"How did you find out?"

"....... You have not concealed it. Those adventurers have escaped from the already demonized mine. They also said that there are only a few cultists, and they all have problems..."

Thousands of miles of defense can collapse in the ant nest, the basics of the chain are all details, the military savvy in the legendary story is basically a virtual image, most of the guys who are regarded as smart people, just observe the finer, think Relatively far.

Rorschach can find out that this is not the right thing, and gradually concludes that the two evil gods are hostile to each other, starting from this seemingly unrelated scene.

Honest talent told Rorschach that these guys didn't lie, they really thought they had carried out a mine sweeping mission.

And then, they proved that they were lying, or accurately, that they thought everything they saw was real.

It’s true that the eyes of wisdom are blind, but the eyes of wisdom that can manipulate the vision do not need to expose their followers, let them expose them in advance, and even if they are really unexpected, they will not rely on these materials. May escape from the crater of the evil spirits.

Rorschach had only doubts, and with the eyes of the eye of wisdom and the powers being revealed one by one at the end of the new Dongnaiya city, this poisonous poison has already eroded the deep reality, so that Rorschach determined one thing. .

"....... Since the eye of wisdom is not stupid, he will not expose himself to fishing for two fish. Even if it is to be exposed, it will ambush the small fleet of the combined large fleet instead of two or three ships. So, it is normal, Someone hangs him, and can hang him.... The first two days are not 'just right' to discover the scene of another sacred god."

Rorschach, who once fought with the evil spirit Jack, explored the environment and naturally found out who the altar was. When all these clues were held in their hands, Rorschach had already seen the shadow of the black hand behind the scenes.

"How do you know that I am here?"

"....... I said just shouting your letter?"

The Seymour, who had a distorted face in front of him, was much safer than Rick’s.

But this familiar sense of crisis is still arrogant, and Rorschach knows that this is the reason for the gap between the two sides to widen again.

The paradise system has entered the standby state, and under the gentle and peaceful conversation, it is a ready-made preparation.

Even the intellectual and natural ability tells himself that there is no hostility to the evil spirits in front of him, and there is no physical strength to threaten himself, but Rorschach still does not dare to relax.

The battlefield is still in chaos.

In the frequent lightning strikes, the flying konjac is still cleaning up the unknown creatures around, and every inch of the sudden advance must pay the price of blood.

Rorschach's divine link has been completed, and each virtual creation can be turned into reality at any time, helping the fleet to break in... but there is no threat to Jack, so that Rocha is not afraid to distract.

Enemies? Heroes cherish heroes? Hehe, Rorschach only wants to pinch the opposite side, even if it is just an avatar, and if Jack is possible, he will kill the mortal who makes himself a similar laughing stock.

The two sides did not have any nutritious conversations, but they were all temptations and language traps.

"You seem to have a bad relationship with that eye of wisdom?"

No obvious emotional response? Then, it is not bad or bad, very simple passer-by relationship, or the relationship between hunters and prey?

Tentative position.

"The few escapers are what you let out, why do you want to expose the eyes of wisdom?"

Yes,yes,yes? Ok, it really is your old boy, this malicious smile, this time you stared at the big eyeball?

Tentative behavior.

"....... I heard that the fastest way to grow evil spirits is to devour each other, even if it is just an avatar..."

The purpose of the test.

Is it completely correct? So, are you using a knife to kill God? But from another perspective, since the goals are figured out, we can also use each other.

The temptations and conversations are always mutual, and Rorschach has also exposed a lot of things.

"Well, we are here to play the church and the shining picture... You know, saving a few people and all the rescue is two concepts. If you rescue the new city alliance or the city owner, it is unacceptable to give up the rescued, but Now, we are just the ones who will save ourselves. It will be more flexible to move forward and backward."

"You didn't guess wrong, I was not sure, but as long as I came, at least avoided the worst situation.... In this range, I carried a link with Luo Li, the situation is in a desperate situation, I can put the same The soul of Luo Li’s Adventist uploads, although the body can’t keep it, the descendants’ quotas and careers must be repeated, but it’s better than the fallen.”

"Yes, my work is actually not as difficult as you think. These ships and people are not game churches. If necessary, I open up the field ability, and then I rush in and upload the soul of my companion. Oh, You see it? Well, I am very skinny,"

"Yes, since I am connected with Luo Li at any time, then I can naturally give up this body and upload my soul. Although the loss is great, I am not dead in Ansorne. I want to kill me, or I want to Go to Aich."

Rorschach explained his immortality, but he could feel that the other party finally gave up the intention of direct killing.

On the battlefield, two people who are unlikely to die are trying to test each other's bottom line. It is precisely because they can't kill each other that they can cooperate.

Ironically, in a sense, both are traitors.

On the premise of his own church and friends, Rorschach did not hesitate to give up the soldiers of other churches and regarded it as an optional task. It is necessary to give up the deaths from the standpoint of New Tonya City. Uniting all the forces to clean up the eyes of wisdom is the best option.

Now, I have already made clear the interests of myself and the game church, and took the canon of other churches.

On the opposite side, the main goal is to get a knife behind the seniors, and the degree of betrayal is even more direct.

But only laymen can't understand this situation. The evil spirits and the new gods seem to be two hostile camps. In fact, the difference is huge.

The new **** is indeed a camp, but the evil spirits really put their hands in a pocket of the robbers, competition and hostility are far greater than friendship.

There are often news new gods and evil spirits stirred together, this is a common thing with real needs... but most of them have no good end, the natural hostility of both sides will inevitably lead one party to betray the covenant sooner or later.

Now, Rorschach must be skinned with the tiger.

No one knows what they talked about, but I am afraid that Rorschach will definitely accept the review and search of the Lord God. Afterwards, when the evil spirits of the road disappeared, Rorschach received a small book, but on it, I don’t know the intelligence that a evil **** got from there.

[Trusted? 】

"Reliable, if he wants to kill the eye of wisdom, it is necessary to increase our chances of winning. Most of the above is true."

Talking about the words of trust, Rorschau directly asked Luo Li to contact Isabella.

“Tell Isabella, the search for the evil spirits of the inverted silver cross that entangled the poison tongue, and found that his followers directly killed, the priority is higher than the eye of wisdom. Also, let our people search for the silver elves. ......."

However, from the actions of Rorschach, this "alliance" is regarded as the number one threat.

Quickly flipping through the record of the small book, Rorschach's frowning brows finally loosened. It seems that the eye of wisdom is not invincible.

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