The Demon King Took Off His Little Horns

Chapter 29: 【Thanks for irrigation】

In any case, it is an indisputable fact that Anse Er made his completely still world start to turn. He once sat on the Frost Throne in loneliness for a long time, but a white bird flew over and disrupted his frosty chess game.

He played against this young demon king with fiery eyes. The other party just held the **** and smiled, as if he had heard the message that the whole game was lost.

It is the morning star, the storm, and the inevitable…


He saw Ans El from a distance, and Ans El saw him too. He dared to swear that Ansel was a little over excited when he saw him, and the demon bat wing slapped vigorously behind him—


Cerros: "…"

Ansel: "…"

Theros closed his eyes in pain.

Okay, he got it, the bat wing pendant, right? The bat wing pendant is broken, right?

The most amazing thing is that after a brief silence, Ans Air gave a very witty answer.

"I seem to have a broken bone."


Help! He is really smart! It's no wonder that pretending to be a devil has not revealed his secrets for more than 300 years!

Although the situation in his heart changed, His Majesty the Demon King decided to bring Ans El back first. Considering the opponent's wings... something went wrong with the pendant, he even had to speed up. The broad bat wings slapped a few times, and Theros intercepted Ansi Er, who had deviated from the flight path, from a crack at the critical moment.

He breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time he felt that Ansel, who was in his arms, was also relieved.

"Take it." Theros took out the space-time orb, and he wanted to give the orb to Ans El to hold, so that no matter what, at least Ans El could be guaranteed safety, but Ans Air was not very appreciative.

"Just take it!"

"Take it."

"Don't toss, what if it falls?"

"Take it!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the orb came out of his hand.

Two Demon Kings: "…"

Anseyer was suffocated and said not to let it come and go! Is it lucky money? !

Fortunately, it seems to be able to remedy it! The orb flew upwards, and Ans El also swooped up on Ceros' shoulders, trying to grab the escaped orb. However, this distance is still a little short, and if you can't borrow strength again, I'm afraid it won't be able to reach it!

Between the light and the flint, Ansel found a new point of leverage.

He grabbed the horn on one side of Ceros with one hand and the Orb with the other. Ans El was elated, now they were finally safe, he caught the orb!

Then, he bowed his head a little, but saw the black-blue devil king looking at him absently.

"You are... so..."

"Do you know what horns mean to demons?"

"Anse Er."

"The horns are the soul and the dignity."

That is the treasure that the devil got from the creator. Everything about the devil revolves around dignity, just as the planet revolves around the star. They fought to be kings, they built prosperity, they put their dignity at the top of their heads and swaggered through the market, showing off and enshrining them, so as to establish the world.

Theros wouldn't blame Ans El, the angel naturally didn't understand the meaning of the devil's horns, he even felt that Ans El didn't understand and didn't care about the meaning of the angel's halo. It was he who couldn't restrain his thoughts. Every time he was looked at, every time he was touched, he would feel that there was some kind of hint in Ansel's actions.

He can't control it, think so.

"Anse Er..."

His voice was hoarse and muttered.

"Are you the storm I'm destined to suffer?"

Otherwise, why would it continue to wreak havoc in his heart?

Ansel's eyes trembled slightly, he was holding the orb in one hand, and the horn of Ceros in the other. He was a little annoyed by his recklessness. Even though he had already learned that the devil's horns had special meanings, he still acted rudely, which made him deeply condemned in his heart.

"That's right..."

"Don't apologize." He only heard the devil whisper, "You never need to apologize to me."

The broad demon wings suddenly covered him, Theros whispered in his ear.

"There seems to be a change in the depths of the rift, and I can't stay here any longer."

"You activate the orb, and I will resist the pressure of the transfer."

Orb twins, they will inevitably fall into the same area as the escaped prince. In fact, no matter which area it is, there is hardly any special threat in this world to the Demon King.

Perhaps the transfer distance was too far, or the Three Realms had been isolated for a long time, and Ceros soon felt an unexpected pressure on his body. He carefully sheltered Ansel, who was under his wing, and drifted along in the fragments of time and space. Suddenly, when he was about to lose consciousness, he heard Ansel's voice.

"Thank you for protecting me."

The angel's voice was firm and earnest.

"So, I will also protect you."

In the gradually dim vision, he vaguely saw—

The angel spread her splendid wings.


Human World, Park Ticket Office.

Old Lynn lit a cigarette and tore off a ticket to the tourists entering the park. Today is a working day, and there are not many people, but old Lynn is not bored.

Because the identity of the park ranger is just a pretense, his true identity—

It is the [Breakkeeper].

In ancient times, the devil once opened a breach here and invaded the human world. Later, the rift was closed, and a human family volunteered to stay here, watching this area from generation to generation, such as forest rangers, such as fire watchers.

Human life is short, but in this form, it is passed down from generation to generation to fight against the disaster that may come one day.

Old Lynn welcomed a guest today.


The pronunciation of the word is correct, it belongs to the exotic and charming language, which makes old Lynn immediately determine the identity of the visitor. With a smile, he leaned out of the pavilion at the ticket office in the park and looked at the well-dressed young man in front of him.

"Mr. Cloud."

This young man is tall and tall, with neat short hair, and his handsome face has no expression. Seeing Old Lynn sticking his head out, he nodded slightly and spoke in a common language, but with a slight ending.

"I'm here to deliver invitations to the annual meeting."

He handed out a starry sky-colored invitation card, and the pattern of stars and wheat ears on the invitation card flashed away. Old Lynn took the invitation with a solemn expression.

"It seems that this year, it is going to be a big deal."

"Yes." The young man said concisely, "In recent years, there have been frequent demon activities, and the club also intends to recruit a group of new people to join last year's meeting."

Old Lynn rubbed the coat of arms on the invitation with a long sigh.

"New, means high mortality."

The young man's expression remained unchanged and his voice was calm.

"If it survives, it is new blood."

"As with the Glitchman family, this is how humanity fights the scourge."

Old Lynn sighed again. He looked at the young man. Under the coat, there was a solemn uniform. On the chest of the uniform, the golden badge loomed. The left part is a star with two corners, almost beyond the shape of the star, but like a sharp shuttle.

"I always think of those ancient legends, how humans, under the guidance of angels, repelled demons." Old Lynn smiled, "But now, the angels are gone, and the elements of the world are ebb. , it seems that human beings have been unable to return to the glory of the past."

"I can understand that young children often complain to me like this."

The young man listened quietly, then he saw the old man raised his head, and there was a burning light in the old eyes. That brilliance has nothing to do with age, it glows deep in the soul.

"So I said to them—"

"Even though the age of the stars has passed, there are still people who will miss the wreckage of the last generation. If you feel lost, move forward. Progress and hope are always twins."

The youth bowed his head deeply and paid tribute to the veteran of the club.

"Okay, let Mr. Yun listen to my old man's tirade." Old Lynn smiled, "I will be there on time for the annual meeting."

The young man was sent away, and Old Lynn waited for a while. It was lunchtime and there were fewer tourists. He simply left the park ticket office temporarily and went to the park to inspect. He has been doing this for years, and the guards have been watching this area for years, and the vicissitudes have not changed.

Old Lynn went around a rose that was in full bloom. Suddenly, his body shook, and the sight in front of him instantly opened his eyes!


As if being rotated thousands of times by the front-loading washing machine, Ans Air finally landed successfully. The angel's wings provided him with a good cushion, and the fluffy wings even protected Ceros by the way. Ansair took a breath, moved his wings, and found that the wings were pinned by Ceros' head.

The other party appears to be in a coma.

Suddenly, Ansel, who was about to pull out his wings, gave up. He had a complicated expression. During such a dangerous long-distance transfer, he was already prepared to suffer a little injury, but he never expected that he would be protected to death by Ceros, and he didn't even knock his head.

…Let him rest his wings for a while, it’s not impossible.

Some voices suddenly sounded, like the voices of young women. Ans Air didn't move for a while, he raised his eyes, and several young women who were some distance away from him ran away immediately. Ans Air vaguely heard some strange words, such as "Cosplay", "realistic props", etc. of.

I originally thought to use spiritual magic, but now it seems that human beings have found a reason for him?

Theros felt like he was in a dream.

In the breath of vegetation, he slept peacefully on the warm and clean wings of an angel. Everything was so peaceful and beautiful, it almost made him want to sleep for a long time. If he opened his eyes at this time, Ans El would definitely put away his wings immediately, and let him rest a little… a little while longer…

—The unfamiliar atmosphere is approaching at this time.


Anseyer put away his wings with a "swish", and His Majesty's head slammed on the ground.

Cerros: "…"

Being knocked on the head, His Majesty the Demon King stubbornly continued to pretend to be in a coma until the voice of human shock sounded.

"Evil, devil?!"

Recognized? Looks like it has to be dealt with...

Theros was about to open his eyes when he suddenly heard Ansel's indifferent voice from above his head.

"What devil?"

Ans Air is not admitting it.

"We're cosplaying."

It is a new word, making full use of the information she heard, as expected of Ansel.

Faced with the shocked and guarded old Lynn, Ans Eyre behaved very frankly. His hand stretched out to the horns above his head, and he was still talking.

"It's not a real horn, it's a prop headband."

Old Lynn: "…"

He doesn't believe it! Gap guards are not so easy to deceive!

"It's true."

Ansier shook his head helplessly, and grabbed the horn on his head with one hand—

Pop it off.

Old Lynn: "!!"

Break Watchers feel their old hearts pounded like a warhammer!

As if afraid of old Lynn or unbelief, Ans El stretched his hand to the top of Ceros' head.

"The horn on his head is also a prop, I'll take it off..."

Theros pretending to be unconscious: "…"

Don't come here! !

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