Though the tight ‘skin’ attached to his body made him feel tight and sticky, the only part that was not paid attention to, the little bird related to future generations, was stretched very brightly.

In the second half of the play, the miniature blood pack prepared by the law enforcement officer in the other hand also came in handy. The places that he had processed were all **** when they entered the scene.

   Erliuzi's red body is getting more and more red, and his screams have fallen to the point where they are too weak to be transmitted. This also gives the stern Tu Fei, who is still tied up, the illusion... He thinks the execution is over.

   I just take a look, take a peek.

   So this buddy opened his closed eyes and took a sneak peek at what kind of situation was underneath.

  嚯! With this look, Gu Zheng, who was behind Tu Fei, looked at the person in front of him collapsed like soft noodles in the hall of Yanwu Hall... and was shocked.

   So what did Tu Fei see at the first glance?

   This is an urban essay, and it is not a horror special. In fact, it is nothing, nothing more than a thin layer of transparent and light skin being peeled off from a red ham man.

   Well, of course, for those who haven't seen blood much, it's still quite scary.

   Therefore, this person fainted perfectly, and the master in the field gave Gu Zheng a wink, and then let the brothers in the camp drag him down.

   Fengyun Ma: Uncle Gu, I have done all the preliminary work according to your arrangement, and I will leave it to you.

   Gu Zheng: I shouldn’t. I can’t take care of myself because I’m scared. Why hasn’t the Qiandu search engine on Tu Fei been forced out by him?

   Looking at Tu Fei, who was hanging from a shelf like a dead pig, Gu Zheng outside the dungeon door fell into deep thought.

   Could it be that the level of this search system is so low that it doesn't even have the consciousness of autonomy, and it becomes a one-off after being possessed? Unable to escape?

   Do you have to wait for the death of the original host to destroy the opponent?

   As a Gu Zheng who likes modern life very much, he can't wait to return as soon as he fulfills the task of the requester. How can he spare time to live until the end of his life!

   No, you can't lose big because of small things, since this thing is so low-level, then he has to complete his fate calculation to change the mighty wolf mountain as soon as possible.

   If his hands were stained with life for such a thing, Gu Zheng would not be able to pass the hurdle in his heart.

   For those comrades who kill people as soon as they travel through the past, Gu Zheng can only be more than a capital suit.

   Those kind of people are not extremely psychologically distorted, or they simply don’t treat people in the new world as human beings.

   Now that he changed his mind, Gu Zheng, who stopped staring at Tu Fei, started thinking carefully about the next step.

   Nowadays, things have developed to such a point that the greatest crisis of Mt. Mighty Wolf is actually over.

   In the future, no matter which aspect he will win the final victory, as long as the leader of the horse bandit is not self-defeating and intends to dominate the world, he can still end up with a glorious retreat. Maybe he can become a general guarding Gansu province.

   As long as you make sure that Tu Fei is immortal, and then hand him into the hands of his elder brother who is also unconscious, the matter will be over, right?

   In a good mood, Gu Zheng stroked his chin, and was about to turn around and get out of the dungeon. Tu Fei in front of him slowly woke up.

   "Don't kill me! Don't kill me! .. eh? You are the uncle who kindly answered me.."

   Along with the relaxation of Tu Fei's facial expression, he relaxed, followed by another fart.

Seeing the reaction of the person on the other side, who was similar to the same kind, Gu Zheng's expression was a bit complicated. He seemed to have thought of something. He hesitantly asked the opposite person Tu Fei: "Do you have a problem with farting when you are nervous?" Or the kind of uncontrollable?"

   "Hey? How did you know the uncle? I had this problem since I was a kid." In fact, Tu Fei also hid a more terrifying attribute of him. He likes to eat sweet potatoes, soybeans and white radishes the most.


   "It's no wonder." I didn't care that the people behind him were confused because of his thoughtless words. Gu Zheng turned and left without looking back.

   If his guess is correct, he has found the reason why Chen Kangfei wanted to kill a person like Tu Fei with a problematic and insignificant mind.

   Severe patients with cleanliness, met a sloppy fart king, either you die or I live.

   came out of the dungeon, the autumn wind suddenly rose, some Gu Zheng, who was amused, subconsciously closed his neckline, and walked back towards his residence in Mighty Wolf Mountain.

In his impression, the taste there is very familiar. It is similar to the original sheep shed. He doesn’t know if Gu Zheng has been working with cattle recently. After this continues, he can think of a wonderful way to make money. Of the idea.

   You need to know that the ability to serve animals is not ordinary. What does that sentence say?

correct! Has a natural affinity for animals.

   With the emergence of a small courtyard that was only a dozen meters away from the side of the stable, the pace at Gu Zheng's feet could not help but get a little faster.

   The ground under his shoes has become thick In the silent space of the night, there is a pleasant rustle.

This is a beautiful prestigious mountain, the white moon hangs like a disc on the col, and the locust tree on the mountainside is offering its last bit of ruined beauty. The small courtyard with red tiles and blue bricks is in such a place. In the beautiful scenery, there is a kind of spirit for no reason, so that people who see this situation and the scene, the mood becomes wonderful.

   Green mountains and green waters, people are beautiful and kind.

   It's a pity that such a mighty mountain is affected by unnecessary war.

   ‘Squeak’, the courtyard wall built by a low fence outside the door was pushed aside by Gu Zheng, ‘oh my god! Before he could admire his site in this world, he was startled by a group of dark shadows squatting under the window of his room in the courtyard.

   "Who? Who is there!"

   Could it be that he performed too much today, the old boss in the back mountain was awakened by anger?

   "Uncle, it's me." Ma Fengyun's voice rang.

"I said you don’t sleep in the middle of the night. What's the matter if you squat in my yard to scare people?" Do you want to be so strong in revenge? Yesterday I jumped the rope when you were squatting in the pit. Are you here waiting for me?

   Ma Fengyun, who was severely reprimanded, was a bit wronged. He said coarsely, "Uncle, I can't sleep. What happened to the result of your trial of Tu Fei?"

"Can't you wait until tomorrow if you have anything?" Gu Zheng sighed, pulled the inner flap of his clothes, and took out a key tied to the top with a rope from his trouser belt, and he was very skillful in setting his own room. The door was opened.


   "Come in and talk!"

   "Oh oh..."

   This is the first time that Gu Zheng and Ma Fengyun have stepped into this strange room.

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