The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 339: Comrade Zhang, go up and kill the enemy too

When the last knight of the Knights Templar collapsed, Henry II, who was at the back of the brigade, could no longer cover up his trembling hands because of fear.

"Hurry up, come! Send out all the coalition forces sent from various countries, and mercenaries from all over the country who volunteered to participate."

"Go, go to the Teutonic Knights!"

That is the last hope of Europe.

But the captain of the guard next to him gave a wry smile.

These soldiers are all infantry arms. When they run to the real main battlefield, even the day lily will be cold.

Are the people who haven't seen the Teutonic Knights already surrounded?

But a dead horse can be used as a living horse doctor. If it can be rescued by a crowd of tactics, even half of the members of the Knights can do it.

After all, this is a symbol of the honor of Jerusalem and the final dignity of God.

So he was very loyal to issue this order, so that those warriors from various countries who had seen anxiety and anger on the periphery of the battlefield rushed to the battlefield.

This is the honor and war that belongs to the whole of Europe, warriors, go!

What kind of concept is the collective charge of 60,000 people, which we imagined out of thin air, must be incomprehensible.

But now Zhang Hongyang's pale face, and in his live broadcast room, even the discussion of military tactics fans has disappeared, which can indirectly reflect how amazing it is.

Student Zhang on horseback has already fought two battles. When he looked at the crowds that appeared on the hillside one after another, he had only one feeling, that is, running!

But Gu Zheng by his side and the guards behind him, none of them moved their feet, they were just very indifferent, watching this battle of great power disparity.

"Cavalry, it's scarier than you think."

"If they operate properly, they are an infantry unit that can't be low-grade at all."

As soon as Gu Zheng's words fell, a small group of cavalry troops appeared in front of the running reinforcements.

It was just a shower of arrows, which brought a large crowd of people.

But there were too many people, and when the Teutonic Knights saw the reinforcements in the rear, they were also very smart and began to automatically retreat and rendezvous with the large forces.

But will Gu Zheng give them a chance?

will not!

At this time, a team of Huang Cancan appeared once again on this vast battlefield.

Showing off his might, not hiding, not being afraid, showing off his splendor, showing his own strength, instead of the light cavalry harassing the surroundings, from behind Gu Zheng, he charged forward in a cool manner.

Even the most beautiful gold cannot conceal their stench. As they get closer and closer, if you observe carefully, you can see the fearful eyes of the mounts of the Teutonic Knights.

Ma Erxun burst into tears...


I don't know whose horse it was, first knelt down on the ground, and then two or three horses, one after another.

This reaction caused the originally silent live broadcast room to plunge into a sea of ​​flowers for an instant.

[Little Prince]: "Biochemical weapons, biochemical weapons! After all, is this the only camel army that has defeated the Mongolian army? But how did it appear on this battlefield."

[Flying Black Kill]: "It must have been secretly formed by Haigu Duzheng in private. I said how he became a **** of war after all battles. The cooperation of multiple arms is perfect."

"This time, the three major knights were completely destroyed, and we actually saw it all the way."

"How long is this, a few hours, it's still dark. But I'm hungry."

[Pink and New Kinky]: "I am hungry too, but there are still 60,000 people left. Even if I stand still, I will kill for a long time."

[Wangchuan 108]: "Are you stupid? The cavalry kills the infantry, and they use their own hands?"

The audience still understood that, no, Zhang Hongyang witnessed a real scene of cutting wheat with a sickle.

A rain of arrows took away the ease of hundreds of people.

Another rain of arrows, a mess that crawls all over the ground.

Those Europeans who pretend to be brave and brave, dressed in tattered cloth clothes, no longer have the kind of smugness on their faces when they first appeared on the battlefield.

A feeling of aggrieved, difficult to express slowly surged from their hearts.

This feeling of being intangible, unable to hit even the shadow of the enemy can only see a pony tail, is really uncomfortable.

A sturdy warrior who reached more than two meters, held up the huge sword in his hand, and roared to the sky: "Grandson, you are here."

And it was just such a roar, a flying arrow, which directly penetrated his mouth, penetrated his throat, and ended his stubborn life.

The end of this roar seemed to have brought half of the people's bloodliness, and took away half of the people's fighting spirit.

On the battlefield that could only be called massacre, the mercenaries who were not regulars, fled.

Even if Henry II was at the very end of the battle line, what kind of roar and cheer could not stop these people from wanting to survive.

"What should I do! What should I do?"

Henry II, who was holding his head, trembled, and the captain of the guard who had been assisting him by his side steadily drew out the sword in his hand and replied, "Your Majesty the Marshal."

"You have only one way to go now."

"That is to resist to the last moment on this battlefield, until the end of your life."

"Why?" Henry II looked up blankly, the tears on his face had not been wiped clean.

"Because." The captain of the guard smiled desperately: "Do you think that after you have escaped, you will return to your homeland. Your Majesty, our King, all the kings of the coalition kingdom, will let your life be spared?"

"We are the losers of this war. We will bury the guards of the gods on the battlefield this time."

"Do you think the people in the country can let you go?"

"Instead of becoming the sinners of the family after returning to the country, it is better for us to die vigorously in this war."

"Save our last glory as a nobleman. After all, we are fighting for the motherland and the people."

"After we die, we are still heroes of all countries."

"Here, take your weapon, my marshal, it's time to rush into the battlefield to save the last cavalry team."

After finishing talking, the captain of the guard, regardless of Henry II's state, put down the silver-white mask on his head and waved his long sword at the team behind him: "Come on!" Then he issued an offensive horn.

When the Europeans' last struggling forces were also on the battlefield, Gu Zheng was behind his battle line, showing the smile of a victor.

He turned his head and said to Zhang Hongyang, "How about it, do you want to experience the feeling of killing the enemy with your own hands?"

In the live broadcast room with this sentence, everyone, including those old men, was crazy.

‘Promise him! ’

‘Promise him! ’

‘Promise him! ’

I go! Do you want me to die!

This is TM's real swordsmanship.

Zhang Hongyang, who fought in two battles, shook his head as resolutely as a rattle, and waved his hand hard to push it away: "Hehehe, I don't need it. You come, you come!"

Then Gu Zheng shivered in his deep smile.

Afterwards, with a flower in front of his eyes, Gu Zheng led the cavalry team that was last broken and rushed to the broken personnel on the entire battlefield.

"You can't miss one! Just look for the black and white match!"

Go, the armor like the **** of death brings the true call of death.

By the time Zhang Hongyang reacted, his side was already empty, and there was not even a Mongolian army's hair.

"Hey! Big brother! No, just leave if you want! Anyway, leave me a weapon for self-defense!"

"Hey! Anyone! Wait for me, oh oh, horse, run quickly!"

After that, he hurriedly chased in the direction where Gu Zheng had left, leaving behind a screen full of laughter.

It’s too scary. Has it been left alone on the battlefield with a broken limb.

When Zhang Hongyang and Pony saw the black spots that belonged to Gu Zheng's army from a distance, he was grateful as if he had returned to heaven.

Then when he was waving his arms in an attempt to make Gu Zheng notice his presence, he suddenly saw the Hai Gu Duzheng they admired, using a sharp machete along a European heavy armored cavalry. The gap in his armor cut off the opponent's head with a single knife.

Zhang Hongyang had forgotten to adjust the lens of his high-power telescope. In the high-definition live broadcast, he saw the scene of bone scum splashing.

Then he rolled his eyes, and the whole stomach felt upwelling. When he was about to vomit, Gu Zheng, who was far in front of him, seemed to feel his prying. He turned his head and turned towards him. He smiled brilliantly at the direction of his live broadcast.

With this smile, the vomit that he had just rushed up was suffocated again.

This may be a nightmare that Zhang Hongyang could not get rid of in his entire life.

The face of such a handsome man was covered with blood, sweat, and the residue of various unidentified organizations.

Coupled with the indifferent expression and indifferent eyes, it was like Shura who had come out of **** without a trace of popularity.

Even so, there are some brain-deads in his live broadcast room, and he is overwhelmed by this extremely bloody.

At this moment, Zhang Hongyang was completely blank, stunned on the vast plain, unable to move a step.

Until the sun fell, the neighing of the horses next to him gradually fell. The cavalry squad who returned first, with their backpacks, hit the dumb and unchanging silly boy in front of him. .

"Hey! What are you doing? Which team, why haven't you seen you on weekdays?"

"You still have your weapons? Why didn't you follow the troops? Could it be that you are a deserter?"

This soldier is quite vigilant, and looking at the neatly dressed Zhang Hongyang, he doesn't feel right.

The captain on the side watched the dispute between the two people and rushed over. After examining Zhang Hongyang carefully, he pulled the soldier back to the team.

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