Bei Jun, who had already gotten into Jiang Yue's free room, was really welcome. He occupied the office work in the room and sent out the news that Gu Zheng won the championship overnight.

The news of the early Dubai Equestrian Endurance Race has already set off a small wave of celebration in the domestic equestrian circle.

Those who pay attention to sports news and occasionally click in to eat melons have also learned for the first time, oh, there is such a kind of event.

The question is, is fifth place really good?

For our domestic silver and bronze medal winners, they are all in a state of obscurity. Isn't a fifth place too unsuccessful?

Is this still occupying a sub-column section with great fanfare?

In the end, there are so many capable people on the Internet, and when the knowledgeable people gave out what it means to be in the top ten in this game, the friends who watched the lively on the Internet were stunned.

‘By the way, when did our equestrian world have such a capable person? ’

‘I don’t know, does anyone know the identity of this person? ’

‘As far as I know, the people who play the horses in this endurance race are all real rich and idle tyrants. ’

‘Middle Eastern oil tycoons, Arab princes, and those so-called European knighthoods are regular visitors. ’

‘I just want to ask, what is the origin of this Chinese Equestrian Club sponsor Gu Zheng? ’

‘From Huairou Yesanpo...what the **** is this! ’

‘Raise your hand and say something weakly, I said I know his true identity, and I will startle you a lot when I say it, do you believe it? ’

There are really people who don’t believe in evil, and they replied: ‘You said, my buddy’s nerves are strong, but the premise is that the news fakes the whole family, and you have to show true evidence. ’

As this person answered, there was a sea of ​​approval below.

‘No information, no truth, no picture, no truth, just put a link. ’

‘Since everyone is so enthusiastic, the citizens of my capital will share with you my joy at this time for free. ’

‘Hahaha, this is my capital city! ’

After that, Gu Zheng's brilliant resume was released on the Internet, with a photo link attached.

‘Everyone see for yourself, don’t say I lied to you. ’

After everyone has finished reading this, this online comment area has become a blowout trend.

From the original unpopular sports sector, its degree of popularity is almost catching up with the general entertainment news.

‘I’m going to the Capital City Management, or to save people’s paces, heroes, I’m going to marathon, I’m less studying, and you lie to me to play? ’

‘I’m going, it’s really him, the Fengning Cup first class champion, the moving character who saved people in rainy weather, brother, are you showing me a novel? ’

‘This can write a book! ’

People from all regions sent congratulatory messages one after another, and for a while, the name Gu Zheng resounded across the webpage of the Sina Sports Channel.

Just when everyone was discussing in this section, the latest news update of the website was flashed out.

This kind of push-and-release news is updated synchronously in order to allow enthusiastic netizens to grasp first-hand news about world games.

Only this time the news is much bigger than the fifth place in the equestrian event.

Not only occupies nearly one-eighth of the picture area of ​​the sports category, but also gives the other eighth of the newsletter area very intimately.

This news content also attracted more attention, because this is the news of Chinese athletes winning the championship.

‘Warmly celebrate Gu Zheng, a Chinese marathon runner, for winning the Dubai Marathon and breaking the best result that Ethiopian runners have maintained for nearly a decade. ’

Gu Zheng? Isn't it the person we imagined?

In the chaotic discussion area here, there was immediately the participation of the melon-eating people who clicked on the latest news.

‘I said everyone, stop arguing, help me see, the latest Dubai Marathon champion, the Chinese runner Gu Zheng, is that Gu Zheng as we call it. ’

‘I’m a little dizzy, I look like a person no matter what. ’

Wow, a group of onlookers moved from the equestrian section to the latest news bulletin section.

When everyone opened the photo of Gu Zheng running under the blue sky and white clouds ultra-luxury sailing hotel like this, everyone was shocked. It didn't require the call of the UC department.

‘I’m really going to be the same Gu Zheng, is this the same Gu Zheng’s different scenery? ’

‘You said, what kind of background and characters can cultivate such an outstanding and amazing youth? ’

‘Comrades upstairs, let’s see the gossip first, let’s see that we are fantasizing. Such a person really is not living a life that ordinary people can try. ’

‘Have you seen it clearly? Gu Zheng, the deputy captain of the Fengtai District Urban Management Bureau, just ascended after saving people that rainy night. ’

‘Education, an undergraduate at the School of Sociology of the Central Academy of Fine Arts, what the **** is this? Let's put this one aside and discuss it later. ’

‘Fengtai Institute of Technology graduated with a major in financial management, cough cough cough, born in Hongmen Village Welfare Institute, convenient elementary school, middle school...’

The netizen who had reached the end of popular science couldn't bear to say anything.

‘I have never been adopted. ’

‘Oh, Gu Zheng’s brother is so pitiful. ’

By the end of popular science, the style of painting has changed into this state.

‘I said, do you still envy and hate? Everyone has said that there will be so many gains as much as you pay. ’

‘What a bumpy experience people had in their early years, that’s why they have such almighty ability. ’

Many people have a scene of Gu Zheng and a vicious dog rushing through the wind and rain in order to have a better competitive state.

When I think about it this way, it's only distressed.

‘This can be regarded as keeping the clouds open and seeing the moon bright. Let’s contribute our most sincere blessings to this young man who has won glory for the country! ’

‘Come on, Gu Zheng! You are the best! ’

After this wave of heated discussions on the Internet, when everyone calmed down and watched the edited video of the game, everyone was laughing crazy.

‘66666, how do I feel that the black brother following Gu Zheng is so pathetic and sigh. ’

‘2333 is like being hungry for three days, but I can’t catch the chicken in front of me as anxious. ’

‘2333 yes, that’s what it means. ’

In a short while, the people eating melons went to entertain themselves.

The news about Gu Zheng is gradually fermenting. Before the horrible storm came, the urban management staff who had a rare holiday enjoyed a handful of vacation beaches in Dubai.

The fine white sandy beaches, the turquoise waters, the beautiful ring-shaped island scenery, and the beauty of swimsuits that make people bloody.

All of this is so beautiful, if it hadn’t been for this beach to gradually surround some equipment and facilities that seemed very shocking, it reminded Gu Zheng that his last game was about to begin. If so, his mood can be better.

This trip to Dubai, to the present stage, he Gu Zheng has won nearly 9 million yuan in competition prizes.

Of course, the real event revenue is only about 2 million yuan, and the rest are very intimate thanks to Prince If I can win a stage of the game in one fell swoop, maybe it will. Can earn the first tens of millions of wealth in life for myself.

In Gu Zheng's view, foreign wealth like bluegrass is definitely not in the real issue of his life's wealth accumulation.

The kind of unexpected wealth that has not been obtained by one's own efforts always feels particularly vain.

In this process of self-reflection like a spiritual chicken soup, Gu Zheng ushered in the bride's head on the sedan chair... He had never been in contact with the World Hercules Championship.

Like his predecessors from the Northern Sports Group who had fallen at the gate of the rematch, they fumbled forward.

When the facilities for the Hercules competition on the Dubai Sightseeing Beach were completed, it happened to be the weekend period when the wind and sunshine belonged to the vacation.

This was originally just a group trial, an instant elimination game where the second round of rematch players was selected. The organizers did not intend to attract many onlookers, but was surrounded by two unexpected Chinese tour groups that had just arrived on the beach in Dubai. NS.

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