The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 325: I am the new king of the Chinese Khan Empire

Although the car tent he was lying on was large enough, Gu Zheng had not yet expressed his brave ideas in the open air under the eyes of everyone.

This night, the two men and women who met for the first time were arrogant.

And when Gu Zheng ended his last expedition and returned to Anita Spike City.

In the City Lord's Mansion, whether it was Zhao Meng or Qiu Chuji, when they saw an enchanting girl beside Gu Zheng, their performance was very calm.

Among the Mongolians who can start fighting at the age of twelve and marry a wife and have children at the age of fourteen, Gu Zheng, who has not shown any affection for women at the age of sixteen, has not known how to open meat until now. In their opinion, it is already It's something that can only be done by a very restrained leader.

As for this girl, in the subsequent contact with a few people, it turned out to be the blue eyes of Master Qiu Chuji, who loved her very much.

In addition to telling her about the customs of the Song Dynasty, Qiu Chuji also began to teach this girl, some self-defense techniques that people in the Central Plains are keen on.

In his words, she has the blood of Song Chao people, and she has a yearning for her homeland, and teaching more Song Chao things will be of great benefit to her future life.

Although Qiu Chuji remained skeptical about whether this girl named Daiqisi could reach Songchao, which was thousands of miles away.

But this does not affect his use of Song Guoren's ideas to teach this girl how to behave and the most basic knowledge.

Because this girl appeared next to Gu Zheng, the only woman, and usually a woman’s pillow wind had a huge impact on a man.

In the future when the situation changes, if there is a Mongolian force close to the Song Dynasty, it will be very good news for the entire Song Dynasty and even the Han people.

Out of various considerations, Qiu Chuji had no secrets, and taught this girl named Daiqisi what he had learned all his life.

And Gu Zheng is also happy to see this kind of behavior, after all, in the moments when she can't be with her, Daiqisi has a fulfilling life, her own beautiful yearning, and a colorful learning life.

This is great for Gu Zheng, who has already begun to prepare for the reception of the returned Mongolian army.

That's right, the Westward Expedition, which lasted for more than a year, finally came to an end after the king of Huaganzimo was completely wiped out.

All the princesses and family members of the Huajianzimo country, as well as the gold and wealth that belonged to this country for many years, were also in the hands of Genghis Khan.

Genghis Khan launched an army of 400,000, and with the momentum of thunder, wiped out the Huaquanzi mold country of the same size as the original territory, which is an indelible great feat for the entire Mongolian country.

Originally, these rush-and-run styles would be well implemented by the Mongolian people, but after they returned to the thorn city, they discovered that this strategy had a certain deviation within the scope of this city.

Just because of the words that Gu Zheng and Tie Muzhen talked privately at the celebration banquet.

The original Genghis Khan was just trying to take a simple rest when he returned to the thorny city.

Because their Mongolian warriors only know how to plunder, but don't know how to manage a city.

But in the past half a year, Gu Zheng actually restored a dilapidated thorny tower to its original appearance.

Although the city was not as luxuriant as it was due to the war, the various commercial roads leading to the ancient Persia country that have been opened up have allowed this city to regain its vitality as a commercial city.

Under their eyes, the city has begun to come and go. People from different countries and tribes have begun to pull their mules and horses to the city occupied by the Mongolian people and provide a variety of what they used to be. What I haven't seen is a specialty in the desert city.

The sparkling diamonds hidden under the gravel, the fat cacti with desert characteristics.

The rare spice in various colors, and the woolen products woven with unique techniques here.

All of this shows that if the Mongolian people had such a territory standing here, they would provide their country with so much resources.

Therefore, after Gu Zheng perfectly persuaded Genghis Khan, this large piece of land from Anita Thorn City to the southwest was originally the territory that Gu Zheng had laid down, and it was all put under the territory of this only sixteen-year-old boy. middle.

Gu Zheng became the one with the most extensive territory among Genghis Khan's grandchildren.

Although in the eyes of outsiders, this vast territory is not as valuable as the small piece of grassland with fertile aquatic plants, but only Gu Zheng knows what benefits this territory will have for his future development.

In this way, Gu Zheng took Genghis Khan's expectation, with a bit of unwillingness to give up, and a bit of hatred from Guiyou, and stayed on the first piece of territory that belonged to him.

From today onwards, he has become the true master of this vast expanse of territory, and the accounts he and the client of this world can finally calm down and forget it.

So, on this day, Gu Zheng was crooked in the city lord’s mansion of the thorn city, which should now be his capital mansion. He drove away all the servants who were waiting for him, and quietly talked to the little ball of light in his mind. Come.

"I said, how are you learning basic geographical knowledge with Xiao Wangshu now?"

The small white ball on the opposite side swallowed before Gu Zheng's powerful anger, and replied straightforwardly: "I understand all the knowledge taught by Xiao Wangshu."

"But in the simulation environment he simulated, I still get lost."

"He said that this is no longer a defect that humans can intervene. It is simply a question of my brain structure."

"I also feel like going north and south, east and west! The premise is that I want to know where to go!"

Hai Gu Duzheng, who was dizzy as soon as it was placed in a real environment, he himself was very broken, alright.

"So?" Gu Zheng adjusted a very comfortable posture and continued to ask: "Are you planning to rely on me?"

"It's not that there is no way to make a Lu Chi Xianyu completely turn over, but the only way for a Mongolian cavalry leader to take the army out is to become the supreme commander of the country."

"No matter how bad it is, it's like becoming your father's king. Heir to the crown prince who is worried about everything."

"Now you have obtained your own territory, but when the Mongolian army's second western expedition came, your place became the first stop of the first expansion."

"And your road idiot has once again become your shortcoming, even if you have a dedicated team to lead the way."

"Ha, this is really a good calculation, but who made me fall in love with this world?"

Gu Zheng would not admit that he was a fanatical admirer of the Chinese Solstice Empire in his bones. In this world, he seemed to see the hope of pushing the theory of the yellow race aristocracy to the entire world.

Even if his current body is an authentic Mongolian.

But in the modern era of the great unity of fifty-six nationalities, are the Mongolians also a part of the Chinese?

Gu Zheng, who accepted his identity very calmly, directly withdrew from the Book of Laughing and Forgetting. Although there are still three or four years to go to the second west expedition in the client’s memory, Gu Zheng wants to There is too much work done.

I don't know since when, the surrounding cities of Anita Spike City have formed a big net with this ancient city as the center and closely connected.

In Gu Zheng's wars of conquests and conquests over the past few years, he has crossed the Caspian Sea perfectly, and set out to the west.

He not only succeeded in bringing Turkey near the Black Sea into his pocket, but also along the coastline of the Red Sea, for the first time to see the ancient Sudan on the other side of the Nile across the sea.

He didn't know how much fear his behavior caused.

Because at the entrance of that ancient Egypt, the black and red-skinned army has been stationed to a full They are not afraid of the natural line of defense of the sea, the only thing they are afraid of is the tides of the Nile, so that the Mongolian army, Able to cross the coastline and plunge straight into their vast and fertile land.

Just when they were ready for the battle to start, Gu Zheng, who was opposite, yawned boredly, and led the cavalry team back.

Because just now, the offspring of the black eagle that he once shot down with a bow fell on his arm and brought him the latest news from Mongolia.

Over the years, he has not broken the contact with that side, because there are the client's dear Eji, and the tribes who followed Gu Zheng on the first west expedition.

Those who were sent back brought a steady stream of news from Mongolia to Gu Zheng.

Even if it is thousands of miles away, Gu Zheng can grasp the first-hand news.

For example, Genghis Khan's funeral, he didn't miss it, and for example, the results of the power struggle among the descendants of this place, he also knew the first time.

Because this time, there were only two people who won the final victory, and that was Wo Kota who had obtained the rightful right to succeed to the throne.

This is his father and king, and Genghis Khan, who passed the country to his hands in front of all his brothers and generals before his death, the ultimate winner of the Khan position.

As for the other, it was Cheng Ji Si Khan's youngest son, Tuo Lei, because he was afraid that he would not live well in the future, Genghis Khan actually handed over half of his military power to Tuo Lei's hands.

An orthodox profuse sweat, based on the military power he possesses, is not as good as an ordinary king sweat.

This made Gu Zheng's biological father very shameless.

Of course, this was before Gu Zheng arrived at Genghis Khan's funeral.

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