The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 334: The hapless one caught

It’s just that in every corner, the most authentic history will be fed back to the audience who watched the live broadcast.

That's right, the live broadcast of Zhang Hongyang's journey through, there are audiences.

And his audience is the most real people who eat melons in the modern space he is in.

Because he is a re-opened live broadcast account, and the name of his room has also been changed to "show you the most authentic history".

So the audience who came in at the beginning were not many, but absolutely, they were all people who had a great interest in history.

Of course, compared to people who watch live broadcasts with other purposes, the number of people who love history is naturally rare and pitiful.

Most of them are students in school, and there are some boring graduate students who major or minor in history.

They only clicked in when they saw the title and found it strange.

It’s really rare to see such a rigid and serious topic live on various live broadcast channels where singing and dancing and beautiful women are cute.

Therefore, they opened the live broadcast room with the attitude of coming up to complain.

As a result, the historical street that was actually presented more than a hundred years ago shocked the audience on the opposite side.

These true history fans, after studying the party, cried out with their noses and tears.

Facing the old photos, they reproduced the fact that these streets once existed, and they gave a thumbs up for the great work of this live broadcast room.

And these poor history students, gritted their teeth, contributed their instant noodle money, and rewarded this poor little handsome anchor with a few landmines, which was barely causing the screen-sweeping situation. .

The task of letting Zhang Hongyang's novice test is easily completed.

‘The number of viewers in the live broadcast room exceeded 50, and the number of rewards exceeded 10. ’

Zhang Hongyang returned to the modern world with ease, holding a string of copper plates more than 100 years ago in his hand.

She reacted from the shock, and immediately went to the antique shop to find her master for appraisal.

In the end, the one hundred copper coins, because of their complete appearance and scarce quantity, brought him nearly 200,000 Chinese Khan coins.

In an instant, his life reached a well-off standard.

Suddenly, Zhang Hongyang fell in love with this otherworldly live broadcast system software.

He seemed to see the antique paintings and calligraphy of various dynasties beckoning to him, and he also saw the hope of becoming a local tyrant in reality.

Therefore, when the live broadcast system issued a second live broadcast task today, he clicked to accept it without hesitation.

Then, after packing up the equipment for survival in the wild that he specially purchased, he set off on the road arrogantly.

Whoever thinks that when he falls on the land of the new world, the system will automatically explain the time background of this world clearly.

It was actually written in their textbooks, the time of the biggest battle against Europe in the early days of the Chinese Khanate.

The day before the War of Warstadt.

What kind of luck is this.

After seeing the words (Dangerous Plane) marked on this time period, Zhang Hongyang felt like crying without tears.

Who knows that after the novice mission, when choosing each time plane node, it is selected by randomly drawing cards?

As an African, the reason why he was able to develop the best device last time must be his reaction after he ran out of luck in his life.

Otherwise, in the ninety-nine D-level worlds and one A-level world cards, why did he draw this Aces?

Zhang Hongyang, who had been sent here, could only be cautious and cautious. After avoiding many dangerous people, he finally succeeded in trading half a bag of candy from the hands of a farmer in a remote suburb in exchange for his ragged clothes. Sackcloth of ancient European peasants.

Only then did he dared to stumble and follow the instructions of the system and head towards the assembly place of the Battle of Warstrata.

The task this time is no less difficult than a survival in the wilderness.

Otherwise, after seeing the small stream, how could Zhang Hongyang rush up ecstatically and just pour it without waiting for it to boil?

Because of thirsty.

But after he finished pretending to be on the live broadcast, the old viewers who have been following him since the last live broadcast began to express their opinions.

[Autumn Sword and Fish]: This stream looks very clear, but according to the geographical location provided by the anchor, if it was really the war of Warst Tower, then what you saw was'clear' , There are many meanings.

[Fishing Sword]: Because looking at the trend of this stream, it should be a branch of the river above the plain.

As you know, this kind of river is usually used for bathing and washing clothes for soldiers.

[Autumn Sword and Fish]: Then it can not be ruled out that someone peeed in it during the bath, and some dirty excrement was stained on the changed clothes.

[Autumn Sword and Fish]: After all, Europeans didn't like to be clean at that time. And the people gathered in this war are of all races from all directions.

[Autumn Sword and Fish]: I remember how the Black Death in Europe spread? mouse? mosquito? flea? All of these are possible. There may be bed bugs on the bather.

[Other people who eat melon]: 66666...


At this time, the anchor Zhang Hongyang was facing the camera. After watching the barrage for ten seconds, he broadcasted a live broadcast to everyone, what is called vomiting.

And this nerve-fighting Qiu Sword and Fish, still in the live broadcast room, gave him subtitles on the spot, which confirmed his argument just now by the way.

[Autumn Sword and Fish]: Look, did he spit directly into the stream just now?

[Other people who eat melon]:...vomit...

When the people on the other side finished their toss, Zhang Hongyang, who was slightly injured in the line of fire, put on a confident smile, put the rag on his head, and pointed to the system cheat device installed for him, and the GPS guidance system marked it. The route, pointing in one direction: "Next, the most exciting moment is coming."

"Climbing over this valley, you will reach the central hinterland of the Wallstadt Plain."

"The audience in the live broadcast room will follow me to witness an epic battle belonging to the Chinese Khanate."

"Now, let's make a small vote in the live broadcast room to see if my audience is from the European Union ethnic group or from the Chinese Khanate."

"If you want to watch this battle from the perspective of the three knights, please hit 1."

"If you want to watch the battle of Thorn from the perspective of the current Mongolian King Khan, please hit 2."

Then after the anchor Zhang Hongyang said the following words, the entire screen exploded.

Although the number of people in the live broadcast room at this time has increased because of the real texture of the previous time.

However, compared with the hundreds of thousands of live broadcast rooms that are popular, the number of thousands of people in his district is simply shabby and pitiful.

But when he finished talking about the statistics, Zhang Hongyang discovered that the number of people in the entire live broadcast room was rising vigorously in a trend of rising heads.

2000+, 3000+ jumped to 5000+ and bowed their heads in front of the 6000 mark.

But it is these people who swiped at the top of the screen to achieve the scrolling effect that the naked eye is tired.

Numerous 1 and 2 representing different camps were rolling in front of Zhang Hongyang's eyes.

"Let me go, how do you count which party has more people?"

The intimate live broadcast system immediately reflected the statistical data in Zhang Hongyang's mind.

‘The number of beating one was 2,244, and the number of beating two was 3697. ’

Although it is now a unified country in Eurasia, the yellow-skinned Han people are still the mainstream of the world's population.

The crushing of the European Union ethnic group is also what Zhang Hongyang expected.

Therefore, after Zhang Hongyang smiled and spoke the statistical results to the screen, although many Europeans expressed their frustration, their hearts seemed not too sad when they thought of the final result.

In this way, the audience who reached a consensus followed in the footsteps of Zhang Hongyang to see what is called an endless wilderness.

It's really far away, the distant mountains and close scenes, a person is constantly moving with his short legs, and during the period, he keeps avoiding, and there are passers-by coming and going around.

This is so sour that Zhang Hongyang decided that after finishing the live broadcast this time, he must apply for a vacation with the system.

Next time I hope to see him for the sake of his to give him a worry-free dynasty, for example, for a few decades at night, one country will reunify?

Zhang Hongyang was using the Spiritual Victory Method here, and a human voice suddenly appeared behind him, and his system master also translated it for him very intimately.

"Hey! Come and see, I actually saw a yellow-skinned person here."

"What's weird about this? In the territories that our Khan King regained, aren't all Kazakhs with yellow skin?"


'boom! ’

Zhang Hongyang turned his head nervously and took a look. When did a few back spirits appear behind him, he was knocked on the head.

Then the culprit who knocked him on the head, after watching Zhang Hongyang slowly fall, was still a little excited, and said to the companion who came behind him: "Look, I think he is like a person from Song Chao." ."

The person who rushed over squatted in front of Zhang Hongyang, who had been stunned, and looked at it carefully twice, and said to his companion with some doubts: "It seems to be really true. You see, his skin doesn't seem to be rainy at all. Herdsmen. Only those women-like men from Song Chao have this kind of skin."

"But this Song Chao, thousands of miles away, how can anyone show up here? Isn't it abnormal?"

At the beginning, the soldier who knocked Zhang Hongyang fainted, he nonchalantly put Zhang Hongyang on his shoulder and proposed: "Since this is abnormal, let's fight him back to the camp and interrogate him slowly."

"Maybe we can ask our King Khan for a reward."

"Anyway, our task of investigating the enemy's situation has been completed. As for this person, it is our unexpected reward."

"That said, it is not appropriate to stay here for a long time. Let's go back to the camp and discuss it again!"


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