The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 349: Fight against elite monsters

As Niya and several elven beauties successfully introduced the monsters into the cave, they quickly rushed through the cave into the cave, standing in the innermost area to observe the battle.

Mo Xie instantly recruited the steel angry ape and developed a battle command to it. Seeing that the tower-like body rushed behind Mo Xiaolang, the huge mace was shining in the cave.

Mo Xiaolang has rich experience in gaming. When he successfully attracted the monster's hatred, he immediately retreated and approached where Mo Xie was, and led 6 gibbons into the rope net area in the cave...

The teammates had already launched the offensive. Lianna's long arrows were almost empty, and a series of bursts broke through the air, hitting the back of the gibbon monkey, causing it a series of red damage numbers.

Ouyang Jiaojiao's magical skills were also constantly emitted, green lights fell to the ground, and countless green vines suddenly grew crazily. They entangled the gibbons' feet, causing damage, and at the same time slowing their forward speed, giving Mo Xiaolang Create opportunities for a safe retreat.

Mo Xiaoyuan's summoned beast had already exceeded it. Under the command of his master, he quickly locked on a monster, roared behind the monster, and his sharp claws kept sweeping the opponent's body, and immediately approached, opening his mouth to bite. Hold the opponent's neck, almost the entire body is hung on the monster's back, causing the opponent's blood volume to continue to decrease...

Mo Xiaoyu was holding the staff. The skill was already ready in the flashing blue light, but she did not activate it immediately. She was waiting for her husband's blood loss, and she was ready to help.

But what everyone did not expect was that these gibbons were not vegetarians. At the moment of the attack, they raised their long arms and waved frantically at Mo Xiaolang...


The dark shadows flickered in the middle of the cave, and in the sound of breaking through the air, countless dark stones flew crazy in front of Mo Xiaolang...

Jingle bells!

His shield blocked a series of strange attacks, and made constant, crisp metal knocks.

"Wow, this is a long-range attack?" Lianna asked in surprise.

"Damn, they are actually the attack method of throwing stones. This is a monster of the archer class! Boss, be careful!" Mo Xiaoyuan reminded loudly.

You know, this long-range attack method of the gibbon monkey has caused many players to suffer in the past few days. They also came to this map to level up. Seeing black spots on the cliff, they climbed up the cliff curiously. After checking what happened, I didn't expect to encounter an elite monster with a particularly large guard range and a long-range attack...

It is conceivable that the movement of the players on the cliff is greatly restricted. Once they enter the alert range of the gibbons, a large number of monsters over there launch a full attack. The players who climbed the cliff were not hit by the roaring rocks. To die is to fall directly to death after falling from a cliff!

After more and more players know the power of these elite monsters, no one is willing to take risks anymore.

However, because of the mission, Mo Xie had just climbed the cliff and triggered the mission clue. When he met Niya and the others, he escaped...

As a fast black stone flew quickly, Mo Xiaolang backed away and waved his shield vigorously to block the attack of these flying stones, but with the sound of the shield's percussion, the damage number above his head would jump out by one. Come, the health bar is rapidly declining!

The monster’s attack is too strong, and his equipment is too poor to stop the opponent’s flying stone damage...

At the moment when his blood volume dropped rapidly, Mo Xiaoyu raised his staff and chanted a spell in his mouth. A cloud of green light rushed into the air, swaying the green tail, and it happened to fall on Mo Xiaolang's body injury.

Among the red damage numbers, a huge green recovery number appeared, pulling back a lot of his health bars in one go.

"Brother Wolf, quickly lead them into the rope net area, and the others are ready to close the net and see how long they can be trapped." Mo Xie observed the situation and immediately issued instructions.

"Understand." All the teammates replied in unison, and the four people on both sides quickly moved closer to the middle of the cave, preparing to gather the net together.

Mo Xiaolang also accelerated backwards and retreated in large strides. Between three or two steps, he retreated to the large rope net densely at the end of the cave, lowered his head and quickly traversed a grid, watching the six gibbons in front of him. Throwing stones, while continuing to chase him...

Puff puff!

Within a second or two, six gibbons jumped into the dense rope net off guard. The dark cave environment made them unable to see the existence of these long ropes.


An angry howling sounded continuously in the cave, six pairs of blood-red eyes, staring at the position of Mo Xiaolang, his body was still madly hitting the rope net, trying to break away from the restraints and chase the enemy.

At this moment, the people who followed behind found the other end of the pre-set rope net, and one by one they grasped the long rope and squeezed back...


All the long ropes twitched quickly, forming a densely intersecting mesh bag. The bodies of the six gibbons were tightly tied in the narrow rope net. The body was close to the body, and the movement was trapped in the narrow mesh bag space. Must not...

As the long rope continues to be tightened, the six monsters have been tied into the shape of a big zongzi, standing there toppling around, falling down at any time.

At this point, the first trap set by Mo Xie and Mo Xiaolang has been successful. Practice has proved that it is not difficult to attract six monsters at a time. You know, the traps in the cave have not come in handy yet.

"Attack with all your strength, kill them!" Mo Xie waved his hand, and the steel angry ape strode forward to the monsters. The mace swung fiercely, making a whistling sound, and hitting the monsters with heavy blows. The number of damage was immediately lost. Stop jumping out...

All teammates, including Mo Xie, launched skills and ordinary attacks one after another. A series of offensives intensively wrapped six monsters, and their health bars were also declining crazily.

To deal with such a monster that has lost its combat effectiveness, it is only a matter of time before the end of the battle...

In less than two or three minutes, the six monsters made terrible howls one after another, which turned into black lights rising up, and the tinkling of copper coins falling, which surprised the six players...

The drop of copper coins means that the explosive rate of this elite monster is very powerful. Just kill six monsters and you can explode props. This shows that you can not only gain experience points quickly, but you may also get more. Additional loot rewards.

As all the six monsters fell to the ground, the rope net slowly loosened, Lianna was the first to rush up excitedly, looking for the loot among the monster corpses.

"Sister Na is really sturdy, so excited to touch the body." Mo Xiaoyuan laughed.

"She has always been like this, her temper is anxious, please bear with me." Ouyang Jiaojiao explained helplessly, as if she never wanted to know the guy who was busy among the corpses again.

"It's okay, we are all the best teammates, not to mention that Nana has always been lucky to touch the corpse, so let's just set her to harvest the trophy in the future." Mo Xiaoyu smiled.

For those who like online games, please collect them: ( The literature of online games is the fastest to update.

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