"Is the Rorschach victory over the gray poisonous blade, the game church is among the core layers of the 20-member board of directors," and the "star-stars who are less than twenty years old"? It really can blow, I don't know how strong I am."

This is already the third day of the showdown. Rorschach dropped the newspaper in his hand, and the rumors above have become more and more exaggerated.

In a closed city lacking hot news, a little thing can be copied out repeatedly, not to mention the big event of big-bang confrontation and high-level interaction between cities.

It is rumored that this kind of thing will only be more and more surprising, especially those who meet unexpectedly, as long as there are a few nonsense.... In fact, most people can’t understand the master’s duel, their “objective explanation”. "It was full of misunderstandings and exaggerations."

"Great victory? Rolling down? Winning? The power of life-long exchange? The eagle's crown and the private political transaction of the game church caused a drama? These people really can edit."

In order to attract attention, the bad media have come up with their own "exclusive news", but whether it is an exclusive interview or an exclusive Hubian, it is difficult to say.

If it is Sol or the earth, there are laws that restrict the lower limit of these media, but strictly speaking, the media here are self-medias without constraints and official strength. It is not only irresponsible to talk indiscriminately, but also stimulate sales. ...so the title is getting more and more horrified, and the content is getting more and more nonsense.

As a result, there is no need to say more. When everyone is used to compiling, a media that only tells the truth........ The game church is like this.

The game’s “Absolute Reality” also exploded, but the buyers were a little disappointed.

"I thought it would be a big publicity, how are all of my own adventurists, and the result is less than two pages."

"........ I have become more and more aware that this newspaper is reliable. This shows that the gray poison blade is calculated. It is not the strength of the young young Rorschach who has crushed the old powerhouse and changed the family. It must have been blowing up the sky.

"Do they need to blow? You look at the journal of the pigeons of the pigeons, and they have said that Rorschach has become a three-segment transformation, and many people help him."

"So, there seems to be a lot of churches for gloating, is the gray poisonous blade so hateful?"

"I have seen the resume of that person. It is really not the point of attracting hate. It is the ultimate criminal who will be surrounded by police in several countries as long as they appear in their world. The crown of the eagle actually uses this kind of person....... ”

"You don't understand it. It's just a smuggler's mercenary. It's used when you used it. And those churches are dissatisfied with the gray poisonous blade. They are obviously dissatisfied with the eagle's crown. Those big churches act. The style is too overbearing."

"However, I really didn't expect the church in the media to have such a strong warrior, or this is the reason why they dare to tell the truth..........."

Many discussions and rumors flooded the streets, churches, and corporate companies. The game church was thoroughly brushed, and Rorschach was truly famous.

【how do you feel? Is it very cool? 】

Perhaps it was finally a sigh of relief. Perhaps it was the flesh again in a short time. Luo Li’s recent mood was very good.

"Yes, it's a bit cool, but it's a bit too bad to be so cool."

Luo Xia is very honest. When the grandson has been in the business for so many years, I finally saw a little light. I don’t know far. On the board of the last 20 people, not only did people always say hello, but the big ones finally gave some respect. The last speech was finally heard.

But standing in the position of the game church, it is really not good to go on like this.

I have a few weights or I have a lot of heart. This time, the church has won the gray poison blade, which represents the deterrent of the top power, but it does not mean that it is really the top church, with the regular top level. Fighting power.

The outside world’s guess is really a bit biased. This simple and deliberate report is not to maintain the style of the game church. In fact, you can know the previous issue of the journal, and the game church’s propaganda for its ace advents is also There has never been a slack, although there is no lie, but the appropriate artistic processing is indispensable.

Perhaps this is the effect of good word-of-mouth, and many habits are neglected by habituality and choice.

This game church is really not too big to publicize.

After winning, the actual interests have already been harvested, and the right to speak at the top of the new Dongnia City has been won. The massive number of participants and the newly added believers have made Luo Li inexplicably sing in the ears of Luo Xia.

Others have already declared the crown of the eagle for you, kicking the glory of the scroll, and you really climbed up the pole. "Well, yes, it is me, it is me", that is equal to stepping on the opposite face. The upper position.

It really rises to the height of the face. Those big churches have moved the real thing, that is, they don’t secretly do it. Sending a few elite backbones and fighting church battles, duels, and predecessors are all very uneconomical things.

In order to eliminate the incident as soon as possible, the game church not only deliberately played down the propaganda, but even took the initiative to show the crown of the eagle.......... The result is beyond the expectations of Rorschach, the archbishop of the other party is not only not dissatisfied, actually Very happy, totally inappropriate.

At the church level, as long as the game church is not dead, it should be no problem. It is the gray poisonous blade........ I hope that the Eagle Crown can be controlled. There is no way to control it. Since it has already stepped on the upper position, it is already ready. The enlightenment of recruiting people to hate.

".......Start this state again, how long does it take to reserve?"

[Also available, it is much better than expected, whether it is the loss of your high affinity, or the recent increase in beliefs, the old believers become pious, the Protestants increase a lot.... although we This time, it consumed nearly four months of divine reserve, but it was expected that the four months of supplementation would be replenished as long as it was less than two months. At this rate, the third month began to earn. 】

After hearing this news, Rorschach also relaxed a lot. After all, he was remembered by the strongest of the natural disaster list. The psychological is still somewhat uneasy.

As a winner, although there are also hidden dangers of bad news and uneasiness, more naturally is good news. The game church has paid so much for this day, and the benefits have come one after another.

"Su Nana, Isabella, and the masters are all advanced? The members of the New Knights are nearly half-successful. Others feel that they have made great progress and are about to advance. Is this a hanging?"

[Of course, with the peak of the peak of life and death, and then died ten times, no progress is really not saved. 】

"....... Why am I not advanced? I still feel like I was stepped on by an elephant."

[Oh, when you really started, what did you do besides watching the show? Watching the whole process and then cheering? So I want to advance? The audience above did not rise to ninety-nine. The difference between you and them is that they are watching on the stage. You can watch it under the stage. 】

In an instant, Rorschach was speechless.

".......Is it really a strongman?"

[You are not alone, at most, it is a bystander-type peak, but with us, it is the peak of the peak. 】

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