The Crazy Knight’s Age of the Universe

Vol 2 Chapter 295: Two worlds

Six years ago, Rorschach was a foreigner from the earth. The basic knowledge structure of the brain was the mathematical and physicalization of the scientific and technological civilization. The cultural background was the Huaxia Asian cultural circle. Although the appearance was obvious to the untouchable aliens, it was External speech and behavior, or a more fundamentally based logic of thinking, are typical peace fools.

Six years ago, Rorschach was still a teenager. Considering his racial characteristics, it is not an exaggeration to put a suffix "children" in front of this word.

The age is still young, in a period of high-speed growth, coincident with the drastic changes in the family environment, the death of the family, the disappearance of missing, forced to provoke a heavy responsibility and prop up a family.

I have mastered a completely unfamiliar knowledge system in an unfamiliar environment. My life has been wanted for a long time. I don’t know who is a friend or who is an enemy. I am at the helm of a “large family business”. .

Probably, all the factors that make people mature quickly, Rorschach is almost ready, so, under the appearance of seemingly little change, it is actually a different heart.

Change has always existed, and some changes are turned upside down, some changes, but the naked eye is hard to see........

"If you dare to mention that I have changed by 1 cent in five and a half years, I really want to kill you."

The graduation season is also a gathering season for classmates, but at this time, Rorschach, who is smiling and threatened with death, can no longer make the classic joke of "Rousseau how you have never changed."

After all, considering the talents that he has no one to know and the ability to fight now, this death threat is not only true, but also not the ordinary star knight can resist.

Although 20% of the hapless eggs still have to fight for graduation certificates and degree certificates, most of the current students have already obtained the degree certificates, which means that they have already decided to leave school, and many have even signed up to get new ones. jobs.

Some people work in other cities in Sol, some people work in other countries, and even in other countries, considering the characteristics of the Star Knight profession itself, there are several lucky ones who have already reached the universe and the infinite world. Tickets.

The new journey has already taken the road. They probably didn't have the time and mood to graduate with the classmates. They just waited for the degree certificate to start, so it was taken for granted. The graduates were scheduled to perform in advance.

The reception is still very lively, confession, break up, lovelorn, taking advantage of the last chance, plus the courage effect of alcohol, many people have to fight out.......... then beer, liquor The dwarf spirits and the elf fruit wine are all out of stock. Think about it with your knees. At this time, you will dare to attack the quail, and the success rate will not be too high.

The scene was a bit embarrassing. Some people even brushed the most sensitive height of Rorschach under the influence of alcohol. Around him, he sang the princess of the Dwarf King and his seven tall princesses.... It was taken for granted that Rorschach smiled and made a death threat.

10 minutes later, on the open-air terrace of the hotel, Luo Xia was bored looking at the night scene, and then seriously considered whether it was just a sneak back and forget it. Anyway, this class has few acquaintances, and the real friends have already joined the game. church.

Suddenly, a strange voice came from behind.

"Why, is a person drinking here? Oh, Carl is just too happy. If he accidentally jokes, he will cross the line. He is not familiar with you and does not know that you are disgusted with this. Forgive him."

"Oh, I am very unfamiliar with most of my classmates, including you... you are called Marta."

"Marta Hasta, you remember correctly, but you haven't remembered all the names in the same class for six years. It's too much memory for you, or you don't think it's necessary to remember."

"The latter, why should I remember your name /"

In an instant, this active Marta is silent. It turns out that you don’t have to remember the names of our classmates. You don’t think it’s necessary to write down my name. Naturally, there is no need to communicate. .

This scene is a bit embarrassing, this talent of Rorschach is really not suitable for socializing with strangers, always inexplicably dying to the sky.

However, what he said is still the truth. He is really unfamiliar with his classmates. Compared with other students who are maddening, this graduation reception is like a foreigner who is invited by the ceremonial invitation but must enter. Subtle discomfort everywhere, like a stranger who is out of place.

the reason? Many aspects are caused together.

Just like the teaching mechanism of the Earth University, everyone took the basic course together in the first year, but in the following years, most of them were free to take the elective.

Like the amazing attendance rate of Rorschach, Rorschach, who started building his own church shortly after school, is definitely in the world there most of the time. Most of the courses are video + self-study. There are only a handful of times in the classroom. The chances of choosing the same course in the same class are even lower, and it is impossible for Rorschach to appear on the campus during the after-school activities that are normally used for communication and social interaction.

When other people enjoy campus life, he is in another world. As the grades rise, the opportunities for exchanges between the two sides are becoming less and less. It is no wonder that he is like an embarrassing outsider today.

This is just a physical gap caused by lack of time to contact, but the more macroscopic nature is indeed a huge gap between the two worlds.

Most of the students also exercise their abilities within the system of the college. Rorschach lived and died on the battlefield in the first year. The world in which the two sides live is completely different, and the world view and values ​​have a subtle gap....... Let's just say, how can a veteran and company veteran and paparazzi captain and conspirators talk to a student who has not yet left the school.

Even the classmates in the class, like Marta who didn't even remember the name in front of him, who also took the route of Ansorne, just mixed up with the adventurous candidate of a medium-sized church and got a training student. The invitation may be considered to be on the front line of the battlefield after about five or six years.

At the graduation reception, Rorschach saw several people congratulating him, just remembering his name..... In order to avoid being too rude and saying "what is this happy" rudeness, Rorschach was at the time. I tried very hard to hold my mouth.

By the way, not this episode, Rorschach has not had the chance to remember the name of this guy, it is even more embarrassing now.

However, Rorschach himself did not want to be so angry and upset that the other side thought, and he was very interested in hearing what Marta was looking for for his "familiar stranger".

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