The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 338: Friends of the beast

Mo Xie knew that this time I was in trouble...

Originally thought it was just an ordinary tracing task, according to the task location to find another phoenix divine beast, and then bring it back to heal Devil Phoenix Chiyu.

But now it seems that if you want to find another phoenix, not only do you not know the location and whereabouts, but the other party will probably not easily agree to help...

In the task bar, the system's task requirements are clearly stated, and the friendliness requirements with another phoenix beast must be met before they can get help from the other party.

"Great God, do you know the exact whereabouts of your sister?" Mo Xie frowned and asked.

"I can't remember how many years it was since I separated from her. Now that she has performed the first Nirvana ritual, she has forgotten that there is still a brother, and I am afraid that she has left the original place now." Feng Chiyu said.

"It's over, you don't know her whereabouts, do you still know the exact location of the other people?" Mo Xie asked helplessly.

"I have been the guardian of Sunset City for too long. I haven't contacted the clansmen for a long time. Besides, our Phoenix line is sparsely populated, and we rarely communicate with each other. I really can't remember the whereabouts of other clansmen. "The Devil Phoenix Chiyu tilted the rooster's head and thought for a moment, then said with a sigh.

"Oh my God, what does this let me do... You still want to talk about the whereabouts of your girl back then, let me try my luck." Mo Xie shook his head, and now he can only catch the mice blindly. I don't know what luck will be.

But the mission failure conditions are very clear. If Moxie's level reaches or exceeds level 50, and he has not been able to help Demon Phoenix Akabane heal his injuries, then this mission will fail.

The most important thing is that there is another condition for mission failure, that is, Devil Phoenix Akabane can't have an accident!

The conditions for this mission are very dangerous. The mythical beast is still unhealed, and his strength is greatly reduced, and his location is too close to Sunset City. In case of an accident, Mo Xie's mission still cannot be completed.

This forced him to find the Phoenix Divine Beast for treatment as soon as possible, otherwise the Devil Phoenix Chiyu may have an unexpected situation at any time, and it will be too late to regret.

"My girl used to stay for many years in a place called the Valley of Fire, east of the Everlasting City. You can go there and try to find it, but she has already left that place. , But you can look for some clues from the Valley of Flames, maybe you can find her whereabouts now." Mofeng Chiyu said thoughtfully.

"What... The Flame Valley to the east of Evernight's Imperial City, so far!" Mo Xie's eyes widened in surprise.

This task is indeed an epic difficulty, just to find the whereabouts of the Goddess of the Fire Phoenix, it would take such a long distance...

You know, the current players are too low-level, and the teleportation function between the main cities has not been activated. Even if you want to return to the Evernight City, you have to get the permission of the major generals of the major legions.

And if you want the generals of the major legions to nod their heads, players need to accumulate enough legion merits, or meet the corresponding level conditions...

Especially Mo Xie, he couldn't even go back to the main city, let alone use the intercity teleportation function.

"Little guy, you are now in a special situation and you can’t go back to the city. Don’t worry about that. I’ve been waiting here for more than ten years. I don’t care about waiting for a few more years. You can improve your strength with peace of mind, and one day you will be able to go all night. Imperial City, it won't be too late to help me then." Mofeng Chiyu understood his difficulties, so he smiled and comforted.

"Understand the great god, as long as I have the opportunity, I will help you find your clan to come for treatment, but can you tell me what is the friendliness of the beast?" Mo Xie asked quickly.

This issue is very important. The existence of friendliness is definitely a critical setting, and its role must be clarified.

But to ask other players about this situation, it is estimated that no one is clear, and the others will not answer this question. They can only get the answer from the beast who asks him.

"Little guy, your human race has the laws of the human race, and our divine beasts also have the rules of divine beasts. The so-called friendship refers to a special relationship between your human race and our divine beasts. If humans love the divine beasts and help us sincerely, Divine beasts will also increase a certain amount of friendship between the two parties according to the degree of human care for themselves." Mofeng Akabane replied.

"But what specific role can this friendship value play?" Mo Xie asked.

"The friendship between humans and mythical beasts is divided into several stages. For example, we are now, you are willing to help me find people to treat my injuries. I thank you for your kindness. Now our friendship is 100, which belongs to the primary friendship stage. At this stage In China, I will not take the initiative to hurt you. But if you can help me completely heal the injury, our friendship will continue to improve, and we can upgrade to an intermediate friendship or an advanced friendship at that time. The friendship stage will be the friendship stage afterwards. At that time you are my friend, and I can protect you from other enemies." Mofeng Chiyu replied.

"Friendship, friendship...what stage is it going on?" Mo Xie asked curiously.

"These two stages belong to the primary and advanced stages of friendship. If they go up, it is the best friend stage. In this stage, even the beasts are willing to obey your human instructions and help him participate in various battles. Since ancient times, there are only a handful of people who can reach the stage of close friends with our sacred beasts." Mofeng Akabane laughed.

"Is there a higher friendship stage then?" Mo Xie broke the casserole and asked.

"Of course there are, but that is already the most advanced stage of relatives and friends. If someone can reach this stage of friendship with the beast, that beast will respect him as his master, go through fire and water for this person, and even sacrifice his life! Moreover, after the divine beast is transformed into a human being, if the gender is different from the owner, then the two might become a couple..." Mofeng Akabane said.

"Wow, it can still be like this!" Mo Xie listened to the answer of the beast in surprise, and could not help flashing the beautiful figure in the fiery red dress with graceful posture in his mind.

"Little guy, what are you thinking... Do you think that friendship with us is so easy to improve? If it wasn't for me this time, the 100 friendship between us would require you to do a lot of things for me. It is possible to rise to this much, so don't expect me to respect you as the master and go through the fires and waters for you." Mofeng Chiyu smiled lightly.

"Uh... the great **** has misunderstood, I don't dare to think about becoming your master..." Mo Xie hurriedly waved his hand.

Finally received an epic difficulty mission from the beast, Mo Xie also wanted to leave here quickly.

But this map belongs to the exclusive domain of the beast, and it is built deep underground. What he is most worried about is that there is no other exit here, then the situation will be very bad.

"Don't worry, little guy. Before I set up my personal space here, I have already found a way to leave. Come with me." Mofeng Chiyu turned around and swayed along the steps towards the golden platform. Stride forward.

Mo Xie followed him in surprise, and two figures, one large and one small, quickly ascended the high golden platform and came to the foot of the golden tower.

I saw the demon phoenix Chiyu wave his wings, and amidst the flickering of the colorful glow, a muffled rumbling sound came from the ground, and the golden pagoda suddenly slid to one side, revealing a deep hole on the ground of the golden platform.

In the entrance of the cave, the stone stairs hovering down seem to lead to deeper underground...

"You go down here and walk straight along the entrance of the cave. Remember, if you find a bifurcated road, take out your red flame bloodstone, you can see the scarlet fire flashing on the stone wall of one of the cave entrances. , You choose this path to go forward, every intersection is like this, you can leave safely. Be careful, I set up a flame barrier in the cave, you can't use torches, so as not to cause raging flames." Akabane exhorted.

"Thank you, God, I understand. I just don't know, where is the exit of this cave?" Mo Xie asked quickly.

He must figure out that if the entrance of the cave is still in the map of the barren valley stone hills, where it is still guarded by the arrogant alliance, it still cannot go out safely.

"The other end of the cave entrance seems to be in a forest far away. The exit is a tree hole with a big tree. The entrance of the cave is covered with dense vines, which is very hidden." Mofeng Chiyu said.

"Then I can rest assured, thanks to the great **** for guidance, I will definitely bring your people back here as soon as possible to help you heal your injuries. However, you must also protect your own safety." Mo Xie said with a smile.

"Don't worry, although I am seriously injured now, I am afraid that there are not many who can kill me. Coupled with enchantment protection, and my exclusive domain, as long as the enemy approaches, I will immediately leave from the cave." Mofeng Chiyu nodded and said.

"It's so good, the great **** takes care, I'll say goodbye first." Mo Xie bowed respectfully and bowed, turning to the entrance of the cave...

When he had just walked out a certain distance along the circling stone ladder, there was a muffled noise above his head, and the golden pagoda once again covered the entrance of the cave, and the entire cave immediately became a dark area.

According to Demon Phoenix Chiyu's instructions, torches are not allowed in this cave. He can only take out the life pearl and spread it in his palm, and use the slight green light from the **** pearl to illuminate the road ahead...

Following the stone ladder all the way down, I walked a long, long distance, and finally saw the end of the underground in front, a square stone hall.

When Mo Xie walked quickly into the stone hall, three bifurcated holes appeared around him.

He quickly took out the red flame bloodstone given by the divine beast from the package, and saw the crimson light gleaming slightly, and the crimson fire light appeared on the stone wall of the cave on the left hand side.

Unexpectedly, this divine beast was so cautious and set up so many life-saving plans...

Looking at the red bloodstone in his hand, Mo Xie was very clear that this was the blood of the sacred beast that had flowed out after the battle between Demon Phoenix Akabane and the enemy. Part of it solidified to form the red flame mine, and the other part became the blood red in his hand. stone.

It can be seen from this that the sacred beasts are all treasures, but their strength is too strong, no matter if it is now or in the future, even if the players are strong, when they face a sacred beast, I am afraid it will be difficult to match confrontation.

Holding the Pearl of Life, Mo Xie quickly entered the correct cave and walked forward. The winding cave gradually turned into an upward channel, leading to the ground...

After walking through this passage, it didn't take long for Mo Xie to meet another square stone hall with three forks in front of him.

After using the bloodstone to find the right path, he quickly moved forward again...

This road encountered several forks, but with the help of bloodstones, it was easy to identify the location of the correct cave.

After more than an hour of non-stop running around, suddenly, the cave in front finally came to an end, and the end of the cave above my head was still dark.

Mo Xie rushed up a **** and came to the end of the cave.

What appeared at the entrance of the cave was a dense cluster of leaves and branches, which not only blocked the entrance of the cave, but also completely blocked the cave several meters long.

Mo Xie hurriedly used his hands and feet together, pushed aside the branches and leaves and got into the bushes, struggling forward.


As the last clump of branches was pushed away by him, the situation outside the cave finally came into view.

This is a dark forest with tall trees everywhere, and the sky above is also blocked by the canopy of these big trees, and there is no trace of the night sky.

Moonlight and starlight are blocked by the canopy, which shows the vastness of this forest.

When Mo Xie walked out of the dense foliage and formally stepped into this forest map, Ding Ding Ding's system prompts kept popping up, and the scenery on the small map changed from a shady scene to the forest map interface instantly.

All his forbidden system functions are all restored at this moment.

As Mo Xie looked back, he was surprised to find that the entrance of the cave he just walked out of was really a giant old tree. The old tree was covered with dense bushes, and countless vines entangled the thick trunk. Circle another circle.

And judging from the map data, there are unexplored shady scenes everywhere, the small green dots representing Moxie, right in the center of this forest map...

Looking at the long list of system prompts, Mo Xie immediately got the exact name of this forest map...

Yanluo Forest!

Yanluo Forest is also a field map above level 20, not far away from Sunset City. To be precise, it is next to the barren valley stone hill map.

It's finally safe!

At this moment, Mo Xie was completely relieved.

He finally left the danger zone safely and can continue to rendezvous with his teammates.

Looking at the time, it was late at night and it was late at night. The number of online players at this time is still very large. Mo Xie didn't dare to venture out easily, so he called up the control panel and chose to go offline.

Wait until tomorrow to go online early. Taking advantage of the small number of players in the morning, you can safely go to the Iron Mirror Mountains and meet your teammates as soon as possible.

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