The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 1237: Dream manor

One day passed quickly. In the zone war map, North America has completely occupied all the territories and resources that originally belonged to East Asia.

Players in Country Z have already learned the situation behind the scenes. Today, few people enter the zone battle map, but what should they do if they stay in the zone map.

The combat players of the God Realm Legion are divided into two groups, and each group is on duty in turn at the three passages of the zone battle map to ensure that the North American region cannot play tricks.

Mo Xie and the commanders enjoyed a rare quiet day. They mixed experience with the large army and got together for the establishment of the new company and the construction of the new park. Put forward their own supplementary ideas.

And they are still in the legion. The construction of the new park and some characteristics after completion are widely informed, and players are asked for some good suggestions for the new company and the new park.

Players know that the new company is about to be their job in the future.

The new park is their new home in the future, and they actively asked some questions one by one, and gave some ideas and suggestions of their own.

When all the players know that the new park is like a new small city after it is completed, it belongs to the world of gamers completely, which makes everyone feel incredible, but also feel exceptionally excited.

In fact, Moxie's introduction is not exaggerated at all. The entire dream paradise area not only includes the former large industrial parks, but also extends to several nearby valleys and mountains.

Once the park is built, it will even be larger than the area of ​​some county towns!

And according to the design plan, Mr. Ma is determined to build this place into a game center in the world. The initial scale is that the park can have a permanent population of more than 50,000 and can receive at least 100,000 tourists every day!

Of course, this is only a preliminary conceived plan. If the operation of the park is successful, some reserved places will also be built...

At dinner time, Mo Xie and the commander went off the assembly line and went to the restaurant to dine together.

In one day, they had already packed up their simple salutes, and set off after preparing dinner.

After enjoying the dinner, Mo Xiaoyuan's vehicle prepared in advance stopped at the gate of the factory area and waited. The crowd helped them put the salute to the apartment and put it on the vehicle, and watched several people get in the vehicle and go far away.

In the whole studio, there are only Mo Xiaolang couple, Luo Feng and Zhou Jianing, as well as Dragon Soul and Kuangyong, but when the vacation begins tomorrow, only Mo Xiaolang couple and Luo Feng remain in the studio. .

"Well, you are all gone, we can also be quiet for two days." Mo Xiaolang said with a sigh.

"I think you are reluctant." Mo Xiaoyu said with a smile.

"Yeah, I haven't been separated for almost a year, and I really feel a little empty in my heart when they leave." Mo Xiaolang smiled bitterly.

"Don't worry, they feel the same way." Luo Feng said with a smile.

Sitting in the car and watching the factory gradually move away from sight, Mo Xie did feel that some different emotions were slowly drifting out.

But watching Li Hong and the beauties were talking excitedly, Mo Xiaoyuan and his girlfriend were sitting behind and whispering, he lit a cigarette and sat in front of him, enjoying the scenery along the road.

President Ma’s special plane has flown to the city’s airport and waited. As night came, Mo Xie’s vehicle also stopped outside the airport.

Before they took the initiative to contact, I saw several flight attendants in suits and uniforms waiting outside the airport, who had come quickly, and after politely inquired, helped them to transport the salute to the special plane channel.

In less than ten minutes, Mo Xie, the beauties, and the couple Mo Xiaoyuan were already sitting in the luxurious cabin of the special plane, curiously observing the decoration inside the plane.

The beautiful stewardess smiled and delivered food to everyone. After the special plane was dispatched, she began to slip in and ran slowly, flying towards the distant sky...

Enjoying luxurious treatment along the way, Mo Xie chatted with his teammates, and fell asleep in a short while...

When everyone opened their eyes, it was the early morning of the next day, and the blue sky and white clouds and brilliant sunshine outside the plane window made everyone refreshed again.

"We have already flown abroad, and we will arrive at our destination in five or six hours." Li Hong said softly with a smile beside him.

"Sister Hong, if we return to the manor again in the future, we will let President Ma pick up and drop off every time he transits." Mo Xie smiled.

"That's so embarrassing, people's special plane is not always available for you to use." Li Hong smiled.

"I don't care about it, whoever asks Mr. Ma to send me to the manor so far, it will cost a lot of travel expenses, and he must be picked up by a special plane." Mo Xie joked intentionally.

"Mr. Mo, in fact, Mr. Ma has already explained that this special plane will be allocated to your God Realm Company in the future, and it will be owned by the Dream Paradise Project." The beautiful stewardess heard the conversation between the two and explained with a smile.

"What, no..." Mo Xie and the beauties, including Mo Xiaoyuan, were shocked.

"I'll go, raising a plane will cost a lot of money. Fortunately, Ma is always thoughtful and let the company bear it, otherwise we can't afford it." Mo Xiaoyuan said with his tongue out.

"You think the plane is only for us. From now on this will be a special plane for work." Mo Xie smiled.

Four hours later, the plane had flown over a large area of ​​ocean and entered a piece of beautiful land. Looking down from the air, large areas of green plains and mountains, and even many cities and villages, were slowly revealed under the feet.

As the special plane flew to the depths of this beautiful continent, it was getting closer and closer to their destination this time.

Moxie has already understood that the place where the manor is located is a small inland country. There is no heavy industry there. It is mainly based on agriculture, animal husbandry and tourism. It is a holiday country with perfectly preserved natural environment.

The manor Mr. Ma gave him is located just outside the capital of this small country.

As the special plane slowly landed on land and docked in the capital airport of this country, Mo Xie and his teammates had already stood up excitedly, and could not wait to get out of the cabin and return to the ground along the long ladder.

Not far away, two luxurious off-road vehicles had been waiting for a long time. Two middle-aged foreigners in grand dresses and a young national Z were standing at the door of the car smiling and looking at everyone.

The staff was helping them to carry their luggage down and put them into two vehicles. The two foreigners also politely walked over and followed the young man to Mo Xie.

I saw two foreign men jiligulu speaking a series of foreign languages ​​that Moxie could not understand, and politely extended their hands.

"Hello, Mr. Mo. My name is Wang Fan. I am an employee of Mr. Ma's company. I am honored to serve as an interpreter for Mr. Mo. These two are Robert and Mr. Jenson, who are also the current directors of Duke Manor and are responsible for everything in Dali Manor. Maintenance and cleaning work." The young man said respectfully with a smile.

"It's great, there is a translation." Li Hong said in surprise.

"Hello." Mo Xie shook hands with the three of them one by one.

He had long been informed that three employees have been hired in the manor now, the young translator in front of him, and the two manor housekeepers.

For those who like online games, please collect them: ( The literature of online games is the fastest to update.

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