The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 331: When the queen's ambition was crushed

And at this breakfast table, Gu Zheng also gave his final announcement.

"Okay, let's not talk too much nonsense. My army still needs to continue marching northward. If you want to come to the two principalities around you, the time of destruction will only be a little later than you."

"This time Mongolia's western expedition plan, you are nothing more than a collateral item, who made you bad luck, Oros happened to be on the European continent, we must pass through the country?"

"So my kind words with you, I'll just say here, Grand Duke Vladimir, you and your family, after enjoying this last hearty breakfast, you can leave."

"As for you, my dear Karina too."

"You have two paths to choose from."

"First, I can give you a wealth that will make you worry-free in underwear for ten years, uh, in the words of your Oros nobles, it is your dowry in the future."

"After all, your current father is just an empty title of Duke, but he is a downright person who has no territory or property."

"I know that when you aristocratic girls in Oros want to marry a good partner and family, the dowry is the first consideration for the other party."

"According to your own charm value, I think that after you have such a large amount of wealth, you will definitely make yourself live a better life."

"The second one is when I am my lover in Oros."

"Of course, this lover must have a time limit. That is the time I was in Oros. When I miss you, I will naturally send someone to find you."

"During this period, I will provide you with a comfortable house, a sufficient number of servants, and a wealth of living expenses."

"And when I no longer need this contract, I will send someone to give you the corresponding expenses, a sum of wealth that is enough for you to satisfy your first wish."

"what do you think?"

This is the rhythm of directly raising Ye Karina.

Uh, but for European women in this period, the social life of the upper class is actually what many people yearn for.

But when these two choices came out of Gu Zheng's mouth, Karina only felt that they were an insult to her.

Because these conditions all made clear, Gu Zheng did not have any fascination with her at all, whether it was mental or physical.

This is the biggest insult to a very attractive woman, and it is also the first time that Karina, who is General Yum Son in love, broke into sand for the first time.

So Karina, who was extremely unwilling, bit her plump red lip, pursed her lips, half acting coquettishly and half discussing and said, "Then can I have a third choice?"

Seeing the woman on the opposite side singing and playing, Gu Zheng found it very interesting. He put his hands under his chin, as if he was enjoying an interesting opera, and said: "Oh? Then your third What is this choice?"

Karina also heard Gu Zheng’s question, she was a little excited, as if she had made preparations many times for the negotiation, she stood up from her seat and started her own speech. .

"I want to say, dear Prince of Mongolia, the territory of your country will grow bigger and bigger as you fight."

"But the cities and territories you pass through require people to govern. Find someone you trust and who is a local to help you manage this territory belonging to Grand Duke Vladimir. What do you think? "

"The governor is your woman and your admirer. She will always follow your decision and kneel at your feet."

"You only need to give her a little bit of military and financial support when you push her to the front desk."

"After all, in a territory full of male rulers, a female heir looks like a weak and helpless sheep."

Speaking of this, Karina pointed her finger to her surroundings: "And you don't need to worry about the future of these losers."

"They won't cause you any more troubles. I will treat them with the same treatment as the losers of the competition."

"They will be exiled to the exile of the losers in Siberia. What do you think of this choice?"

Seeing this extremely ambitious woman and talking in front of her, Gu Zheng suddenly laughed.

He snapped his fingers outside, and Zhao Meng opened the door of the restaurant in accordance with the arrangement that he had discussed with Gu Zheng yesterday.

At this time, a woman walked in slowly outside the door.

She wore the same royal blue silk shirt, but the style was conservative in the Arabian style.

Although Karina did not have the sexiness and fullness of yesterday, but under the cover of the veil covered with silver silk thread, it showed a kind of unreasonable luxurious beauty.

This woman came slowly, with a demure that the Oros did not possess, but in her face the same deep wildness as Oros.

The pace is not hurried, like a princess, patrolling her territory and subjects.

She walked slowly in front of Gu Zheng, knelt down under Gu Zheng's body, as if looking up at her, and said to Gu Zheng, "My king."

On the other hand, Gu Zheng did not hesitate to show her intimacy. Instead, he pulled her up and lifted her sturdy long legs outwards, and immediately let this woman sit on his lap. Half leaned in his arms.

Then Gu Zheng turned his attention to Yekarina again, and asked with a bit of ridicule: "Then why do you impress me and let me support your superiors?"

"You know, your ambitions are very detrimental to the management of my territory."

"Because on the land of Oros, from today onwards, there is no need for any nobles other than Mongolians to exist."

"And even if I use local people to manage this land, I will choose from among the truly capable."

"As for you, Karina, you are definitely a good lover and a very thoughtful careerist."

"But now you, you must have made a mistake, just like your father who still wants to struggle."

"This country was truly defeated by me with one blow, not the infiltration of your so-called forces."

"I don't need a puppet regime, let alone an aristocratic spokesperson."

"I just need to be down-to-earth and send me Mongolian officials to take over."

"Because from today, there is no such a class of Oros nobles, don't you know? The next target of my march is the capital where your emperor is located."

"Furthermore." Gu Zheng turned his head to the direction of the beauty in his arms, turned his thigh slightly, and said as if asking: "Daiqisi, talk to the lady who is the same woman. , Regarding the capital of beauty, what kind of conditions can ultimately be exchanged for you?"

Sitting on Gu Zheng’s lap, Dai Qisi, who was walking with the army, smiled at Gu Zheng with the sweetest smile. She tilted her head like the purest angel and replied: "My terms. It's simple. It was from the beginning."

"That is, a king who fell from the sky saved the miserable and helpless me. As long as I can take me to the Song Country I dream of, I will be satisfied."

"Because" said Dai Qisi, she stroked Gu Zheng's angular chin with her hands: "Because I was in the process of getting along with the king, I found out that when I was with you, even if it was a little bit I am willing to ask for nothing."

Gu Zheng took a deep look at Dai Qisi, her dark gray eyes were extremely serious, and then he smiled, the hard face seemed to be soft by three points, and then he turned his head to the point. Karina's direction.

Said: "Look, this woman's request is so simple, and with such a simple request, she has been by my side for four years."

"Do you think that your cheap love or your body can match Daiqisi's sincerity, or do you think that your noble status can bring you enough bargaining chips for you on the bed?"

With Gu Zheng's words here, Dai Qisi beside her chuckled lightly: "What aristocratic ladies, those princesses who are subjugated, the daughters of chieftains, and even the female leaders who hold a party, shouldn't it be our king? In front of him, lower that arrogant head?"

"Without complaint, **** and undressing, and even longing for the mercy of our king?"

"Each of them is more sober than Miss Karina, because from the moment the country is shattered, they no longer have their previous identities, and even the poor girls in the country will live more freely than them."

"And you, I have to say, you are the busiest and brainless woman I have ever met. Although your **** are not as plump as the Queen of Lebanon."

"Oh, do you remember that woman?" Gu Zheng was a little bit nasty, put his head close to Daiqisi's face, and let his breath tick the opponent.

"Yeah," Dai Qisi flirted with Gu Zheng a little shamely: "When you walked into their palace, the woman bent over and hugged your thigh, making her huge lumps of meat perfect. When it’s wrapped around your legs, I’ll know what she’s making."

Looking at Dai Qisi on the opposite side, Gu Zheng couldn't help but burst into laughter when it was a rare occasion when his teeth were tickling with hatred.

Then he put his eyes on Yekarina and asked: "Do you understand your situation now?"

"There is an old saying on our side, that is one night husband and wife Bai Yeen, so throw away your unrealistic choices and choose one from one or two."

Now Karina, since Daiqisi appeared in this room, she was as depressed as the same basin of cold water poured over her head.

Compared with the other party, he has no advantage at all.

At this time, she has no previous determination and ambition hidden in her heart. She is just thinking about how much this wealth is.

So, she bit her lip, cheered up from the blow just now, and asked Gu Zheng with the most miserable and helpless expression, "Then, how much wealth can you give me?"

Gu Zheng touched his chin with interest: "What do you think of one-third of the original wealth of the Grand Duke?" He looked around and sat the entire table full. The basic members of Grand Duke Vladimir continued. Said: "Based on the number of your brothers and sisters, I think I have helped you get enough property."

And after Karina saw the jealous light bursting out of her younger sister behind her, she said with a little triumph: "Then can I ask for the protection of the two guards."

"After all, I am a single woman, if I carry such a large amount of wealth, I don't know what gangsters will rob me."

"What's more, I didn't plan to set off with my family. Didn't you say that you could give me a second choice?"

"Then can I stay in the original room for the time being after you set off, and then start from here when I'm ready?"

"You know, I don't want to be with such a family. In the end, the wealth you gave me has turned into their squandered property."

"I don't want my'hard-earned money' to be ruined like is really, tusk.

Gu Zheng twitched the corners of his mouth insignificantly, and nodded in agreement.

A young girl who had lost the title of nobility, and two guards who didn't know whether it was her lover or other relationships, cruelly abandoned her family.

Gu Zheng was very curious about her next path.

But this person is just a fresh concoction in his life. When he turns his head, they are strangers passing by.

Since Karina had made her own choice, Gu Zheng didn't bother to spend any more thoughts on the family. He straightened his legs from the chair, and Daiqisi took the opportunity to stand on the ground from above and turned her head. , He gently wrapped his arm within Gu Zheng's arm.

"Let's go, the army is almost rectified, I think we should move towards the next goal."

"Yes, my hero."

The two people left like no one else. When Gu Zheng was about to leave the restaurant, a fresh, blocking sound suddenly came from behind.

"King Haiguduzheng Khan, if I say that I also want to serve you, can I also get the same wealth like my sister?"

When Gu Zheng heard this, he turned his head in surprise, only to find that the one who said this was the younger sister who was very uncomfortable with Yekarina.

After hearing the shameless words of her own sister, Karina seemed to have been greatly stimulated, and turned her head to yell at Annabella.

"To shut up!"

But Annabella didn't seem to hear her sister's furious lesson, just staring closely, and Gu Zheng's reaction, who looked back, put her neck in the most elegant posture.

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