The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 243: 20 years of bridal anthuriums

After three hundred rounds of battle with Wang Yingqiang with real swords and guns, Wang Yingli still couldn't wait to rush out of the house, and threw her brother over with three punches, like a bird out of a cage, wearing a red hijab. , Threw the long silk ribbon in his hands into Gu Zheng's hands.

Let her think about the man for many years, hold the red ribbon that led her to move forward, take her away from the home where she was born and raise her, and take her to their own little home.

In the west of Ningcheng, there is a small courtyard newly built by Gu Zheng. This is their temporary home after marriage. Before Gu Zheng took her to southern Fujian, it is also the place where the bridal chamber is dazzling tonight.

Wang Yingli, who was stumbling over her red skirt, was finally led by the people around her to complete her three prostrations in her life, and walked into her new dormitory nervously.

There, when Dahong Xizhu burst into flames, her husband-in-law, the enemy in her heart, finally stepped in.

The red hijab was slowly lifted, lifting away the dazed red in front of her eyes, and also let her see the newly eye-catching red that belonged to Gu Zheng.

The dark man who has always been favored by the sea breeze rarely wears such a gorgeous color because of his complexion.

But today, the color of this body that was supposed to be earthy and scumbags was stunned by the joy on Gu Zheng's face, which brightened the life.

There was a ridiculous red flower hanging on his chest, and there was still a slight scent of alcohol in his mouth, but his eyes were surprisingly bright, and there was no drunkenness at all.

His mouth is still so colorful and not serious, so that he who hears his words, even those who have already married him, will be ashamed of hearing it.

"Lady, it's great to finally marry you home."

"You know, since we got engaged, I have met you every day."

"I didn't drink too much, and Gu Zheng didn't lie. I close my eyes every night, and my mind is full of you."

"You are also in dreams, you are still with closed eyes, and you are still with open eyes. Not only do I miss you, I am still like this in my dreams."

Speaking of this, Gu Zheng gently lifted all of Wang Yingli's hijab, leaned her lips against her thin rouge cheek and kissed her.

"It's still like this."

Gu Zheng's hands encircled Wang Yingli's slender waist again, and the fine red silk made his hands slip and smoothly reached his back, tightly hugging the beautiful woman in his arms.

"Then that's it."

"Lady, shhh, don't talk, don't struggle, it's getting late, we should rest."

After saying this, Gu Zheng was bullied and pressed down, turning over and pressing down on the bed, the sweet lady who had finally gotten married.

Gu Zheng didn't forget to put down the gauze curtain behind him. He could only see that the people under him had already buried their heads on his chest in shame, and did not dare to lift them up.

Thinking of the age of my own lady, she had just entered high school in the real world, and she was young. He, an old cow, just gnawed a flower of the motherland.

No matter how you think about it, take care of the feelings of the people under you.

Therefore, when Wang Yingli was still at a loss, Gu Zheng temporarily stopped his continued movements, but instead used the most gentleness in his life to care for the sweet wife in his arms.

"Don't be afraid, lady, the dragon and phoenix candles outside are burning vigorously, and they will be extinguished together early tomorrow."

"Since then, our husband and wife are of the same mind, and we grow old together. I live up to your true love, let alone your leaning in company."

"So don't be afraid, leave it to me, and I will treat you gentlemanly."

After Gu Zheng's words were finished, it finally came to fruition. Wang Yingli in the new bed slowly poked out her long-awaited little head, and her eyes watery replied: "Yeah."

Gu Zheng, who received the response, smiled contentedly, and slowly took out the hairpin from the back of the lady's head, watching the blue silk cover the big red bed, and watching the sweet wife's cheeks gradually become the same. Red.

**It takes a short day to rise, lightly twirling and picking up slowly,

Furong account warmth **, since then the emperor did not come early.


Of course, Gu Zheng has not yet become so strong, he is now just a hard-working group of migrant workers.

After spending the night with his wife, he must not only wake up early in accordance with the Ming Dynasty rules, but also actively respond to the imperial order. From the second day of his wedding, he will drag his family and rush to Min. Zhejiang.

After Gu Zheng was taken over to serve as Gaotang’s old village chief at the time of Gu Zheng’s wedding and drank a decent cup of tea from his wife’s wife, Gu Zheng took his guards, all his wealth, and those on the carriage that turned back and forth one step at a time. My sweet wife, went straight to his new journey.

And this walk has taken a full twenty years.

Looking back again, the vicissitudes of life, when he spent 20 years in this world and died unreservedly in Wang Yingli’s arms, when he opened his eyes again, he returned to the little boy that made him suddenly feel strange. study.

The wall clock on the wall next to him is still ticking ~ It seems that the life in the sixth world is just the most real and incomparable yellow beam dream he has ever experienced.

But when he lowered his head and looked at the gilt gold sword wear that was woven into a concentric knot in his hand, he realized that that life was not the delightful enmity in his dreams, nor the charm he had imagined. And happiness.

There was a woman who really stayed with him all his life, caring for him at home, and conceiving children for him. She never had any signs of getting rid of her, and she never blushed.

His life was happy. Although it was a bit vigorous when he died, in Gu Zheng's plan, he used a heroic sacrifice in exchange for the greatest benefit of future life for his wife and children.

right? maybe?

Gu Zheng, who was guilty of thinking about it, didn't want to die so much, but who made this buddy's lifespan approaching?

In front of outsiders, Gu Zheng can still behave like a okay person, but only he knows best. In the last few days of that world, the gradual separation of his soul body from the body of that world has happened more than once. .

In order to make his departure not so inexplicable, he suddenly changed from an intact person to an unconscious living dead, and in order to solve the world's biggest anomaly by the way, he has been squeezing the feat-earning maritime hegemony system over the years. .

Gu Zheng thought of a strategy that would kill two birds with one stone.

End up with the opponent's big boss, not only can use the opponent's energy for his own use, but also find a perfect way for his bravery.

But who came to think, why did his wife suddenly appear?

Gu Zheng, who had just reacted from the return of the Mongolian circle, grabbed the Laughing Forgotten Book, which was already corpse on the small desk, and eagerly began to turn to the sixth page.

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