"Absolute Reality", the educational journal of the game church, but I am afraid that there are not many New Dongya city people remembering this identity, just like a city's signature daily newspaper, everyone will not deliberately notice his production. square,

Habitual purchase, habitually get the latest information from it, habitual trust in the truth, private media, commercial media to achieve this level, more official than the official media.

After defeating many competitors to stand out, the weekly sales volume broke through 200,000, and considering that most of the new towns of Seymour have the habit of circulating and listening to newspapers, in fact, the impact has reached nearly one million, most of them. New Dongnia City has been affected by it.

Millions of influences are not exaggerated. Even in the corner city, there are literary professional newspaper readers pubs and teahouses reading newspapers, so the last wave of newspapers may be close to 100 people.

For a long time, perhaps Rorschach has been accepting this ridiculous journal of dozens of sales, and has always used this outdated paper media as a matter of life and death.

Because he has experienced the era of the earth media, he is deeply aware of the power of public opinion and the media, and the selective reporting of the necessary time is a kind of soft violence that can reach a thousand troops.

Absolute truth does not mean that there is no position. News reports that really have no foothold can not exist from the beginning. Even in the perspective of public welfare and environmental protection, there is a natural stand of human beings and nature.

Words are originally ideas that express the heart. Since the ideas themselves are subjectively created, how can they be completely unaffected by subjectivity.

".......... New Tonya City jointly developed the no-man's land station to be punished, and finally reluctantly announced the abandonment of the station."

This report itself has no problem. It is also the style of "Absolute Reality" as always. The narrative style is simple and straightforward. It uses the method of white description to explain the ins and outs of things. It also knows that the opponent is not good by "some way" and finally I chose the fact of giving up.

Except for a slightly negative headline, the narrative is very rigorous and objective, and it is biased to describe the difficulty of exploration, and it can also give better psychological expectations to those new entrants.

The censor group of the Eagle's Crown watched it several times, and did not find out the slightest problem, so it was very safe to let "Absolute Reality" be published.

But it is still an accident.

"...The top five directors of the 20-member board of directors closed the door to discuss the matter overnight and decided to withdraw funds overnight."

"The Titans have proved to be rumors, the estimated value of the no-man's land has been greatly reduced, and the top five churches decided to revoke the new Tonya City branch."

"Dongcheng's diplomatic environment is getting worse and worse. The top three corner city candidates have expressed hostility to outsiders. No matter who comes to power, it may trigger a new round of ethnic struggles and disputes."

"The train accidents have occurred frequently. The deficit has been three months since the official operation. The labor wages of a year ago have not been paid. The peripheral investors have questioned the trust of the joint motor transport and asked them to publicly report this year's earnings."

From a week ago, all sorts of bad news spread around the avalanche.

Some are reported by the big newspaper tabloids, some are from the streets, and some are from the corner of the city.

There are real, fake, half-truthful, and many bad news, all of which broke out in a short time.

For a time, people are looking for official opinion to determine that the "Absolute Reality" issue is just published, and it is sold in an instant, even refreshing the previous record of 230,000 sales, reaching a terrible value of 300,000.

The result is not only the lack of official public opinion, but the report that the great church has been frustrated by the land reclamation.

Such negative reports, on the other hand, are like verifying the previous news of “distribution” and “big church running”, just like the third tiger in the three-person tiger, or the real news of the most trustworthy channel of truth. Instant public opinion explosion.

There is no problem with this report itself. The problem is that the time it came out is too clever. It is too clever.

At that time, the big church found that the situation was wrong. I met with the editor-in-chief of Rorschach, but found that after completing the first draft of the journal, he first returned to Ai Xi, and then returned to the earth to get some visas and inheritance. He could not find him back.

The other people in the editorial department are not enough weights. Without Luo Xia’s guarantee of the real special signature, casually taking out the rumors of realism and doubts will only aggravate the current distrust of the big church.

If you force the game church to fake fake signature news... Don’t mention that the game church is willing to succumb to the signboards that have been working so hard for so many years. Once the news is surprised and passed, it is the real destruction.

In the midst of the storm, the "official media" spit out negative news and quickly misfiring, which is ten times more than a hundred times worse than saying nothing.

For a time, public opinion was awkward. Many small and medium-sized churches even began to withdraw their shares and seek peace. The outside of the church was stared hard and feared that they would do something.

If there is an earth person here, you can probably use a single word to summarize the current situation of the people, and the status quo of everyone's self-defense!

Yes, shorting is the most common negative news serial bomb used by commercial means of public opinion. The whole New Dongnia City that is bombed is uneasy, just like the scenes that were thriving in the previous month are all fake.

This reveals a hidden danger of the new Dongnia City. They are the church-led coalition cities. Although there are commercial open elements, the churches pay more attention to strength rather than reputation. They don’t pay much attention to public opinion. Only led to the infinite growth of the game church and absolute truth in this regard.

Without the expansion of competitors, it is impossible to contain. Informants, intelligence dealers, tabloid reporters, and part-time journalists are actually held in the hands of the only media hymns. If they really play the intelligence war, they will not be able to trace them.

In order to avoid the leakage of information, all intelligence operations are done by the immediate descendants of the upper levels of the game church.

Now, in order to reverse this more terrible public opinion atmosphere and calm the hearts of the people, the big churches first think of the objects that must be relied upon and help, and they can still only be game churches... This is very interesting.

It is even more ridiculous than the thief to call the thief, that is, to spend a lot of money to ask those who are rumors to blame, even if some people have already noticed that the situation is not correct, but also to say good things to comfort those rumors.

When Rorschach is not there, he certainly cannot be there. If he is not speaking, is there a problem?

And he is not there, the game church also "just happens" the most crucial means of rumors.

Therefore, this "short" completely brought the entire New Dongnia City and the Great God Church into the quagmire.

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