Before leaving get off work in the morning, Ans Air focused on a few things.

First he sent Vassago out, mainly to find a house. Ansier is not worried that his supervisor will not adapt to life in the human world. An excellent supervisor can always solve everything. This is the basic trust that His Majesty the Demon King has given to the supervisor of the Demon Palace.

Of course, Vassago is not very common sense in the human world now. In order to avoid this, Ansair gave Vassago a gift of happiness in the human world.

It was a—

Criminal Law.

Vassago: "…Thank you for your gift, Your Majesty."

Nothing can be more comprehensive than this book, and it can be used as a general knowledge book. Ans El specially warned that none of the things prohibited above can be done, but Vassago can make his own judgment with special treatment in special circumstances.

Watching the supervisor put away the "Criminal Law", bowed gracefully and disappeared where he was, Ansel felt a major event in his mind.

It should be fine...

He will have a house soon! Hotel can be refunded!

Not only will Ans Air have a house soon, he will soon have an estate! According to Joey, he called Sylvia and asked about the acquisition of the convenience store. Sylvia's voice sounded a little tired. She described the process of the acquisition failure to Ansair in detail, and finally sent the phone number of the convenience store owner.

Joy doesn't know this phone number, the convenience store owner has always been in one-way contact with the store.

So with the idea of ​​hitting a wall at first, Ans Air made the call. The person who answered the phone was a woman with a sweet voice, who, according to herself, was the secretary of the convenience store owner.

Ansel: "...!"

What a great business! And the secretary!

He expressed to the secretary that he wanted to buy this convenience store. The price he offered was not high, but it was all he had saved during this time. Ansier was ready to be rejected. Unexpectedly, the sweet-sounding secretary agreed immediately and agreed to meet and sign the contract three days later.

Ansel: "...?"

He glanced at the magic mirror mobile phone, is this the same convenience store owner as Sylvia described to him? so happy?

Anseyer stared at the phone with an unpredictable expression. For some reason, he felt a touch of familiarity, and this feeling made him…

Fist hard.

On the other end of the phone, the so-called "sweet-sounding secretary" hung up the phone and started pounding the table and laughing wildly. The demon laughed until tears came out. His false voice was really successful, and he temporarily blinded Ansair. Of course, this is also because he has never shown this skill in front of Ans El, otherwise he will definitely be seen in minutes, and then be beaten violently.

Oops, I'm so happy, it reminds the devil when he tricked this student into wearing a crown.

Unfortunately, in order not to seem strange, the agreed time is three days later, how should I spend these days...

The devil's golden vertical pupils turned slightly, he thought.

It's been interesting to hear about the secret meeting recently.

Let him poke!


With good hopes for a new house and new industry, Ans Air slept soundly this night, and then got up and went to work full of energy.

After coming to the convenience store as usual, Ans Air saw people surrounded by the door, he walked over and looked into the circle of people—

It is the cat of the human world!

The fur of this cat is pure black, not variegated, but it looks a little dull and bifurcated, without the smooth and healthy feeling. The cat fell face down at the door of the store, wearing a big cat-eared witch hat on her head.

"Anse! You are here!" Joey saw the savior, "There is a cat touching porcelain!"

There is Mr. Yun in the front and the black cat in the back. The entrance of the Angel convenience store has gradually become an excellent place to check in.

Ansier was very calm, and said to the people surrounding the door first.

"It's all gone, there's still business in the store."

The crowd dispersed one after another, and some people were still looking back, wanting to see what the convenience store would do with the cat, Joey said weakly beside him.

"Anse, can we save this cat?"

Anse Er's eyes widened.

"Of course."

How can you not save the cat!

He took an abandoned but very clean apron from the store, picked up the black cat from the ground, wrapped it up, and tied it into a cat zongzi to prevent the cat from being injured after waking up on the way people or break free. Then, he asked Joey.

"Joey, look at the store for a while. I'll take the cat to the veterinary hospital on a bike. It shouldn't be off work."

His Majesty the Demon King put on his helmet, rode Joey's electric car into the night, and "woohoo" to the pet hospital. Joey looked at his back and scratched his head. The brave man riding an electric bike is really a famous painting in the world.

Joey didn't have much time to watch the world famous paintings, he was troubled by the backlog of potatoes in the store. It seems that it can't be sold, and if it can't be sold again, I'm afraid it will sprout.

"I made some banners, which can be used for promotion." Rhine, who was on duty during the day, called Joey, "The banner is under the cashier, it has been used during the day, and the effect is OK. There are no guests at night, but in the early morning, there are still many people who come to buy food."

Oh! There are banners!

Joey immediately went to the cashier and found a bunch of official account push banners.

[Stop eating other dishes and listen to the advantages of potatoes recommended by experts. 】

【These ways to eat potatoes, you must not know! 】

【How to eat nutritious potatoes? Why don't you try these things...]

Joey: "…"

The book "Chicken Soup Quotations for Middle-aged and Elderly" under the cashier is also from Rhine?

Joey posted these banners, and suddenly saw a luxury car slowly parked at the door, he was instantly happy, but soon became depressed.

How can such a rich man come to the convenience store to buy potatoes.

The door opened, and the old man in black with gray hair got out first and opened the door on the other side. Joey saw a young man with black hair and blue eyes slowly get out of the car, tidied up his cuffs reservedly, and then looked in the direction of Joey and the convenience store. Seemingly not finding the person he was looking for, the young man frowned slightly and his eyes flickered.

On the other side, the black swan emerged from Ans Air's shadow and saw Ans Air was listening to the doctor's orders, and there was a small black cat on the pet clinic next to him. Of course, the swan is not always staring at Ansair. For example, this time, the body of His Majesty the Demon King was empty.

His Majesty the Demon King frowned slightly, and finally chose to enter the store.

Do whatever you want to procrastinate.

Ansel should be back soon.

After Ceros left yesterday, he was tracking down a dark line locked by the secret meeting, which involved the silent council dominated by alien races in the human world. A few months ago, a huge upheaval broke out in the Silent Council, and this upheaval was most likely related to monsters.

After the investigation, Ceros found that he happened to be in the neighboring city of the city where Ans Aier was located, one south and one north, and the way back was inaccessible.

The luxury car was moving slowly, and Westham sat in the front row to listen to orders at any time. Suddenly, he heard the sound of flipping papers behind him.

Westham was a little nervous, he accepted a batch of medicine bribes from Faran, and was about to say two words of intercession. The demon suddenly began to read the book and read the drawings, which made him a little unsure of how to speak, so he could only turn his head and force a smile.


The map of the city was unfolding in front of Ceros, just as Westham turned around, he pointed on the map.

"We drop by from here."

Westham looked at the location indicated by the devil, and he could not wait hundreds of kilometers away from them.

Tell a joke—

By the way.

His Majesty the Demon King doesn't care what Westham murmurs in his heart, in his opinion, as long as it is in the same world to see Ansel, it is a good way to go!

So Ceros stood in front of the convenience store, and Ansel skipped work to save the cat.

Cerros: "…"

So what do I do to be able to take into account the majesty of the Demon King and wait for Ans El?

The sight of His Majesty the Demon King slowly moved down and landed on the mung beans being sold in the store. He picked out the greenest one and threw it to Westham, asking him to pick out five pounds of green beans that were the closest in color and shape to this green bean.

The noble devil eats the best mung bean, it takes time to pick the best mung bean...perfect!

"That..." Joey rubbed his hands together, "Would you like to see our potatoes? Very good potatoes!"

His Majesty the Demon King glanced at Joey and turned his eyes back indifferently, Westham was picking mung beans beside him with a cold sweat. It must be Lord Demon who knew that he had taken Flan's things, and he was punishing him specially! Westham thought desperately, and sure enough, the little thought of humans is not worth mentioning in front of demons.

Anseyer rode an electric car, whimpering, and parked the car directly at the back door of the convenience store, not forgetting to charge Joey's car. A blue wire cage is placed on the front pedal of the electric car. The cat was injected and fed in the hospital, and now it can be brought back to rest.

Anseyer put a can of nutrition cat food for the poor kitten, and the black swan emerged from his shadow, next to his leg with a delicate look .

"What can you eat!" Ans Air was angry and funny, "Do you eat baguettes?"

Black Swan shook his head wildly.

Sensing the familiar aura, Ans El was a little surprised, why did Theros come here? He didn't care much, and placed the kitten in the staff lounge, without moving the cat-eared witch hat, he changed into the staff uniform and pushed out the door.

—Cerros is leading people to pick mung beans.

Anseyer has been working as a convenience store clerk for so long now, and he glanced at the container to know what goods were backlogged, and the number of potatoes was a bit large. Anyway, it was to disguise the real purpose of coming to him. It would be better for Ceros to buy mung beans and clean up some potatoes for him.

So he gave a business smile to a certain Demon King.

"Welcome! Buy some potatoes?"

Winged hat! Uniform temptation! Sweet regards!

His Majesty the Demon King began to float, which was one of the scenes in his dream.

"Buy, buy...Westham!"

"Good, good! Sir!"

"How about some vegetable crackers?"


"Payment! Take your word!"

Because Westham was also present, Ans-El couldn't appear to know Ceros well. Ansair successfully sold the many kinds of goods that had accumulated in the store, and His Majesty the Demon King responded warmly. Westem... Westem is a hard-working porter!

Joey held his heart in both hands and was very moved.

Anse, sales genius!

Cerros gently rubbed a potato that Ansair handed him as a sample. The potato was medium in size and washed clean. If you perform life breath perception, you can detect the sprouts that are about to emerge in the potatoes.

A sprout of love between him and Ansel!

He thought happily.

He actually has nothing to do, he just stopped by to see Ansel. Ansier seemed to realize this, and looked at him with a smile, his expression was extremely soft.

Under such warm eyes, His Majesty the Demon King couldn't help but said softly.

"Thank you for the potato, I will grow it into a finished product and show it to you."

Finished? nurture?

Anse Air keeps your business smiling.

What the hell.

"Are the finished products... chips?" he asked.

Theroston widened his dark blue vertical pupils and condemned.

"You are cruel."


"You want to kill it."

Huh? ? ?

"The finished product is obviously a potato flower. I heard that it is purple. I will plant it and show it to you."

Ansel: "…"

Is there something wrong with Ceros' skull?

In the staff lounge, the little black cat wearing the cat-eared witch hat woke up. She was stunned for a while, recalling the previous chase, she couldn't help shivering. Suddenly, she looked up and saw the blue cage.


The little black cat started screaming and scratching the cage.

Jasmine is locked up!

After barking and scratching for a while, she suddenly smelled a fragrance, and when she lowered her head, the open cat can was interpreting the silent temptation.

But Jasmine is locked up! Not in the mood to eat canned food!

After a while…


After eating so fragrantly for a while, the little black cat suddenly recovered and started scratching the cage and screaming again.

Jasmine is locked up! I don't know the taste!


The tip of Ceros, who was still shopping for potatoes outside, moved when he heard a cat meow, so he asked Ansel.

"Did you hear that?"

Anseyer pretended to be stupid.



"What voice?" Ansair was still playing stupid.

His Majesty the Demon King was silent for a while, and he guessed that Ansair could definitely hear the voice clearly, he just wanted to call himself. Even so, he spoke slowly.

"The 'meow' sound."

Ansel: "…"

So cute!

Theros is meowing at him!

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