The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 479: General Earth

Everyone swiftly opened their eyes. The elves mentioned by Niya refer to the players who have chosen the elven fighting profession?

At this moment, everyone's eyes are all focused on Ouyang Jiaojiao...

What Niya said, the players can hear clearly, if you want to choose an Elf player to become her temporary master, it is Ouyang Jiaojiao.

Because he is the only wizard of the Elf race in the team, he can just accept this temporary contract.

"What are you still doing? Time is running out. The general will come to interrogate us at any time. He must hide Niya before he comes." Moxie said.

"Jiaojiao, go there quickly and see what Niya has to explain." Lianna quickly pushed her sisters beside her to the middle of the line and stood in front of the beautiful elf.

"I... can I do it?" Ouyang Jiaojiao blinked her beautiful eyes and looked at Niya in disbelief.

"You are the wizard of the elves, and we elves can help each other in danger. Now Niya is facing great danger. She asks you to form a temporary ally and get your safety protection, but she is signing a contract. After that, once you die once, this contract will immediately expire, and I will lose the shelter of the contract space." Niya looked at her and reminded solemnly.

"Oh, it turned out to be like this. Besides the conditions for my death, is there any time limit for this temporary contract?" Ouyang Jiaojiao asked curiously.

"This contract can only last for 72 hours, that is to say, at this point in time three days later, our contract will immediately expire." Niya said.

"There are only three days, so next time you encounter danger, can you continue to sign a contract with her?" Mo Xie asked curiously.

"Between two elves, there is only one chance to shelter each other temporarily in a lifetime, and the same person cannot be signed next time." Niya shook her head and replied.

"Well, since the system has such restrictions, we must grasp these three days and leave this dangerous place as soon as possible." Mo Xie nodded.

"Let's start the contract, I seem to hear something outside." Mo Xiaolang kept silent, alerting the situation outside the gate, and quickly warned.

The inside of the cave suddenly became quiet, everyone listened carefully, and sure enough, the dense footsteps seemed to be farther and clearer outside the gate, as if they were walking towards their prison...

"Hurry up and sign the contract, it's too late!" Mo Xie said nervously.

"Niya hurry up, what do I need to do to help you?" Ouyang Jiaojiao urged.

"Venerable Lord of All Souls, your people Niya, as the guardian spirit, please ask for your consent to sign a temporary help contract with the people of the same race to protect the beautiful home you created." Niya embraced the sky and raised her hands. Started to close her beautiful eyes, and prayed devoutly...


In an instant, blue light shone in the dim stone room, and a ball of turquoise light suddenly appeared on top of Niya's head, slowly flying away from the top of her head, floating between her inwardly curved palms, and spinning continuously. .

At the same moment, Ouyang Jiaojiao was surprised to find that a green light fell from the sky, wrapping her body in a cyan light beam, and her hands and feet could not move for a moment.

Immediately afterwards, a system prompt popped up in front of her eyes. Just like Niya said, the system asked her whether she would accept Niya’s temporary assistance contract request. Once accepted, both parties could briefly become a combat ally within 72 hours. And she provided Niya with a temporary contract space.

But the system information also introduces very clearly, this kind of temporary contract is only 72 hours long, and it will be terminated immediately after the time expires, and within these 72 hours, if the host dies, the contract will immediately become invalid!

And because her current level is too low, this temporary contract has also been given many restrictions by the system. For example, Niya can only play the same combat power as the master level, and the number of battles per day is also limited to 3 times, and each time is ten. minute……

Fortunately, Niya is currently cursed, and her strength has been weakened by more than half. This time the temporary contract was signed, the system did not reduce her quality.


Ouyang Jiaojiao quickly browsed the content of the information, and immediately chose to confirm...

The footsteps outside the door have gone from far to near, and there is not much time left for her.


As Ouyang Jiaojiao chose to confirm the moment, the cyan beam of light shone dazzlingly, and the cyan light ball spinning above Niya's head also emitted a dazzling halo, and it spun quickly.

Under the surprise gaze of the teammates, the spinning ball of light suddenly turned into a green light curtain, enveloping Niya's entire body, and wrapped her slowly away from the ground, turning into a green afterimage. , Flew directly into the beam of light where Ouyang Jiaojiao was...


Affected by the crisp sound, a green light from the top of Ouyang Jiaojiao's head flew to the top of the cave and disappeared directly through the rock wall.

At this moment, everyone understands that this is a sign of successful contract signing.


The sound of the iron lock opening at the gate rang, and the gate opened quickly with a hum.

But at this moment, the green beam of light covering Ouyang Jiaojiao's body suddenly dissipated, and the bewildered beauty officially appeared.

But at this time, I didn't ask about the effect of signing the contract, because the door was opened, and a few golden armored soldiers quickly swarmed into the prison and surrounded the crowd.

The six people who were forced to the corner, under Mo Xiaolang's eyes, intentionally blocked Mo Xie and Ouyang Jiaojiao behind them.

The bright red name on Mo Xie's head was already a very dangerous sign, and Ouyang Jiaojiao protected Niya. Once she died, the protection of the contract could not guarantee Niya's life.

The four men faced seven or eight golden armored warriors, surrounded by golden spears and heavy swords.

At this time, footsteps still sounded continuously at the door, and a burly figure in golden armor entered the prison from the door, and this was the leader of Dihao, whom the players already knew.

"Respectfully welcome the General." Commander Di Hao bowed respectfully and saluted as soon as he entered the gate and said loudly.

At the moment when the sound fell, a mighty figure appeared again at the gate. Before all people entered the gate, the dazzling golden halo had already illuminated half of the prison.

I saw a taller figure who had to bend over to walk through the door and finally appeared in front of the players, and the name of the person with the colorful rays of light above his head showed his identity. ...

This is another myth!

The burly figure shrouded in golden light, above his head is a line of colorful fonts that claim to be their name...

General Earth: Earth Night Mythical Grade

Level: 100

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