The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 1232: Worldwide attention

On the map of the west of the city, the protoss knights swept the map in groups, and after rushing through a hilly terrain, they immediately found a tall earth wall in front of them, and at the same time found a large black army of players behind the earth wall.

The protoss knights stopped advancing immediately, and Lema stood on the map outside the hill, staring coldly at the situation ahead.

A protoss NPC who looked like a knight officer stretched out his hand to remove a golden horn from his neck, and blew it towards the imperial city...


The rapid horn sounded across the sky, and the soldiers of the Protoss Legion marching outside the city immediately stopped, adjusted their course, and accelerated their march in the direction where the horn sounded.


The footsteps became denser, and the eyeliners of the arrogant legion hiding in the woods on one side immediately reported the situation to the commander.

"Mr. Luo, our scout team discovered that the Protoss Legion has ascertained the situation ahead and is accelerating forward. The battle is about to begin soon." A commander said quickly.

"Let them fight first and see what happens when the Protoss Legion leaves the city gate?" Luo Feng said.

"Understood." The commander nodded and conveyed the instructions, so that the scout players who were ambushing in the dark, split a team to West Gate to observe the situation.

Of course, this is also a plan that Mo Xie proposed to Luo Feng. Now Mo Xie wants to know how many Protoss soldiers are still in the city after the Protoss Legion leaves the imperial city to attack, and how will the Protoss defend the city gates?

These are very important situations. Although they may not have any effect now, one day, the Imperial Legion will launch a counterattack against the Protoss. At the moment when the imperial city is captured, these are very important reference materials.

The sound of dense footsteps is still ringing in the field map. The dense Protoss Legion soldiers speed up their pace and rush to the location of the sacred mountain of thick soil. The mighty team has rushed to the map one kilometer away from the city, but the city There are still continuous troops at the door just walking up the suspension bridge...

The number of soldiers in the Protoss Legion is really frightening!

Even commanders such as Mo Xie and Mo Xiaolang didn’t necessarily think that since yesterday’s expansion was completed, the number of Protoss Legions was refreshed again, returning to the level before the battle of the Imperial Castle. What is even more incredible is that , The three pregnant **** pools destroyed by Mo Xie and the sacred beasts were also restored to normal!

But it’s not all bad news. The system has not compensated the Protoss for the large number of Holy Blood Crystals that have been snatched by Mo Xie and Li Hong...

This also means that as long as the Protoss finds the divine power spar they need, they can still continue to breed Protoss soldiers, but it is almost impossible to conceive high-level warriors on a large scale.

Moreover, the city west map is a very important strategic zone for the Protoss. Only when the city west corridor is opened can their legions have the opportunity to continue to advance westward and attack the three major western cities.

So as soon as this faction battle started, the number of West Legion in the Protoss camp was already very scary...

Not only has the Protoss Legion in the west found its target, the entire legion is speeding up to the battle area, and the same is true in the south of the city.

These protoss cavalry in front of them are simply the scouting scouts of the protoss legion. Relying on the speed of their mounts, they quickly swept the map environment in the wild. After advancing fast all the way, they passed through the map of the hills and saw the mountains at a glance. That magnificent city...

The sound of the horn sounded in the wilderness, not only let the southern legion of the gods get the news, but also let the gods players on the tower hear clearly.

"Boss Dragon Soul, they found our city, do you want me to take the cavalry army to kill these protoss cavalry first" a knight commander said excitedly.

"What hurry, it's no good to kill these cavalry. When they come, let you kill enough." God Realm Dragon Soul smiled slightly and immediately switched the commander's conversation interface to report the latest situation.

"We can't beat them in the wild. Waiting for them to attack the city. Once we stand in position, our cavalry will spread out from the mountains on both sides of the city and lie behind them." Mo Xie's voice sounded.

"I know." The God Realm Dragon Soul was excited, and immediately relayed the command of the highest commander.

The knight commanders immediately led their knight players back to the side of the city, preparing to quietly leave the city from the top of the tower on the hillside...


Footsteps sounded intensively, and a large figure of gold armor finally appeared in the large grassland outside the wall of the west of the city.

Watching the five-person line of the Protoss Legion quickly disperse, forming an orderly attack formation, continue to slowly surround the front.

The entire earth wall is a semicircular shape, and the two sides are connected at the foot of the mountain, enclosing the thick earth mountain. The Protoss saw the situation of the thick earth sacred mountain. The first step must be to surround the earth wall and solve the guards here. Then move forward and besiege the Earth Temple.

Mo Xiaolang was not in a hurry, waiting for a large swarm of protoss soldiers to spread over, and with the sound of footsteps, the players' eyes, which was just an empty grassland map, was now completely covered by dense golden figures!

Under the shining sun, on the halfway of the sacred mountain of thick soil, the Princess of the Earth could see clearly, the entire front of the earth wall had become a golden ocean.

"The Protoss is here, there are so many people." Qing Binger's beautiful eyes shone, and she wanted to fly into the air to attack these huge numbers of enemies.

But they also know very well that the Protoss Legion is powerful. Although they can kill many Protoss soldiers with their personal ability, if they are ambushed by the Protoss, the situation will be very dangerous!

Therefore, Mo Xie had already told her and Qing Binger yesterday to follow Mo Xiaolang's arrangement under any circumstances, just to prevent dangerous situations that occurred during the war in the tower.

It now appears that although the battle against the tower was fought horribly, from a tactical point of view, it played a huge role for the players, at least letting them know the composition of the Protoss and their strength.

Outside the earth wall, the dense footsteps are getting closer and closer, and a large golden ocean rushes in, and has entered the hillside area near the earth wall, less than a hundred meters away from the corner of the wall.

The first battle of the camp battle is finally about to start...

The scenes of the three battlefields in the south and west of the city, including the east of the city, have now been officially announced on the official website to be continued. Everyone can see the whole process of the battle instantly through the Internet connection.

After all, this is the first region in the unfinished world to start camp battles. Players in any region are paying close attention to this key battle affecting the future of the region!

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