The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 759: Gather at Hulao Pass

"Haha. What a coincidence."

Knowing what Yuan Shao and the others are, Cao Caozheng is going to habitually complain, but Gu Zheng, who rushed to the front, yelled at his newly recognized friend: "Brother Meng De, catch it quickly. This is much simpler than catching a chicken."

"What are you doing slowly? Do you think you have too many soldiers!"

how come! Lao Tzu has a few thousand men and horses, and that was captured by the rout soldiers who followed you to catch Xu Rong!

Cao Cao, who had thrown Yuan Shao and others behind his head in an instant, followed Gu Zheng's flank of the Silver Scale Army without even thinking about it, and chased Hulao straight towards Hulao.

As for the direction of the back road and the other side, we don't have such great skills, so let's share your share.


People just ran away.

Yuan Benchu, who had already set up his posture long ago, was about to come forward to make friends with Gu Zheng again, but he was stupid and stupid by the two gangsters on the spot.

Let Yuan Shu behind him let out a sneer.

"Fake pretense, has anyone finally seen your true face? Yuan Dafa?"

Hearing this, Yuan Shao's face was twisted for a while, but when he turned his head, it instantly turned into a gentle smile like a spring breeze.

"How come, General Gu is concerned about the situation of the battle, when Hulao shuts down the garrison, there will always be a chance to talk with him."

Well, what you said is correct.

But Gu Zheng didn't even plan to stop and fix it.

He chased the cleverest group of defeated troops and approached Hulao. Outside the black pass, he revealed the silver spear that had been carefully wiped several times by Gu Quan before returning to his hand.

He screamed at the high pass in front of the city wall.

"Old Dong Zhuo, I don't think about your grace, and I am going to be strong, everyone will be punishable. If you still have a bit of shame in being a human being, then take out the courage that belongs to the Titans and fight me to the death."

"It's better than after I captured your Tiger Prison Pass, hanging you, the defeated general, on the gate of the city, naked to the public, slashing with swords and swords, okay?"

This call is not poisonous. Gu Zheng was tired from crying, and the messengers who had the loudest voice behind him continued to call.

Hearing that Dong Zhuo's temple on the wall of the inner gate was protruding, he was so angry and angry that he naturally didn't dare to go into the danger himself.

The two generals under him had folded their front and back feet in the hands of the man named Gu Zheng below.

Although Dong Zhuo used to be a general in the world with Kong Wu, he is now middle-aged, and coupled with years of indulgence in pleasure, the figure capable of drawing a horse-drawn bow has become obese.

How could he fight face-to-face with the bright silver armor that looks extremely capable underneath.

As if seeing the concerns of their generals, some people who have incomparable confidence in their skills, but eager to try, began to fight.

"General, Lu Bu is willing to go for the general to let that kid know how good our Dong Zhuojun is."

As soon as this person spoke, Zhang Liao, who was about to step out behind him, secretly took back his thoughts.

Lu Bu's ability is obvious to all in Dong Zhuojun.

If even he can't deal with Gu Zheng, then the rest of them will have to weigh their own weights if they want to fight again.

So when the words of Lu Bu's invitation to the war fell, the tribes surrounding Dong Zhuo didn't have any more to say.

But Dong Zhuo didn't immediately answer, instead he subconsciously glanced at Guo Bang and Li Hao standing on both sides behind him. After seeing that they had no objection, he nodded and agreed.

"Okay! It really is my good son! The adoptive father will scavenge for you in this rear barracks, and let the mobs know how powerful our flying bear army is!"

Hearing this acceptance, Lu Bu on the opposite side was overjoyed.

He has had enough to be Dong Zhuo's personal bodyguard every day. Since he left his hometown and joined the army, he just wanted to make a career and be able to return to his hometown in splendor, so that everyone admires him with admiration.

But after spending so many years outside, he came from a humble background and realized that it is too difficult for the common people to get ahead.

These powerful generals wanted to use him, but at the same time they wanted to beware of him.

All his bravery was useless.

Today's crisis in Hulao is the best time for Lu Bu to rise up, and it is also the best way for him to become famous and powerful.

He wants to use these hands to create a world of space for his future.

Lü Bu, who bowed his head, retired very quickly, paying attention to the situation. The other generals who had nothing to do with Dong Zhuo appeared on the wall of Hulaoguan, observing the sudden emergence of Gu Zheng. Where is it so powerful?

But when Dong Zhuofang's generals just ascended the pass of Hulao Pass, they were taken a step back in shock by the black man's head in front of them.

"This is Gu Zhengjun's military strength? This, I'm afraid there are hundreds of thousands, right?"

You think too much, this is the confederate armies coming from behind Gu Zheng.

Sure enough, the messenger in front rushed over and reported the very serious situation to Dong Zhuotong.

"Report! General, retreat quickly. The Confederate army, which had been standing still, suddenly pulled out of camp the day before and approached our army's three lines of defense."

"I heard that the general appeared at Hulao Pass, and most of the princes are coming in this direction. General, please hurry up and order, if you don't leave now, I'm afraid it will be too late."

Okay, it's messed up.

But the unwilling Dong Zhuo waved his hand and made his own decision.

"Send my order, let the flying bear guards pack up, and the squadron will fight back against the rear army. When I give the order to retreat, they will quickly assist me to evacuate."

"But now I want to see, under Lu Bu's Fang Tian painting halberd, who can break through this indestructible Tiger Prison Pass."

Dong Zhuo still has great confidence in Lu Bu's bravery.

The opposing group knows that if the chattering princes are frustrated again and again, I am afraid that it will not take a few times, they will once again return to the state of pulling each other's legs.

When the time comes, when they are in trouble, it is the moment when Dong Zhuo fights back.

Seeing Dong Zhuo's order, Li Xi was still a little worried, but Li Ru behind him stroked his long beard with confidence and relieved everyone in the court.

"Don't worry, at this time, the group of people underneath will definitely not let Gu Zheng's child show off again."

"In their view, the Gu Cao coalition forces have already made a lot of money, and it is time for them to gather the allies behind to pick up the fruits of this easy victory."

"Therefore, Lu Feng went out to fight first, and the one who took turns in the battle must not be Gu Zheng!"

We can rest assured with your words, then we are ready to hang up with both hands. Let's watch Lu Bu's performance below.

When the general of Dong Zhuo sinks his heart and looks at the place where he confronts, he can't tell Li Ru's expectation that the large piece of silver glitter has reached the position of the Chinese army.

Seeing that the group of riders had been dismounted and settled down, looking like a good show, this group of people knew that their guess was correct.

The coalition forces who rushed over really prevented Gu Zheng from calling into battle. They called them to let the other party rest for a while, and also looked at the skills of their was given by the county guards. With a smile, Gu Zheng, who was surrounded by the Great Tent of the Chinese Army, had a tacit look at each other with Cao Cao and others. There was no dissatisfaction. On the contrary, he was not polite at all and began to order some wine and meat, and trim it on the spot. Up.

If you can, go ahead.

Just taking advantage of the work of this meeting, I took the materials that I should get in my hands.

Seeing Gu Zheng's knowledge, the county guards from all walks of life were also very satisfied. They couldn't bear to set up the battle and formed a round table-like gathering strategy team, waiting for Dong Zhuofang's general to appear.

'Da da da'

The tiger prison closed the door and snapped down, rushing out of the black armored guard that had always been like a dark tide.

At the head of this team, there is a red-armored general who drives forward.

It was not until the empty field where the two armies confronted that the reins were reined, and the majestic halberd in his hand was pointed in the direction of the allied forces, and the registration number was started.

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