This celebration banquet was very fun. It was held in an open karaoke hall on the ground floor of the hotel.

In the confined space, as soon as the shaking lights hit, and the vigorous music rang, the people inside and outside the field let themselves go, and they started playing.

Those who shook their heads, waved their tails, and those who kept coming to Gu Zheng to shake hands and greet each other.

Gu Zheng, who rarely visits such places, is very uncomfortable.

After all the people who should say hello took a turn, Gu Zheng took a chance, copied a bottle of beer, and hid in a small corner on the side of the venue where no one noticed.

However, even in the dark, the shining pearl will emit a scorching light... How can a high-quality man like Gu Zheng not let those women rush like a fly to see honey?

No, he just raised his neck and blew into his mouth. When he retracted his chin and swallowed inwardly, on the long sofa under his buttocks... two women sat neatly on the left and the right.

One is Nina who is familiar to him and has a little friendship. As for the other?

It was something he had never seen before...Although she was young and beautiful... but she couldn't stop the old woman on her face.

The makeup on her face is extremely delicate, and she still carries a bottle of red wine that is very valuable at first glance. She is even more courageous. This is the first time she meets, she looks at Gu Zheng up and down like no one else.

Her eyes seemed to have stripped Gu Zheng naked... she glanced at her tail from head to tail, and never missed a single point.

It wasn't until the end that she was happy, and when she felt nothing to see, she breathed a long sigh of relief, raised her head, and directed the red wine in her hand in front of Gu Zheng, sending out her own invitation.

"Hello, Gu Zheng, are you interested in having a drink together. By the way, would you like to talk about our work tonight?"

What job?

Do I know you?

Gu Zheng subconsciously looked in the direction of his manager, only to find that the kid was carrying his pants in a panic... and running quickly toward the toilet.

So, the work that this woman came over to talk about has nothing to do with normal business?

So...this must be the kind of work he thought in his heart!

Hey! This is interesting. I thought that the days of raising a little white face were far away from me. Why, he is so popular now?

However, men fighting in the ring are brutal and tyrannical, shouldn't they be favored by traditional rich women?

Gu Zheng subconsciously looked at the side of this decent and serious woman who was dressed even when she was soaking in men. He pulled her fingers at her age, and the corners of her mouth twitched... and he planned to decline.

"This, ma'am."

"Sorry, I don't sell myself. I think you are looking for the wrong target."

"But if you want to make a friend, we can still chat. I think you have a good wine. Are you going to give it to me who is about to become a good friend?"

"I'm so embarrassed. You said that you made a friend and gave such an expensive gift. It really cost you money."

"Who, Nina, don't you hurry up to pour wine for this aunt?"

Nina, who was about to die of laughter, waved her hand in the direction of the stunned lady after hearing these words, and quickly separated her relationship with Gu Zheng.

"Director Zhao, I'm not familiar with Gu Zheng, really."

Um? and many more? director?

The director is amazing. The director can slap his little black face casually. The director wants unspoken rules, and he can't sneak into Gu Zheng's head, right?

Gu Zheng, who was accusing Nina with his eyes, glared at his unjust behavior, but the other party poked his back with his hand and pointed his finger in the direction behind the female director?

"What are you doing? What do you show me?"

As soon as he turned his head, Gu Zheng saw Jiang Yue, who was grinning awkwardly, rushing out of the toilet, bending over and standing behind Director Zhao, trying to explain to him like a small attendant.

"Hahaha, the director is my fault. I drank a bit too much just now, so I let in water."

"I should have brought Director Zhao to introduce to you, but Miss Nina saw that I was in a hurry, so she volunteered to take over and brought Director Zhao for me. I thought that there was nothing major, so I agreed. Come down."

"Who would think of Gu Zheng, you really can get it, how narcissistic it is to make such a big oolong."

It's embarrassing now...

Don't take care of Gu Zheng who is usually not serious, but he still respects serious people. This is a mess, he must quickly admit his mistake.

Gu Zheng corrected his attitude and immediately lowered his head.

"That Director Zhao, I'm sorry, I'm all good people, just one shortcoming, that's narcissism."

"You said that nowadays, who is a little better person who is not narcissistic?"

"Look, what just said, let's treat it as a joke...Let's pass it with a smile."

Director Zhao, who was opposite, was also very tolerant. She twitched the corner of her mouth slightly and smiled very kindly.

"No, in fact, you are right, your capital... is quite strong."

After saying this, Director Zhao subconsciously swept a certain part of Gu Zheng's body, and then as if nothing had happened before, once again raised the wine in her hand.

"So, let's talk about the importance of business."


It's the first time I know that the eyes can also be rascal...

In this embarrassing atmosphere, everyone whispered to the final task of Gu Zheng's stop in Hong Kong City.

Because Gu Zheng's itinerary is very tight at this stage, the filming of the brand advertisement he signed also needs to be adjusted according to his itinerary.

Simply, in Hong Kong, where the advertising language film industry is also developed, there are also top advertising teams and advertising directors.

In some respects, the filming center in Hong Kong City is very suitable for the positioning of the products endorsed by Gu Zheng.

Coupled with the embarrassing and funny story just now, Gu Zheng is very cooperative.

When Qu final and everyone went home, Dao Zhao glanced at Gu Zheng with a smile, and then reminded him with a deep meaning: "Gu Zheng, you said so much just now, and finally there is one sentence. That's right."

"In the wealthy circle of Hong Kong, there are all kinds of people. If the little black faces are talkative like you, I think those very wealthy ladies I know don't mind changing their tastes. "

"How about, are you interested?"

Oops, my mother, the urban routines are so deep, Gu Zheng, who shrunk his neck, ran back to his hotel amid Director Zhao’s retaliatory laughter, until the next day they arrived at the location of the commercial. Did not dare to move the nest.


The filming location on the second day was the film and television base in Hong Kong City. The facilities here are well-equipped, with sufficient personnel, and there are many familiar scenery. This makes this film and television city, which is also very affordable, the most popular filming location in the southern base. .

For a sports brand advertising filming, the required venue is not very demanding. It is enough to have an independent space in this base.

This made Gu Zheng, who had finished reading the corresponding script... sighed in disappointment.

Because there is a sentence written on this script: with the night-shrouded Hong Kong city as the background, running unscrupulously in the straight and empty streets... This is a script of a ball of yarn.

There is no need for the photographer to have any acting skills at all. This advertisement only needs to use superb shooting techniques, keen sense of mood, and careful post-editing.

This made Gu Zheng plan to make a big deal, and surprised the people around him at his superb acting plan, so he went bankrupt.

Come on, since it is necessary for work, let's take a good shot.


The lights came on, the director was in place, cameras 1, 3, and 4 were set up early, and my agent and assistant also hid in the dark with the Mazar water everything is ready, and the director says'start At the reminder of', Gu Zheng began to move in accordance with the requirements of the script.


Gu Zheng, who only wore sports shorts, was coated with a special layer of lotion, which exuded a **** light under the light used for shooting.

The little girl who was in charge of the props on the side couldn't help being stunned, holding a large roll of props that were needed in the theater next to her, and slammed into the street lamp post on the side.

"Haha, Gu Zheng, you can't tell, your charm is quite big."

"Very well, this shot has passed. Let's go to the other side of the street and wait a little bit. After the film crew next door has finished shooting, let's take another scene from this angle. Your advertisement will even be filmed."

Repeat it several times and grab the best shots. It's that simple.

After the director consciously explained to Gu Zheng and the way of positioning in front of the camera, this comrade with super learning ability quickly mastered the trick, and was eager to try it in the next shot.

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