of the popular cropped trousers. There is nothing special.

Seeing that there are only two costumes, Gu Zheng, who scratched his head a little, heard Zheng Ergou’s kind answer behind him: "The military uniforms here are only used in the first quarter. It will be more difficult to get on during the recruits."

"We simply rely on the sea here, and it's not cold in the season. When it's not time for the task, the washing is finished, and it's dry overnight."

"If you really can't wait for three months, you can go to the material office with the payment you sent, and buy a spare one. This military uniform is not worth a lot of money."

"But when you leave the army, you must remember to return the old and new uniforms together. After all, these are also required to be reported to the munitions and are not allowed to flow into the civilian population."

Seeing Gu Zheng nodded very cleverly when he said that he had understood, Zheng Ergou thought of his younger brother at home. The man's heart softened, and he simply followed Gu Zheng's pace of cleaning up and explained this to him in turn. The role of materials comes.

"A set of bedding, this can be taken home."

"Soap beans, bathtubs, wooden combs, towels, except for the first time, you need to buy everything else by yourself."

"Oh, in this pouch is the rewards for non-military households who are enrolled in the army. I remember that newcomers can get five taels of silver. This is enough for your basic life without paying the salary at the beginning."

What a basic life, you spend five or two a month out, you are planning to live in those small courtyards with half-doors.

I just received the sea money earned with my life from the village chief. I thought that there are three taels of silver money here that is equivalent to the big money level. Whoever thinks, this has been taught by a big soldier as soon as he entered the camp. What does he call reality.

In fact, Gu Zheng had completely misunderstood the basic living conditions of a navy soldier.

Seeing the age of these people will also understand that these people have been here for many years and naturally have other sources of income.

Gu Zheng, who didn’t understand the way, only felt that he still had something to learn. He was lying on the new bedding filled with the scent of saponaria, accompanied by the snoring of the barracks, and he was about to usher in a new career as a sailor. Day.

The next day, Gu Zheng, who was already used to getting up early, thought that he would be the most diligent soldier. After he put on a new uniform, he found that Xiaoqi Shangguan’s bed, who had returned last night, was already early. The stacks are neatly stacked.

Gu Zheng was a little puzzled and put the towel on his shoulders, carried the washbasin and pushed the door open, and when he was going to Jing Wanluo to wash his face, he found that his head had already been cleaned up, taking advantage of others. When I got up, I was doing the most basic exercises on the empty field where I was washing.

Drawing a knife, slashing horizontally, slashing sideways, there were not a few moves, but this little flag, who was not as old as the soldiers he brought, did it very seriously.

Gu Zheng didn't bother his captain. On the contrary, after he finished the water, he found a horn and squatted there, and began to wash his face while observing that his immediate superior got up.

This small flag, who was only twenty years old, did not have the slick air of a veteran, but instead had a vigorous and upward spirit, which was a bit incompatible with the atmosphere of the small flag he was in.

It seems that this is also a new boss who has just been appointed by Wang Baihu, and has not been affected by the passive sabotage of the personnel under his hands.

That's good, I'm afraid that even the chief is lazy and unpretentious. If that's the case, Gu Zheng really has to plan for himself, whether he wants to switch to a small team and stay.

Time was spent in the silence of these two strange personnel. When the veterans stepped on the assembly point without even smearing their faces, when they assembled on the dock, Gu Zheng didn't even talk to him. The captain of the small flag said a word.

This person really applies basic training to his daily life, even squatting and leapfrogging, he can do it with relish.

And this unspoken captain only checked the arrival of all the members, and gave his first order today: "All the members are all here, each perform their duties, target the Long Island cruise line, and replenish fresh water in the caves and tidal flats in the middle. After that, we will return to the voyage again to cooperate with the cruise mission of the wavebreaker and be responsible for forward investigation."

"Do you have any questions?"



These sleepy-eyed veterans answered that they were uneven, but this did not affect their greetings to other colleagues in the 100 households that were dispatched as a whole.

Because Gu Zheng is responsible for matters that the banner is responsible for, usually the Cangshan boats they drive also set off half a quarter earlier than the main ship.

So these veterans still have time to chat goodbye to the other comrades who just started gathering on the dock.

"Hey, I said Old Xu, come here to play cards at night."

"Brother Zhang, go to eat at home during the holiday."

Those who knew this was going to make a front station for the main ship to detect, but those who didn't know thought they were rowing out to go fishing.

However, He Xiaoqi, who was the first to board the ship, didn't say a word. He just had luck in the bow. It seems that he should have suffered from the dark losses of these veterans before. Now he can only turn a blind eye to this situation. .

In the whole team, only Gu Zheng responded to Xiaoqi's order, and he silently walked to the stern, ready to take the initiative to do anchor work when the last teammate got on the boat.

There will be times when riding the wind and waves, even if these people are unreliable, they know how difficult military orders are and where they are able to receive monthly payments.

After Gu Zheng’s Cangshan ship sailed smoothly from the dock, Gu Zheng looked at the moment and found that the rhythm of the veterans was very accurate. It was not even a minute late, and it was stuck at the point of departure. , Began their patrol trip.

Although the journey at sea is beautiful, it is very monotonous to see more.

The color of the water and the sky are perfectly interpreted here, and people are easily lost in the surrounding area.

But this patrolling route is sailed by these veterans every day. For them who can walk in a circle with their eyes closed, this kind of task is the simplest.

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