The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 336: The licking party is crazy!

But after Zhang Hongyang finished this frank remark, the entire interrogation scene was surprisingly quiet.

After a short period of effort, I remembered the whispering and discussion underneath.

"What's Xiaowoguan?"

"I don't know, I haven't heard of it. Could it be some mysterious institution newly established by Song Chao?"

"Let's pull it down, I know this. Xiaohao should be the gunpowder prepared by Song Chaoren for the good-looking people in the brothel."

"I'm going, isn't it what I think?"

"It must be true. Look at him with thin skin and tender flesh. He doesn't even have a callus on his hands. He has such a weak body and white skin."

Listening to everyone discussing themselves as if they were discussing Chinese cabbage, Zhang Hongyang simply wanted to cry without tears. It didn't matter what people next to him said. The most important thing was how the headed man thought of him.

In fact, Gu Zheng, who was sitting on the chair now, was almost laughing to death, but the expression on his face was not showing up at all.

Instead, he pretended to be very interested, and ordered the guard under his hand: "Oh? Untie it."

Then there were two guards who walked to Zhang Hongyang's side very conscientiously and untied the ropes from him.

Then Gu Zheng looked at Zhang Hongyang, who was almost unsteady, and ordered: "Since you said you were from Xiaohuguan."

"Then how did you appear alone in the arena between the two warring parties?"

"This is because I was ransomed by a merchant in Oros from the small house, and following their caravan to sell goods in Oros."

"Who would come across the evil European mob on the road. They looted our goods and killed my master."

"As a person of some value" Zhang Hongyang was also considered to be a broken jar at this time. He stroked his hand on his face and made a self-pitying expression: "The other party treats me like a valuable commodity. Normally, it was taken away."

"But who came up with it? This living thief received a solicitation order from his own country on the way. In order to get to the battlefield as soon as possible, they disliked me as an incompetent person and slowed down their progress."

"So he threw me down halfway."

"I am the only one left. With the courage to live, I trek through thousands of mountains and rivers, hoping to return to my hometown and take a look at the beautiful sea."

"Oh... so it is."

Gu Zheng was not touched by Zhang Hongyang's description at all. On the contrary, he still needs to dig deeper into his identity: "Then since you are the kind of **** who can be redeemed, you must have your own unique specialties. of."

"It's very simple to prove your identity. You can show us here now to prove your identity."

After Gu Zheng had finished his request in a domineering manner, Zhang Hongyang's whole body was not good.

Does Xiaohao's identity need to be proved?

But when he saw the eyes of the Mongolian people around him looking at him, as if looking at aliens with curiosity, he knew that at this time, if he didn't do something, he would still not be able to run today.

So Zhang Hongyang, who was babbling, pulled away his broken gong and started howling.

"Horse, you run slower, run slower..."


There was a pile of feces in the live broadcast room in an instant, and the whole screen was horribly smashed.

[Autumn Sword and Fish]: I finally understand that not all anchors can sing to attract popularity, so some people can only fight for their lives to let people watch. Shut up, kid, don't tell me your fate is in the hands of the Mongolian people, our fate will be sung by you first.

And the choking audience who were tortured by Zhang Hongyang's magical sound were also saved by Gu Zheng's hesitation.

"Shut up! Even with a talent like you, you can be a little coy, let's be honest, what the **** are you doing!"

"Puff through"!

Zhang Hongyang was so frightened by Gu Zheng's violent sound that he knelt down, but now he can only grit his teeth and fight to death.

Therefore, Zhang Hongyang, kneeling on the ground in this humble posture, said to Gu Zheng with the most flattering expression: "This sir, you have to know that you are talking about the kind of young man who wins with talent. Generally speaking, they are all unlisted chicks, but if you look for chicks, every man knows them."

"In the end, we won surprisingly. Those who became popular are all a bit of real skills. The real skills I said are naturally not those useless talents that can't be eaten. The real skills can only be seen in bed."


After Zhang Hongyang finished speaking, it was not the audience who watched his live broadcast that made the first laugh, but Gu Zheng who was sitting in the first seat.

Forget it, don’t tease him. This is also a fellow who travels through the crowd. Anyway, he already knows what this is for. In the conversation just now, Xiao Wangshu has successfully invaded the other party’s system and established it with it. The basic link.

If this is the case, let him, a fellow who broadcasts history, follow him as a young man and witness this greatest historical moment.

Thinking of Gu Zheng here, he waved to the guard next to him, and said, "This kid is interesting."

"You find someone to clean him up for me, and then send him to..."

After saying this, Gu Zheng found that the eyes of the generals under his hands looked at him, and they all became weird, and then he immediately replied, "Send him to Daiqisi's hands. I will train him for two days. Self-use."


After saying this, Gu Zheng and the guys in the camp heaved a sigh of relief on the spot.

This thing that Song Chao people like, they really accept incompetence.

Knowing that he had temporarily escaped his life, Zhang Hongyang honestly followed the guards and walked down, while Gu Zheng turned around and left the camp, returned to the tent that belonged to him to rest, and went to read and forget the book. What surprises did the link bring to him.

When there was no one around Gu Zheng, Xiao Wangshu popped out of his mind and showed Gu Zheng the special features of this live broadcast system.

It turns out that this is a system maintenance method that collects emotions and converts them into usable energy by absorbing gifts and blessings from the audience.

As for the time and space traversal capability of this live broadcast room, it is really not a special case among many systems. The only thing that Gu Zheng is interested in is the map radar that comes with the live broadcast system.

Because of the system docking of Xiao Wangshu, the other party’s three-dimensional simulation map was directly copied to the plane map of the big voyage that Gu Zheng obtained last time.

Let Gu Zheng's system map directly bring GPS automatic navigation function.

And Gu Xiaowangshu said that this map is so perfected, the function is directly opened to 80%, and the enlarged map can even construct a three-dimensional map of the mountains and rivers.

This is really good news, it's a surprise.

And watching Xiao Wangshu keep burping while he was speaking, Gu Zheng also knew that the system of this hapless child named Zhang Hongyang must have been coerced into contributing a large amount of energy.

And where does this energy come from?

It was all from the crowd of people who had different guesses about the identity of Gu Zheng in Zhang Hongyang's live broadcast room at this time.

At this time, Zhang Hongyang was taking a shower, but the live broadcast system that made up for the energy he was robbed did not cut off the link.

On the contrary, he was frantic. After mosaicing the key parts of Zhang Hongyang, he still maintained the state of live broadcast.

Let the people who eat melons shouted their spicy eyes while not forgetting to open their eyes wide and observe the real environment Zhang Hongyang was in.

Whether it is a slave who put him in a bath or a maid who brought him a brand-new change of clothes, all of this does not have Gu Zheng's true identity, so it is so Room The group of professors in China has expanded into a multi-person discussion group at this time. After eager discussion, this group of people gave the final result of the speculation to Zhang Hongyang.

[Respect historical facts]: According to our unanimous inference, the person who appeared at your interrogation site today may be the highest commander of the Mongolian ** team on the Valstadt battlefield, Haigu Duzheng.

As soon as this conclusion was said by the old professor, a group of shocked party suddenly appeared at the bottom of the screen.

[1]: Haigu Duzheng? Isn't it the Haigu Duzheng I was thinking about? It is the founder of the Chinese Khan Empire, who has beaten the invincible hand of the entire world, but let go of the legendary emperor of Song Kingdom, the weakest, Haigu Duzheng, right?

[2]: It is him, the most famous person in history, besides him, there is another person by this name.

[3]: Ah ah ah, that is definitely my idol, you don't know, in the entire historical dynasty, the emperor I am most obsessed with is him. Only he can truly come to the kingdoms of all nations, because those nations are all citizens of his territory!

"Oh oh oh ah"

When the identity of the handsome guy in the shot was revealed, the style of the live broadcast directly changed.

The group of licking party members immediately became confident, and they didn’t even look at who they were kneeling and licking.

Haigu Duzheng, can anyone lick that?

By the time Zhang Hongyang had put on his clothes, his live broadcast room still maintained the final popularity, but it was increasing unabated, and he also searched for a lot of rewards.

Just as Zhang Hongyang was stunned by the number of rewards, the curtain of the tent he was bathing in was lifted up.

"Who is that little girl?"

"I am, that...I have a name, Zhang Hongyang."

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