The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 748: Hand over your private soldiers!

The Gu family also wanted to do more for themselves in this chaotic situation, but who made Wu Jun Gu family not good at soldiers?

Your own private soldiers add up, but a thousand people are enough to protect the family industry, but if you split out more to fight for the hegemony of this world, you don't have to dream.

Do you think that the remaining three in Wu Jun eat plain rice? The entangled pattern for many years has already created a situation of mutual restraint and balance.

No one can break this balance and hurt the vested interests of the other three.

Thinking of the three family-guarding men, they all sighed together.

But after Gu Zheng sighed, he said the name of a person they hadn't taken seriously now.

"How about Sun Jian?"

"Which Sun Jian, you are talking about the Wucheng Marquis Sun Jian? Although he started in Wu Jun, he is considered our township party, but he was banned from only a district of the township, with no more than a thousand troops, how can he be with you? How can other people in the armies contend against?"

"What's more, the situation in the capital is currently unknown, and the first to enter the Luoyang Palace, except for the ten permanent attendants, the person who has the most righteousness has not yet been revealed."

"We bet hastily, whether it's a bit too rash."

However, Gu Zheng shook the city with great certainty. When he was just about to tell everyone the speculation about He Jin’s words before his death, it came from outside their chamber. Some panicked announcements.

"Report! The big event is not good! According to the immediate report we left at the post station outside the capital, Dong Zhuo, Dong Zhuo's army has marched to the suburbs and counties less than ten miles away from the capital, and has now reorganized its troops, stationed in the camp, and prepared to make one move. The killer is here."


Hearing this news, the other two members of the Gu family stood up from the bench all at once. Gu Zheng's second uncle, who was also very depressed, sighed in a low voice of frustration.

"How come this barbaric from the north landed the first to fight?"

"Do so many county guards eat dry food? I have never heard that this Dong Zhuo acted entirely according to his own preferences, and there is no half of the noble character. This Han family will be held in his hands by him. The situation!"

"No! For the sake of this plan, I need to deliver the news quickly, and when Dong Zhuo's army comes in, everything will be too late!"

Only sitting in his place, Gu Zheng, who didn't move at all, shook his head.

"It's late. When the news reaches Wu Jun, let's not say whether someone in the family can make a decision. Even at this time, it is too late."

Who made us the Wujun gentry, farther from here than the northern gentry.


Hearing what Gu Zheng said, the two uncles of the Gu family had to sit back into the hall.

"This news must be delivered, and in Luoyang City, we can't wait."

"The plan for this day is to evacuate this morning."

Second Uncle Gu, who said here, looked back behind him with a bit of reluctance. This huge mansion, the reputation of Wu Jun Gu's family, and all of this were all made by him working hard in the capital.

Now, it is about to be destroyed and in this troubled world, even if it is reluctant to leave some garrisoned personnel, in the end, it is not known how much will be left.

At this time, Gu Zheng shook his head for the second time.

"Yes, we must evacuate immediately, but there are many ways to evacuate. Since we are not optimistic about Dong Zhuo, we naturally cannot let them take advantage of Dong Zhuojun."

"Second uncle, cousin, wait for your ears to come over, we are like this..."

A conspiracy involving Dong Zhuo was discussed in this small hall.

When the three of them were doing their own things, the second uncle of the Gu family, who was standing outside the hall, was looking at the concubine whose personality had changed drastically.

"I said Gu Zheng, the life in this palace is not easy, you have only seen you for a few days, and you have become like this from a pure and honest person."

The second uncle who said here couldn't help but sighed: "Why do you have the same virtue as that of the Lu family who is doing tricks and planning?"

Take a look at Gu Zheng's strategy of drawing salaries from the bottom of the pan.

He actually mobilized 18 gentry families in the South, lobbying 11 gentry families in the North, and withdrew all the funds and industries in Luoyang City and transferred them to the surrounding big counties.

Through the three-inch tongue, the momentum of the wait-and-see of the masters of each family was broken, and their fluke psychology was wiped out, and their private armed forces in Luoyang city were gathered together and evacuated along the line.

At the last moment when Dong Zhuojun was approaching, Gu Zheng also let the servants of the Gu family mix into the market and sang the absurd things that Dong Zhuo had done.

What the wolf ambition replaces it? Let’s not talk about the confusion of Qiang ancestry. There is even the unreliable news that Dong Zhuo likes to **** wives and daughters.

This makes Second Uncle Gu puzzled.

You say this is a rumors of a big lie. Who will believe it?

But in the end, it is so silly.

What was sung orally by the people in Luoyang City, but Dong Zhuo and his subordinates' wives... 18 things that have to be said.

The vivid descriptions of the streets and alleys, these people seem to have actually seen a performance, and they are going over the wall at night and picking up the small black house in the middle of the night to tell them that it is quite true.

The scope of its spread, not only Dong Zhuo's military commander's daughter-in-law, but also the daughter-in-law of the staff team behind him.

Dong Zhuo, the big hat of the *** woman, has not waited for him to lead the army into the capital, even if it is implemented.

And those court officials who didn't have any defense against Dong Zhuo, thinking about the age of the Queen Mother He still in the palace Fanghua, it was a heartbreak.

After this Dong's army enters the city, he won't add hat to the Han Dynasty, right?

Everyone was panicked, but in the precarious city of Luoyang, a kid named Cao Cao was boiled in salt water on the street. It was a joy to hear.

Are you in my generation?

But for those defenders, this is simply unbearable pain.

The unbearable person packed up his bags early and took refuge out of the city with his family.

And those patriots who still cherish the court are planning to fight fiercely.

Even if he knew the final result, he couldn't stop Dong Zhuo from advancing, but he could stop him a little bit. Don't let him ruin the great power of the Han Dynasty. These people can still do a lot of things.

In the same way, such rumors were also heard by Gu Zheng's teacher, Cai Yong.

According to the original trajectory, Cai Yong, whose status was placed at the time, does not have to worry about the new forces stationed in Luoyang City not giving him a bit of face.

But the rumors said that Dong Zhuo's meat and vegetables are not taboo...

Turning his head to look at his new widow's daughter, Cai Yong picked up his luggage a bit faster after her beautiful appearance.

I still listen to my disciples’ persuasion and follow my family to withdraw from Luoyang City.

This move will indirectly affect the future life of the cheap senior sister Gu Zheng.

While no one appreciates his benefits, what is Comrade Gu Zheng doing?

He was sitting in the middle of the group of representatives of the gentry who had been specially invited by him to make the final evacuation mobilization, and said his last arrangement.

But after Gu Zheng revealed his plan in its entirety, the group of delegations from the Patriarch Group was in a collective uproar.

"Gu's kid, are you crazy?"

"It's just a joke, when did the tolerant children of Wu Jun Gu's family be so presumptuous."

"Hahaha, arrogant If the people in this scene are all of your uncle's generation, if you compare that music, calligraphy, and calligraphy, you can’t be better than Gu Jia Yuankang."

"But if you talk about marching, commanding and controlling, we are all children of everyone's background. Which one is worse than you?"

"That's it, I think of my Zhu family's son, who was sailing far on the boat when he was ten years old, and he would go across the river at fifteen. What feats do you have, how dare you say such arrogant words."

This reaction is a bit big, so what did Gu Zheng say?

Gu Zheng said: "Speaking of all your private soldiers handed over to my hands, I will stop Dong Zhuo from chasing the army for you."

"Let's cheat Dong Zhuo a big man. With such an obsessive character, he won't let me go back easily."

"For today's plan, we need an army that can temporarily stop them, to slightly stop their pursuit."

"By the time the other reinforcements rushing to the imperial court are also close to the capital, Dong Zhuojun will no longer have the energy to trouble the little shrimps of us."

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