The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 304: Push Boss

"Well, then I am waiting for your good news. In short, you must not let them get the tribal statue so early, otherwise the situation will be in trouble!" Brother Hao nodded, and ended the private chat worryingly.


The matter of Brother Hao, Mo Xie knew that it was of great importance, and he would definitely not tell anyone about the news.

Sitting in the center of the cave, chatting with teammates, waiting for time to pass slowly...

Gradually, the virtual world has entered the middle of the night.

As a large group of elite players continue to pour into the barren valley stone hills map, all the commanders of the arrogant alliance have quickly formulated an attack plan based on their past experience while they line up neatly nearby.

"Okay, time is up, since Chen Shao is letting us decide, let's start." A core commander looked at the stone hill behind him and found that Chen Shao was still asleep, so he said helplessly.

"It's just a leader-level. President Luo explained very clearly that he must be killed regardless of the cost. With so many of us, we are afraid that we can't clean it?" Another commander looked into the distance, the black giant black head. Where Ying was lying on her stomach, her eyes glowed with excitement.

This will be their first official confrontation with a strong high level after entering the unfinished business.

Although they have sufficient experience in previous games, everyone is facing the first time in the virtual world. This kind of super boss-level field map...

"Assemble the three main shield warfare subgroups and encircle them from the left and right sides and the middle, and the remaining shield warfare subgroups will be ready to respond at any time." The shield war commander looked at the time and immediately issued the order.

"The mad war and the knights set up a formation around. Once the hatred stabilizes, they will immediately get close to the attack." The warrior and the knight commander also issued orders.

"The archer closely followed the shield battle division, formed a united formation, waiting for the order to attack." The archer commander shouted.

"The mages lined up on both sides, and the healers gave me to keep an eye on the blood of the soldiers and maintain more than half of their health." The mages and the healing commanders sent out instructions one after another...

As the orders were issued one by one, the entire deserted hills map suddenly became extremely lively.

The rumbling of footsteps sounded like thunder, and a large number of people ran across the hills in a patchwork pattern, divided into various combat professional phalanxes, approaching in large strides...


The sudden movement above the head immediately attracted the attention of Mo Xie and his teammates.

"The time has come, they have begun to act." Mo Xiaolang listened to the sound from the ground, and said with a smile while looking at the current time.

"What are you waiting for, we are also ready to act." Lianna stood up excitedly.

"Don't worry, wait for them to fight for a while, we have already figured out the situation here anyway, digging the hole is not difficult, it can be done in about half an hour." Mo Xie said, shaking his head.

"Wait." Mo Xiaolang nodded in agreement.

The six continued to stay there, looking up at the ceiling, all wanting to see with their own eyes how the arrogant alliance dealt with...

On the ground, the black figures formed a huge circle, and they continued to quickly close towards the center, completely surrounded by the middle...

Tonight is destined to be an unforgettable night!

You know, although the chieftain only has a blue name, its identity determines its strength.

It was given the qualification to guard a piece of map by the system, and it was originally not a single player or a team that could kill it.

To put it bluntly, in this virtual world, the only one that can be defeated by a single player or a squad is actually only one, and that is the boss-level junior.

The so-called boss-level smallness is a mutant form of monsters. When players kill monsters in the wild, they will inadvertently trigger this kind of small figure from the corpses of the killed monsters.

But until now, Mo Xie and most players have never seen a boss-level appearance.

It can be seen that the probability of this occurrence is not great.

The qualities above the boss level are all true and require a large number of players to work together.

Unless the players become higher in the middle and late stages and are well equipped, it is possible to deal with low-level big Bosses alone.

Facing the encirclement of more than ten thousand arrogant Alliance elite military map players, this black Lightning Leopard King has raised his head, a pair of blood-red eyes patrolling around, seeming to find something.

It's just that the players haven't entered its attack range, they just noticed the abnormality.

"Let me go, this big one is still in leopard form, and its attack speed must be very fast, everyone must be careful."

A shield warrior leader led hundreds of shield warriors to the forefront. He immediately saw the true face and felt a little uneasy.

As the top profession in the team, these professional shield fighters have experienced countless battles with each other and have their own understanding of various types.

Just seeing the form of the Lightning Leopard King at first glance, the head of the Shield Division hurriedly started an exchange, reminding all shield fighters to be careful.

Because of this cheetah form, it is very likely that it is a monster of high attack type. The current level and strength of the shield fighters may be difficult to resist the impact.

"Be careful, the three sub-groups shift their hatred alternately. Don't resist hard. If you can't help it, immediately withdraw and be replaced by other sub-groups." The shield war commander quickly ordered.

"Understand." All the shield commanders answered one after another, raising the shields in their hands, forming a long shield wall with their teammates, preparing to take the final step...

As long as this step is taken out, they will enter the attack area, and it depends on what will happen next...

After all, this 30-level attribute, they still don't know anything.


The huge circle finally shrunk, and the center point was firmly besieged. As the shield warriors formed a circular shield wall, they took a big step carefully, and they all entered the attack area...


The desolate howl suddenly sounded, and the upper body was suddenly lifted, a pair of blood-red eyes scanned the surrounding black figures, and the hind paws suddenly kicked, and the huge black body was like black lightning, rushing to the front...



The black lightning drew a black arc in the air, and in the next second it directly hit the wall of the shield composed of shield fighters!

Poor the power of these shield war players, completely unable to compete.

Just under the impact, their shield wall defenses were like paper mush, they were easily hit by countless people directly and smashed into the dense crowd, triggering exclamations...

For those who like online games, please collect them: ( The literature of online games is the fastest to update.

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