The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 650: Replay of the 14th world (end)

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That is a health-preserving big tonic pill made by Gu Zheng.

As an ethical healer who had promised his teachers and friends, he naturally wouldn't do the things that would personally ruin the lives of others.

Only this time, he believed that the king who longed to live for a long time would eventually die in his longevity pill.

The camera began to shake vaguely.

Among them, Xiao Yan was ecstatic when he saw the pill offered by Gu Zheng, and saw the ugly state of a king who was too long-lived.

I saw the whole country crumbling in the hands of this ‘long-lived and mad’ old man.

Watching the emperor being caught because of his madness, he starved to death in the huge and magnificent palace.

All of this perfectly fulfilled all the vows that Gu Zheng had promised.

He would not ‘direct’ Xiao Yan.

Wait until the lens becomes normal again.

The person who appeared in front of a lonely new grave again was Gu Zheng, who had long beard and chest, and his beard and hair were all white.

He is very old and very old, but his spirit is still as vigorous as a young man.

This time he sent away his only concern in this world, the Xiaoye who had been with him for many years and blamed himself for not leaving an heir for him.

This woman who is not a wife but is better than a wife.

After sending it off, he really has no worries.

"Let's go, there is nothing left to miss here."

Gu Zheng from this world told his final decision.

And that generation of famous medical system that modern Gu Zheng looks down on, it made a mechanical voice: "Dip, after testing, the host is qualified to ascend to the next plane, and now it activates the function of breaking the barriers of the plane. "

After saying this prompt sound, the generation of famous medical systems used the greatest energy to gather it to one point, separating the clouds and the sky in the sky of this world, revealing a corner of a colorful and mysterious new world.

On this day, the people in the entire Liang Kingdom saw this scene that people will never forget.

And this legend passed word of mouth, became the legend of Jiujiang, and passed on for a long time.

On this day, Gu Zheng, a famous doctor who resounded throughout the earth, finally broke through the shackles of a mortal, shattered the starry sky, soared away, and became one of the immortals that everyone admired.

On this day, the colorful rays of the sun spilled from the sky, and Doctor Gu’s body smelled of medicinal smell like the fragrance of flowers, which spread all over the land of Kuangshan, Jiujiang, and it did not disperse in three days.

On this day, Gu Zheng was just in full view, flying away in the air, leaving nothing but a laugh.

This day, very far and very close.

The shot of Laughing Forgetting Books at this time, blacked out and lit up again, slowly playing the final chapter of the world in it.


"Hey haha!"

‘A dark arrow shot into Chen Qingzhi’s back. He looked at his friend Gu Zheng with a nostalgic gaze, and finally fell into Gu Zheng’s arms. ’

"Chen Qingzhi, no! You can't die!!"

‘Gu Zheng, who held Chen Qingzhi in his arms, turned his head all night, and there were boundless tears in his eyes’

"You all have to bury him! Go and die!"

‘Gu Zheng’s Demon Poison Poisoning Technique finally broke through the last barrier because of the great ups and downs of his mood at this time. The black mist spread like a wave, instantly involving the soldiers of the Northern Wei Dynasty. Rich to the point where you can't see each other. ’


This is a computer screen with a snow-white WORD page with standard Arial 4 font. These words are in front of Gu Zheng behind the screen... They are typed out, and he can read every word on the screen clearly, but they are combined. When we were together, Gu Zheng couldn't understand it at all.

What is written here?

Before Gu Zheng could ask questions, the camera turned to a mechanical keyboard with bells and whistles shining brightly.

There is a pair of slender hands on this, which can hit the keyboard quickly.

According to Gu Zheng's visual inspection of the handicap, the owner of these hands can reach a codeword rate of at least 3000 words per hour, or even higher.

What is she writing about?

Gu Zheng looked at the next operation of these hands with a confused look.

I saw that she finished this ambiguous and **** passage, and created a little suspense. After stopping at the climax, she corrected the typo again with great satisfaction.

Then a web interface was opened.

Red starting point, the favorite of mature women, rotten women, you deserve it.

Under the influence of the naked cherry red color, this ‘excellent’ article was published by clicking on the backstage with his hands.

Following the publication of this popular article on female channels, readers from all countries in the world have subscribed and downloaded this popular article within the first time.

Regarding the ups and downs between Gu Zheng and Chen Qingzhi, and the interesting things when getting along, they are reflected in another way of expression through the imagination and interpretation of each author.

Nowadays, among the same humanities, the most popular is neither the century-old Dream of Red Mansions nor the passionate One Piece, but the bit between a generation of medical immortals and generals in white robe that give people unlimited reverie.

This is the first representative person to ascend in the daytime and a model of Chinese myths and legends.

Seeing this last group of people of different faces and different nationalities, the pursuit of the legend of Gu Zheng and Chen Qingzhi made Gu Zheng laughed outside the camera.

Does this count as the origin of the old man Xu Zhicai's mouth, and his name has survived through the ages?

Yes, the method is different, the result is finally good.

Seeing that there was only a slight smile on Gu Zheng's face until now, Xiao Wangshu on the side finally let out a sigh of relief.

When the entire playback page returned to the darkness, it quietly closed the pages of the book, ready to serve Gu Zheng's next order at any time.

Who would have thought that Gu Zheng here hadn't expressed emotion yet, the courtyard door of his small courtyard was knocked from outside once again.

You don't need to look at it to know that it must be Brother Smoker.

I remember that a few days ago, he and Gu Zheng signed a subletting contract for several shops under his hands. Now it is probably to see the result.

To be honest, this work of urban management has indeed provided a lot of convenience for his rental house intermediary company.

Xianjie Xianjie, the news about the expansion and re-operation of businesses that can afford to rent shops and the change of shops must be very well-informed.

Coupled with Gu Zheng's act of stealing livelihoods in disguise, Renjia Lianjia collects an intermediary fee for the shop and the tenant each, and when it comes to Gu Zheng, it becomes a meaningful fee for the shop.

It goes without saying that anyone who trusts and understands Gu Zheng will give his house to someone.

The confident Gu Zheng waved his hand towards Liao Wangshu. This clever system immediately curled up into a very ordinary book. One tumble, lying on top of a pile of magazines, disguised as an ordinary ‘book’.

Gu Zheng opened the door for the smoker in a leisurely manner.

"Brother Smoker, come in quickly, I know what you want to ask, there are several contracts here, you can take a look first."

"I also got you a copy of the basic information about these tenants on the guise of my own business."

"The licenses are complete, the funds are strong, and the most perfect thing is that the projects they operate are very consistent with the atmosphere of our folk street."

The smoking gun that had just stepped into the door hadn't even let out a greeting, it was blocked by Gu Zheng in his throat first.

This feels very uncomfortable.

It's like a neighborhood in a hutong. When you say hello, you must say something to eat?

As a result, the people over there opened their mouths, and you first replied: ‘I ate two deep-fried dough sticks with a bowl of soy juice today’...It feels like this...

You say choking people not choking people?

So the current cigarette smoker smoked his nose, rolled his eyes, and was too lazy to be polite with Gu Zheng, and went straight to the wicker chairs and wicker tables in the courtyard, and picked up the small teapot above. It was here that the leaves began to fall in colorfully. Under the locust tree, continue a cup of afternoon tea for yourself.


With a chirping voice, he took a sip of tea into his mouth and breathed comfortably, before handing his hand to Gu Zheng.

"Come, let me see."

"Seriously Gu Zheng, when did your brother smoker do such a shameful thing as renting a house?"

"You know, if you rent your house to outsiders in your old life, it means that the family is going to lose."

"Hey, you don't know this kind of exquisiteness. Which squire master didn't desperately buy a real estate shop in his home? Who saw the house rented out?"

"Just now, you said that my old man, doing all this nonsense, has to split up the family's originally concentrated industry."

"It sounds like a lot, but it's not easy to manage, right?"

The nagging in the mouth of the cigarette gun kept on, but the action of looking at the contract under his hand was swift.

Out of trust in Gu Zheng, in addition to looking at the lease amount and lease time, he only glanced at the other written terms.

However, only Gu Zheng knew that the feat of the smoker man was not at all a split in the mouth of the prodigal son in front of him.

I think that all the industries in Hongmen Village were basically in the hands of the old man.

It was originally a family living here. With the continuous changes in national policies, this original behavior of moving away from the neighborhood, moving work and returning home, made this old man like a hamster to buy his mind. The most precious industry in China.

Except for the most central location of this commercial street, the small courtyards radiating around this place were purchased in twos and threes.

It was bought when the thief was cheap.

To say something that makes Gu Zheng jealous, one square meter 800 is something that I can't even think of.

But this country suddenly came in a spring breeze, and began to take off like a bursting oil well.

The population of the capital city was like a bomb exploding, instantly flooded with people from all directions.

Ever since, unit replacement, government replacement, urban development, and environmental improvement.

For various reasons, the fragmentary real estate in the hands of the old man was moved out.

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