The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 266: Bodhisattva Appearance Gives Supplies

That's right, Li Shanchang is a man who thinks too much, and the reason why he can't think about it for a while is that he originally had an extremely good opportunity to become an official, but he missed it by his own mistake.

He thumped his chest and feet, and the more he thought about it, the more he suffocated, and when he caught a cold at night, he got into the horns of madness in a very embarrassing manner.

But misfortune and good fortune depend on each other. Although he is crazy, he also knows what happened in these days.

The person who got the chance of promotion he originally wanted to seek is now being distributed by the original person, right?

And that's how he could let his depression gradually dissipate, and if he was so excited by this monk, how could it be better?

I always felt that this temple was full of mysterious Li Shanchang. He suddenly became interested in this temple and wanted to take a closer look.

So when he turned around, he called twice to his parents.

"Daddy, mother, the child is not filial, it makes you worry!"

Hearing that their son, after being crazy for so long, finally said a clear and normal word, they didn't care about anything, the two took a step forward and gave Li Shan a long hug. In the arms.

"My poor son, my parents are relieved after all. We can now go back to our hometown with ease, son, what you want to do is up to you!"

Seeing his parents like this, Li Shanchang happily pointed in Gu Zheng's direction: "Daddy, if you are not in a hurry, we will be harassing in this temple for a while, and we will wait until it is confirmed that my madness is all cured. It’s not too late!"

After speaking, he thanked him and smiled in Gu Zheng's direction.

When Gu Zheng subconsciously planned to drive away this possible trouble and variable, the twenty-four filial father on the opposite side, the middle-aged man, handed Gu Zheng a piece of heavy silver nude, and a few pieces of Dayuan. There are as many as 30 treasures of North Korean GM.

Money can push the ghosts.

Buddha also has to make three points!

Gu Zheng turned to Zhu Yuanzhang without changing his face and heartbeat. After confirming that the other party had everything up, he maintained the demeanor of an expert, and said faintly: "Zhu Chonger, with three donors, Rest in the backyard."

"Yes! Brother!"

The job of running errands is naturally the job of the waiter.

And Gu Zheng's main task is to continue to work hard under such circumstances.

"Everyone, it's getting late, and the incense time of Huangjue Temple is approaching today."

"The sky is cold and dew, and the road downhill is not as flat as the road."

"Every donor, take advantage of the sky when you can see the road, hurry down and go down the mountain."

Gu Zheng's instructions were reflected by the villagers who were watching the excitement.

And those folks from ten miles and eight villages who have never been in the same mood, did not need the instructions of others, and replied in unison: "Amitabha, please follow the decree of the young master!"

Then he withdrew from the main hall solemnly, and the people in line headed down the road down the mountain from the temple.

The short-term effort was so clean, and even the bits and pieces of trash that were often left behind during the incense day were all taken away.

This time, it was actually clean, as if those a little noisy characters hadn't been incense in today.

It turned out that the **** man responsible for the later stage of sweeping was useless.

Gu Zheng gently shook his head, flicked the rosary in his hand, and walked towards the backyard, pacing square steps.

And those villagers who left the temple and went down the mountain together, it was after a long distance from the temple gate that there was an unprecedented voice of heated discussion.

"Have you seen it? Have you all seen the section where Wuyu Mage exorcated evil in the hall just now?"

"I saw it!"

After being asked by a prestigious woman, everyone around nodded.

"My mother, let me tell you that since just now, my little heart has been thumping and throbbing."

"Scared by that lunatic."

"But when the undesirable monk starts to recite the mantra, the clear heart mantra, the mantra for Avalokitesvara of Great Compassion and Compassion."

"I, it's like sitting in the clouds, fluttering, gently, and my whole heart is quiet!"

"What's the matter?" An old lady was speaking next to him: "Let me tell you that when the Wuyu Mage talked to the end, such a big lotus platform appeared behind him."

The woman made a desperate gesture to the sky, and then said: "The one with the golden light, and the Buddha language behind it, can be majestic."

"I suddenly saw a group of Bodhisattvas looking towards us."

"In that battle, the gods and Buddhas all over the sky are helping the Wuyu mage."


When the real scene described by the woman was drawn out by her, the people who descended from the mountain were surprised and envied all believe it.

One of them was a little daughter-in-law. When everyone’s discussion was weak, she touched her flat belly a little embarrassedly, and the mother-in-law who went down the mountain next to her asked: "Mother, you said, there is this in Huangjue Temple. Such a great power, the lottery we drew in front of the Buddha, and the wish of giving off the child we promised, will it be realized soon!"

Hearing what my daughter-in-law said, this old lady with a cloth scarf was also very pleased. She patted her hands, and even the footsteps down the mountain were a bit brisk: "Oh my dear daughter-in-law, maybe you really are. A lucky person."

"Maybe, our grandson of the old Wang family is already in your stomach now!"

This group of people have everything they say, anyway, there is only one theme, that is, this Huangjue Temple will still come to visit often in the future.

As for how many of those people have gradually begun to believe in the Buddha because of Gu Zheng's performance today?

Gu Zheng said that he is very clean now.

Because Xiao Wangshu has passed the real-time footage of these believers to Gu Zheng, so that he can sit in the meditation room and follow up on the surrounding affairs.

Of course, most of the villagers said that Gu Zheng was very satisfied. Such subtle and not too exaggerated rumors are still very good for the survival of a temple.

As for the lady who had a baby in her belly when she left... it really had nothing to do with Gu Zheng.

Anything else? Gu Zheng looked at the slowly increasing number on the entry of the junior Buddhist believers, and nodded very satisfied.

Now that the main task is to expand the number of believers, Gu Zheng has completed the simplest first ring, ten junior believers.

Moreover, there was no pause after the completion, and the fifty believers in the second session were slowly advancing.

The material rewards corresponding to the ten believers finally made Gu Zheng smile.

Had it not been for this thing to maintain, after he had just gone to the warehouse to see the offerings of the villagers today, he doubted whether the temple would be disbanded on the spot, it might be easier to complete the next task.

The donations in the warehouse are really too few.

A few pieces of tofu, mixed with grains in the bag, only filled half of the bag, and didn't know which one was lacking in mind, but also stuffed their alms box with a few purses.

In the end, the few solitary coins that were not even covered with the bottom of the box made Gu Zheng even think that he might need to pretend to be a beggar in the big and big town in order to lead the people in this temple in troubled times. Survived in.

However, this system suddenly became so powerful, it was only after completing such a preliminary task that he was given so many basic materials.

It seems that this is a system that upgrades itself by absorbing willingness.

As for the foreign objects, they have no effect on things like the system. As for how they got it?

Gu Zheng felt that his brain was full of those systems that were already unscientific. This was not within the scope of the scientific knowledge he could now grasp and could be explained.

Therefore, Gu Zheng, who didn't plan to worry anymore, soon began to look at the 500 kilograms of wheat flour in the warehouse, hehe, silly.

Flour, dumplings, steamed buns, white flour cakes, pancakes, fried dough sticks, hemp flowers, which one does not need this material?

Incorporating the wild vegetables in the mountains and plains that will increase soon, it is very capable of withstanding a But these are subsections, and now the most important thing is how to subtly expand the number of believers, and The degree of it needs to be controlled.

Because in a few months, it was the moment when the manpower irresistible catastrophe came, and what Gu Zheng had to do was to desperately store enough supplies for the remaining monks in this temple.

Only by allowing one to survive can one be qualified to continue as the Virgin.

Thinking of here, Gu Zheng clicked on the lottery system, and while waiting for the first pass, he was drawn a futon with a clear heart and eyesight, learning efficiency +5.


Gu Zheng, who felt that he belonged to the group of Africans, was about to get up to see the rise of potatoes in the ground behind the temple, there were two crackling noises in his mind.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully developing two permanent believers for the temple, completing the first stage of the high-level task, and developing ten permanent believers in the next stage."

Whoops, this is really a surprise.

Who are the two senior believers? Gu Zheng doesn’t have to ask, because on the top 500 list of fans named “Fan Value” at the top of the screen, there are two still-lit portraits lying alone. .

One is Li Shanchang's father and the other is Li Shanchang's mother.

The fan value of the two is actually tied for one or two, each is 20 taels.

It seems that the value of the precious banknotes plus cash they donated today has been discounted and counted by this recording system.

This kind of self-explanatory thing is really suitable for Gu Zheng to use.

Satisfied, Gu Zheng nodded, and almost kneeled after seeing the reward for completing this mission.

What is meant by obtaining weapons for private rebellion?

The system was actually given to Gu Zheng in a brainstorming manner, enough to be equipped with the armor and weapons of a 5-person personal guard team.

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