The Crown Prince I’m Raising Has Turned Evil

Chapter 88: Scholars' Way of Fighting

Xie Linlang is a military novice who knows nothing about warfare, but she was good at science when she was studying, so all the enemy's actions can be digitized in her eyes.

For example, the water bandits attacked continuously throughout the day the first day, and she finally observed and recorded the damage caused to the wall when the water bandits stopped. Then, based on the damage to the wall, she calculated the damage to the wall under the same attack. How long can it last.

As a result, the data showed that the wall was already in danger, so she did nothing and kept patching the wall.

And her purpose of repairing the wall is just to use the wall to consume the life of the opponent's trebuchet.

After all, the trebuchet is a wooden device, and it is easy to be scrapped after frequent use. If she can use a wall to scrap all the opponent's long-range attack devices, then it is worthwhile for the wall to collapse.

Of course, besides the trebuchet, she also had to guard against the opponent's other long-range weapons.

So after all the opponent's trebuchets were scrapped, she did not act rashly, but was waiting for the opponent to come up with a unique move.

Sure enough, they really had a backup, but when Lian Ke activated the "Eagle Claw" on the boat to drag down the city wall, she was steady.

Because the "Eagle Claw" on the ship can only shoot out flat, that is to say, the opponent's long-range weapon has enough range and not enough angle, so it can't pose any threat to the thing she is about to take out.

As for the bow and arrow, let alone, the distance between the two sides, the bow and arrow will not work at all.

Moreover, she guessed that since the other party was planning to destroy the city wall from the very beginning and go ashore for melee combat, they might not have prepared bows and arrows at all to increase the burden on the ship.

In this way, all the threats that the water bandits can pose are within the estimates. As a scholar who has never fought a war and only knows how to count and write articles, she can finally fight back with confidence and boldly. up!

The water bandits didn't expect the sudden fire of the sails at all! Boats are very important to them, and their boats can go faster than Zeguo's boats because their sails are very unique!

So the sail caught fire, which made them all panic, but before they could find a way to put out the fire, the sail of the next ship also caught fire!

Under the scorching sun and in the wind of the river, once the sails catch fire, it cannot be stopped. The flames will grow when the wind sees the wind. After a while, the entire sails of the ship are engulfed by the flames.

The people on the boat tried their best to fish for water to put out the fire, but to no avail. The fire burned more and more intensely, and their hearts burned more and more panicked!

At this time, they didn't realize that it was Xie Linlang who set the fire. After all, she was standing on the shore without doing anything. The sudden fire was like a karmic fire from the sky. disturbed.

The officers and soldiers on the bank who were holding the guys nervously, waiting for the water bandits to come ashore and then fight to the death, saw that the water bandits' boats spontaneously ignited one after another, couldn't help but ran out from the broken city wall, and taunted them loudly .

"Sure enough, people are doing what the sky is watching! You group of bullies have killed countless people, burned, killed and looted, have you been punished now?!"

"Burn! Burn these bandits to death! Still want to massacre the city? See if God doesn't burn you to death!"

The vicious words of the officers and soldiers, in the past, these water bandits would only snort when they heard it. If God really punished the wicked, they would have died a hundred and eighty times. How can they be so chic?

But the situation in front of them made them shake. Obviously their boats were not touching each other, but they burned one after another. Could it be that there is really retribution? Otherwise, why didn't the ship burn sooner or later, but when they were about to enter the city?

Seeing that the fire on the river was getting bigger and bigger, and more and more boats were burning, the carpenters around Xie Linlang who brought things up did not cheer, but fell silent.

Because they vaguely guessed that the ship might not be on fire for no reason, but...

They glanced at Xie Linlang carefully, and saw that she was turning the mirror pot, and constantly calculating the angle of sunlight projection according to the projection changes of the standard, and then adjusted each mirror.

Soon, the sail she aimed at with the mirror pot spontaneously ignited for no reason. Hearing the sound of panic over there, she didn't stop, and decisively aimed at the next sail!

It's also thanks to the fact that these water bandits lined up in a row, and the distance is not far away, and it's also thanks to the fact that their boats have several more sails than other boats! These sails are effortless to aim at, and when one is lit, the others can be burnt into one piece in a matter of minutes. From a distance, it looks like a cloud of fire floating on a large ship, which is very spectacular!

She alone caused chaos among the water bandits who were clamoring to slaughter the city before. She didn't even get close, but just manipulated the mirror pot beside her from a distance.

No one will believe this scene! If these carpenters hadn't witnessed it with their own eyes, they wouldn't believe it!

When Mr. Xie gave them the blueprints, they still didn't understand. After all, the water bandits are coming, so what's the use of putting these mirrors together?

It is true that the mirror is very expensive, and it is the secret weapon that Xiangcheng plans to use to make a lot of money, but after all, it is just a daily necessities. Putting it together like this, apart from making it more expensive, what is the point?

Could it be that Mr. Xie wanted to use the mirror to bribe the water bandits? Then just send it directly, why use such a complicated process to assemble it?

Facts have proved that they are still too ignorant, how can mortals imagine the means of immortals? In their hands, these mirrors are just tools to make money, but in the hands of Mr. Xie, they are magic tools that can perform fairy arts!

As soon as the magic weapon was released, the boats of the water bandits spontaneously ignited. No matter how vicious they were, they could only repent under the fire of karma.

Such supernatural powers, this is the real god!

The successive self-igniting sails formed a sea of ​​flames. How familiar is this scene?

Lian Ke will never forget that when he was planning to leave Qin State and return to Ze State with all his troops, it was because of a face-to-face meeting with Xie Linlang that she ignited the river, creating a sea of ​​flames, and let him accumulate in Qin State. All forces are wiped out!

And there was a sea of ​​flames in front of him, so all of this was caused by Xie Linlang? !

After waking up, he quickly shouted, "Sail down! Everyone lowered the sails. This is not a vision, it's not Tianhuo, it's Xie Linlang who is playing tricks!"

When he yelled like this, the leader of the water bandit who was panicked also ordered loudly with a knife in his hand.

"Everyone, lower the sails! Don't mess around, don't be suspicious! If you don't obey me, I will kill him directly!"

At this time, the instability of the army's morale is the most terrifying, especially those officers and soldiers on the shore who have been shouting, saying that God has sent down karma and wants to take them in!

The crowd was still noisy, but after their leader really killed two people, the crowd gradually calmed down, and the boat that hadn't caught fire quickly began to furl its sails.

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