The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 235: Engaged! Take office! (Happy Dragon Boat Festival

Wang Yingli, who didn't know that she had been misunderstood by her parents and her brother, but she simply didn't want to take the old road in her dream.

What's more, the boy in front of him, looking at her scorching gaze, can make his heart flutter like a bunny, unable to stop.

My girl is already so embarrassed. Under the crush of Wang Feng's embroidered shoes, Wang Zongbing finally reluctantly pointed to the farthest stool: "Sit down and talk about it."

Alas, it's about business after all.

"Boy, don't be too proud."

"The eldest lady of my royal family, it's not enough this year. If you sincerely ask for marriage, you will have to wait two years."

Then the strength on Wang Zongbing's feet was slightly stronger.

"But, in order to show your sincerity and patience, you can find the official media to propose a marriage, first set the marriage, and after you have time, choose a suitable auspicious day to discuss marriage."

"But only you and my family will know about this matter. You are still under my inspection period. If there is something my daughter is not satisfied with, the marriage contract will be automatically cancelled."

"As long as you are killed or disabled during the engagement, the marriage contract cannot be counted."

"Men's marriage and women's marriage are irrelevant, do you have any objections?"

This is ruthless, a bit harsh.

But Gu Zheng's answer once again refreshed the three views of girls in this world: "This is nature."

"As a man, he lost a hard-won marriage because of his own faults. It was his incompetence. I didn't ask Miss Wang for forgiveness. I was ashamed and retired."

"And if I am disabled by war during my tenure, I will take the initiative to withdraw from the marriage contract, so as not to impair the future happiness of Miss Wang."

"As for the war dead? It can't drag the girl's reputation. This world is already harsh on women, and I don't want my beloved girl to bear the name of Kef."

"So I agree to keep the marriage contract confidential, and I will find the most reliable official media in the city for a while, take care of it properly, and never let any gossip gossip."

"I wonder if your father-in-law is satisfied?"

"Self-satisfied! Gu boy, let go, I heard the family boy say that you are about to take office in half a month? That is to hurry up."

This time, it was no longer Wang Zongbing who made the decision, but Wang Feng, who was also touched by Gu Zheng's words.

This kid on the opposite side really likes the girl who has mistreated him.

How could Erlang easily agree to such a condition?

At least the Qi's kid just now would never know.

Gu Zheng, who was daring to fight, just like this, got a daughter-in-law for himself.

And as Gu Zheng looked in Wang Yingli's direction and gave the other party a reassuring smile, the girl who was sitting on the stool waiting for her with nervous eyes finally opened a reassuring smile.

It's good that the thing in the dream didn't happen. In her life, she only recognized the man in front of her.

If you are affectionate, I will never give up.

Broken hands and feet will also serve you for a lifetime.

The successful seizure of power by the mother and daughter of the Wang family gave the Wang Zongbing, who could only blow his beard and stare at the side, strength and nowhere to use it.

And after Wang Feng's finalized the matter, Wang Yingqiang, who had been watching from the sidelines, grabbed Gu Zheng's shoulders, as if he had already done it, and patted him on the shoulders haha. Laughed out loud.

"Gu boy, that's not right, I'm going to be called Brother Gu now, what did I say behind the screen?"

"It doesn't matter how good this Qi family boy is, I'm in yours. Now that you got what you wanted, how should you thank me?"

After hearing these words, Gu Zheng looked back at Wang Yingqiang with extremely surprised eyes. Just now, when he fought against Wang Zongbing alone for 300 rounds, this grandson and a quail hid like a quail to watch the excitement, and waited until he came out. When it turned out, he came over again to pretend to be someone.

No wonder you are my Shangguan, and you are proficient in doing this credit-grabbing thing.

But Gu Zheng turned his head to look at Wang Yingli who was shy and shy again, and he had to sigh and laugh dryly. Who made this be his future elder brother? For the beautiful girl, he endured it.

Thinking of this, Gu Zheng knew that it was time for him to leave.

Only with a certain degree of advancement and retreat can a better impression be left in front of the mother-in-law.

After Wang Yingqiang laughed enough, Gu Zheng shook his hand in the direction of Wang Feng and Wang Zongbing, and asked in a deliberative tone: "Then boy Rong will go back and prepare. I will bring four gifts tomorrow and let the matchmaker come to the door? "

"Well, let's go now. You need to prepare for these tedious things. After all, the engagement of my Wang family girl is not open for the time being, but there must be procedures to go."

"Boy knows, I'll leave now and go back to prepare."

Gu Zheng gave another salute and retreated from the house. When he walked to the unmanned garden, he raised his fist happily, and shook his fist towards the sky twice, revealing a rare little child. Gesture, jumped and ran out from the back door.

Looking at the direction of departure, it is the most prosperous commercial street in the city, an indispensable choice for big purchases.

And on the way to that side, he still didn't forget to move towards the client who had been watching the whole process, telling him the joy that he was about to complete the task.

"Boy, thank you for giving me six more years. Let me enjoy the thrills of life as a marine."

"It made me appreciate the fun of getting promoted and fortune, and it made my little heart, which has been drought for many years, jump again and again."

"Hey, let me tell you, people like people really have to rely on eyesight."

"Then the Huahua World where I was originally, what kind of big girls can't see, what kind of beauties can't see?"

"Your wish is to marry a beautiful lady. Is Wang Yingli beautiful? She is as beautiful as a rose flower, but she is definitely not the most beautiful girl in the Da Ming Dynasty."

"But I, I liked it at first sight. I like the cleverness of the round little apricot eyes, and the pure and clear little eyes that are not malicious."

"I like the spiciness of her making double knives, and I also like the little affection she has in her whole heart and eyes."

"Let me tell you, based on the experience of Yanzu Wu in Hongmen Village, this girl definitely wants to eat chaffy vegetables after you, and wants to be magnificent after you, because people are after you. , Not your identity, background, and the life you will bring to her in the future."

"So, you must be said that you are still thinking about Sister Lin in the fishing village. I have chosen for you."

Gu Zheng's muttering did not evoke the client's response, because the client in the space of laughing and forgetting books has fallen into infinite entanglement.

Miss Wang is very good, Miss Lin is also good, let me think about it again.

Laughing and forgetting the book on the side covered his face again. This is a typical idiot model. It seems that the new choices that Gu Zheng helped him open up made him even more confused.

No hurry, there are still four years left, let's take your time.

While others struggled, Gu Zheng had already done everything quietly.

At the side entrance of Wang Zongbing’s yard, there was a middle-aged woman who was dressed properly and did not wipe her face like a monkey's **** in the morning of the second day. Walked into Wang Zongbing's mansion.

After more than half an hour, the woman smiled and walked out quietly through the side door in cooperation with her servant.

If a careful person observes carefully, you will find that the envelope in the woman's hand before leaving was a bit thicker than when she first came, and the pocket on her waist also bulged a little more heavy harvest. .

Needless to say, for the knowledgeable colleagues, this medium has been completed.

As a matchmaker who has been officially registered as a matchmaker who is responsible for the protection of the media among the officials of the Da Ming country, this thank-you matchmaking gift is naturally indispensable.

After Gu Zheng got the Geng Tie that belonged to Wang Yingli, he handed it a thick kit to the smiling official media. After the other party’s congratulations, he knew that between him and the girl who moved his heart. At this point, it’s basically settled.

And what he has to do now is to work hard to get promoted and make a fortune in the remaining time, so that her future daughter-in-law, when one day marries her, will not only have the bright red phoenix crown, but also have it. Higher-grade imperial clothes.

In the future, when she gets together with the little sister, don't let her bow her head to others because of him.

The pure man Gu Zheng, when he achieved his wish, he quietly left with the Wang family, ended Mu Xiu early, and came to where he was about to fight for the future of his two people in the future. Post, Gong Liu Dao.

This small island, which is slightly narrow and long, has a small area, but it has an indescribable complex topography and an extremely important strategic position.

Among the garrison generals of the famous navy, it’s not that no one wants to change this situation, but the first element of the calm and strong defense line around this island is to destroy the Xianguo people and bandits who are constantly harassing. Chinese.

As Weihaiwei's first line of defense, it is very difficult to achieve this.

However, this is for others. For Gu Zheng, who has already obtained a cheat device through the enemy, it is a bit difficult to do this, but it can be overcome.

If he can really solve the problem of defensive construction of this island within a few years, then one point is passed, then not only the highest commander of Weihaiwei, but even the entire Liaodong Peninsula and the imperial court in Beijing will show their right His contributions will be rewarded accordingly.

At that time, such a great feat will still be a unique feat that no one will fight for, let alone being promoted to the third rank. There is also the possibility of being given a title directly.

No matter how bad it is, he can also get the position of a hereditary general who is irreplaceable.

Thinking of Gu Zheng here, his heart is surging, but when he gathers all the officers and soldiers of Gongliu Island for a morale-enhancing meeting, his heart is like thousands of Cao Ni horses running past. Crash.

He Xiaoqi, that’s not right. It should be He Zongqi now. Not only did he appear in the new team under his leadership, but the familiar faces he had seen in the new barracks followed him. Rear.

Even the eighth-grade warehouse official who was in charge of the supply of supplies on Gongliu Island was the logistic buddy he went to collect the supplies.

It seems that Wang Yingqiang did not worry about his future brother-in-law before he was transferred. He even made his own mind to transfer all of his so-called ‘direct lines’ belonging to Gu Zheng to Gongliu Island.

Thank you so much, teammate pig!

The matter was over, and it was useless to scratch his hair again. On the contrary, Gu Zheng calmed down a bit, and laughed after thinking about it.

"From today onwards, I am the newly arrived chiefs, the highest commander of Gongliu Island, Gu Baihu."

"This also means that from today on, your career career and wealth plan will be tied to my Gu Zheng."

"Yes, our brothers are fragrant and spicy, to promote the limelight of my famous navy, and to strengthen the reputation of my father Liu Dao guard."

"If you lose, you will die on the island and be stinking for thousands of years."

"Don't dislike the exaggeration I said, here," Gu Zheng shook a thin piece of paper in his hand: "It is the registration of Gong Liu Dao who has been temporarily breached by the enemy's defenses, or committed suicide and died in a heroic battle. The list of soldiers."

"The ones that were not registered on it were hacked by the imperial court of the daming country after they fled."

"They are not eligible to be recorded."

"So I'm not scaring you, follow me Gu Zheng to guard Gong Liu Dao, brothers, there is only one way to go, and that is to fight until only the last drop of blood is left, and live and die with Gong Liu Dao!"

"Do you have any questions?"

We were told by you, how are we all dead, and there is a fart problem.

This pre-war mobilization turned everyone into a frosted eggplant, wilted.

Seeing that everyone in front of you has become a mourning Gu Zheng's voice is just a change, and finally he said the topic.

"No problem? If there is no problem, then I will talk about how I will lead you to find a way to survive as a new officer."

"First of all, since it's a life of nine deaths, we can't expect the enemy's men to show mercy. We will not send large groups of pirates to harass while we are stationed on Gongliu Island."

"Secondly, we have to find a way to defend our future, whether we ask for help from the large army, and provide every opportunity to fight for our lives."

"Then I'm going to say that starting today, the cruise arrangement of Gongliu Island and the method of defensive exploration need to be changed."

"What everyone will do in the future is to prepare for future operations."

"And the first order I gave by Gu Zheng was to divide into ten teams with small flags as the unit, with Gong Liu Island as the center, and disperse in all directions."

"With a ten-day period, all the conditions in the sea area that each direction passes through will be recorded in detail."

"Islands and reefs that are big enough for ships to dock, and rocks that are so small that they can only be landed on by one person. No detail can be missed, and no exception can be overlooked."

"Anything that can be recorded, everyone should bring it back to the island in a good way, and be recorded by our secretary."

"We are going to make the most detailed chart of Gongliu Island so far, both for ourselves and for the tens of thousands of tongze of future generations."

"As long as we have this thing, we will have a ray of life, and Gu Zheng, I have the hope to lead everyone to create a new life."

"I hope everyone believes me, don't think I am younger than everyone here, but I am the one who cherishes my life the most!"

Because there is another person waiting for me, and I can't let her down.

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