The Crystal Palace Of Heaven

Chapter 154: Burst his chrysanthemum

Chapter 154 exploded his chrysanthemum

As long as it is not M, anyone with a soldier in battle will not like siege. In addition, even if there is only a little S, they will like to defend the city very much. ..

Both Xiangyang and Constantinople have devoured a large number of troops and resources of the most terrible conqueror nation in the contemporary world. Although the best ending is not very good, whether it is Kublai Khan or Mohammed II, it must be Like the elder sister of a military goddess disguised as a man in the 11th district, she will express emotions such as "siege horses, the most hated".

In addition, many people who actually have no idea of ​​the military establishment often follow the strong fortresses and city walls to block the enemy's attack. Somehow, they have mixed up the name of a "famous general". Such examples should not be too many.

All in all, as long as it is not a natural second addiction to honor, Shoucheng can be regarded as the most interesting job in war ...

The premise is that the city walls are thick enough, the defenders are strong enough, the enemy should not be too stubborn, and in addition, there should be no blows beyond common sense.

It's a pity that none of the above is in Heiman City. As a result, Shoucheng became a very daunting job, at least now Lu Xi, was pitted by this status quo to cry without tears.

When Lu Xi rushed up the city wall and was going to find Gillet or Mu, he found that the chaos here even exceeded the gate of the city.

The Wuhe people who do not have a perfect organization and command levels at all levels, although temporarily formed under Mu's wrist, may be able to hold their posts at the positions arranged in advance when they are smooth, but once the development of the situation exceeds expectations, what will happen? , Then it really can only ask the Holy Spirit for blessing.

At this time, a large group of undead and skeletons had been killed under the city. They did not have to go to the broken gate stupidly. Instead, they began to climb the wall with great sense of structure and organization. Give full play to your military strength.

The cannon fodder of the Necromancers did not bring complete siege equipment. Neither the ladders of the ladders nor the rushing of cars, but they used one of the least technical content, but it also caused the self-esteem of the people in the city. Method-human ladder. Anyway, for the Necromancers, the low-level skeletons and zombies do not have to worry about how much they have to lose.

The decayed corpse and Bai Sensen's skeleton are higher and higher. The explosive "regular army" such as ghouls and blood corpses stepped on the corpses of the "militia" and jumped up the city wall to kill. There are not many enemies able to climb up the city wall, but it is enough to make these crowds with few command systems even more confusing. The samurai warriors standing under the city threw arrows and javelins on the city wall, constantly creating casualties, but rarely received decent counterattacks.

In addition to the ground attack, there are also heavenly, eagle-like banshees hovering around the city walls. Once someone is distracted, they will suddenly dive like a hunted raptor, and the steel claws made of iron directly leave a shocking blood hole on the top of the other person's head. Witches who can use magic are even more chic, fluttering their wings and easily avoiding the sparse arrows of the Uzbekistan crowd, while throwing magic **** at the densest places of the crowd, blowing up the adventurers' flesh and blood.

"Wuhe people are Wuhe people, the pig team is the pig team!" Lu Xi continued to despise the friendly army with his mouth gun, and he smoothly put a thunder axe towards the nearest Hawks. Battered by a voltage of tens of thousands of volts, the banshee suddenly made a scream of sternness, and the body was wrapped with an arc and fell to the ground straight, falling to the ground.

A ghoul who had just jumped on the city wall lifted the skull of an unlucky mercenary in one paw, and then screamed and rushed towards Lu Xi, but he was wrapped around his neck by a fiery chain. As soon as the chain was thrown, the little calf-like monster was directly thrown out, turned into meat eggs, and pressed three or four bone warriors who were shooting arrows under them.

Lu Xi glanced around, naturally falling into the eyes of San Wu Wei Li Niang, as well as the figure of the tauren silly big man and passerby archer. Lim and the three of them belonged to their servants, not the federal mobile team. If no separate order was given, they would naturally follow wherever they went.

Lu Xi waved his staff, and the thunderbolt released hit another magic witch who was playing magic. However, her magic resistance is obviously much stronger than that of the previous one. Although she was screamed and shook yù, but she did not fall, and she had room to cast her angry eyes on Lu Xi, her hands raised separately A fireball was ready to be thrown over, but then, a demon drop hammer formed by the condensation of light energy roared, smashing the head of the unexpected demon into flesh and blood, and the brain splashed.

Lu Xi couldn't help but twitch his tongue.

As mentioned earlier, the more complete the evolution of the Hawk Lady, the more it looks like a human being, and the stronger the magic, the more beautiful it looks. Although the face of the witch was not as good as the world-class beauties such as Karin and Asuna, there was also a big gap between the national-level beauties such as Lilim and Sesiri, but overall they were far from the average Above, it looks like a strong man. The most important thing is that watching the face of a beautiful woman completely smashed by the hammer of light warfare, the scene was really surprising.

War is really a monster that twists common sense! Lu Xi felt a sigh of emotion in his heart, and then made a gesture of gratitude to the person who released the Warhammer of Light, the person named Dongte who was suspected to be a paladin and was known as an adventurer.

"I'm not going to help you, it's just that she happened to hit me in front of me." Dongte grinned.

Hey, who wants you to help? I don’t blame you for grabbing the blame!

Lu Xigang was ready to satire the other party, and the awkward "Paladin" suddenly gave out a **** drink: "In the name of the Holy Spirit", carrying the sword and shield, rushed over Lu Xi's side like a wind, and straightened A blood corpse that took nine cows and two tigers to climb to the head of the city crashed and flew back.

"Have you seen it? Whether it's a blood corpse or a ghoul, it's plainly just a faster zombie and a smelly beast. Our adventurers in the Black Man City can meet stronger than them every day in the Black Forest A hundred times the enemy, are we afraid! Take out our roots! Fight in the name of the Holy Spirit! "

Regardless of whether the paladin with both blood and suspicion belongs to xìng. Whether the use of "the name of the Holy Spirit" can arouse the fighting spirit of the crowds, Lu Xi is finally relieved, and also has time with the two teammates of Dongte- The young man dressed as a priest greeted the heavily armored girl.

"Your captain, uh... in short, it's hard for you."

"This, the captain is usually normal, but when encountering the undead, it is not normal." The young man dressed as a priest smiled inexplicably, looking more reasonable than the Paladin: "In addition, he does not I like the magician of the Federation, so my attitude is a bit bad. I hope you can understand. "

"It doesn't matter, there are more people who hate the magician, and there is no shortage of him." Lu Xi didn't care at all. For him, the collective sense of honor of the Learning Alliance is actually not even a cloud. However, for the sake of gossip, he still couldn't help but ask, "However, why?"

"This is a long story."

"Then I'll ask again next time." Lu Xi hurriedly said: "Did you see Kirit and Asuna? Well, or Mr. Mu, where is he now?"

"Mr. Mu, I never saw it." The young priest pointed to a section of the city wall in the distance and said: "As for Mr. Kilit and Miss Asuna, they are very easy to find. They were dragged by several troublesome guys , We are about to help in the past. "

The wall was a long distance away from Lu Xi and others, and it would take several minutes to run over. Too far apart, Lu Xi could not see how many people were fighting there, but he could only see a large piece of lightning and thunder and blood mist spreading across the sword, and the two skull dragons were also hovering over the neighborhood, hissing and diving from time to time Go on, it should be attacking.

Fighting to produce such a gorgeous sound and light effect, it may only be that the masters are overtaking, except for Gillett and Asuna, it should not be anyone else.

"Well, it's just me." Lu Xi just wanted to say this, a piercing sound wave that seemed to be pinched to death by twenty cats and fifty crows at the same time, swept unscrupulously in his ear. Looting in the bank. Lu Xi only felt that the auditory system suddenly made an overwhelming roar, which made him dizzy.

Lu Xi only saw that the giant winged beast was descending into the sky, the big mouth of the blood basin was wide open, exposing the sharp teeth and the smelly tongue. Because of the interference of the beast ’s cry, Lu Xi could n’t make a spell at all. He could only watch the giant beast claw the two adventurers who were no more than five meters away, and then Shi Shiran flapped his wings. He flew to a height of several tens of meters above the ground and smashed it down.

The two screaming adventurers must have been saved, but Lu Xi couldn't help but anger the three corpses. The moment the giant winged beast left the ground, he could clearly feel the sight of the Necromancer riding on his back, it was a kind of high arrogance ~ ~ it was a kind of indifference to killing, It is a fanaticism that annihilates emotions.

The Necromancer is enjoying this fanaticism.

Really treat yourself as Draco? Proudda? Skye? When the protagonist Lao Tzu doesn't exist, right?

"Grant, did you see the giant winged beast? Burst me his chrysanthemum!"

The archer has unfolded the bow of the black fire snake, and the right hand raised his thumb, carefully measuring the distance of the other party: "Master, it is too far away from me, I can not guarantee enough power."

"It doesn't matter, didn't you see who this is?" Lu Xi pointed to the young priest: "It's their specialty to add buff!"

"Although I don't know what you are talking about, I guessed a little." Shen Guan said: "I can add a magic aura, an eagle eye and a strong spell to Mr. Archer. What do you think?"

"That's enough!" Lu Xi pulled out an arrow from Grant's quiver, and cast an alchemy enhancement on the arrow: "I don't believe that this can't explode the chrysanthemum of that big bat!" (Unfinished Continued.

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