The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 612: The eyeball of the idol

"Wow! There is really a dungeon treasure chest out!" Lianna exclaimed in excitement, especially clear on the team channel.

"You pick up the treasure chest for a while and then open it, the devil is about to act." Mo Xie quickly reminded.

He knew very well in his heart that this dungeon treasure chest was originally a reward that will inevitably burst after the end, as long as the team leaves the dungeon before opening it, now he must hurry up to complete the final exclusive plot task!

Helping the demon to gain freedom, this is the only dungeon task belonging to their squad. As long as this task is completed, the alternative plot of this dungeon task is the perfect ending, and the system will also open the alternative dungeon to all other players in the area. Plot clues.

But there is no other team with a special mission to help the devil.

In other words, helping the demons out of trouble this time is a special mission task rewarded by the system, and of course there is an additional mysterious reward.

Following Mo Xie's voice reminding, Lianna hurriedly swept the treasure chest into the team's temporary package, and waited for time to open the distribution.

And now there is only a huge ball of light hovering in the air, still absorbing the black clouds in the sky, and the whole ball of light becomes more and more shining...

With the rapid recovery of the clouds, the top of the players' heads, from the dark night sky, once again returned to the sunny day.

The rapid alternation of night and day makes people feel particularly magical.

The sky was shining brightly, and the huge red mask quickly absorbed all the clouds, and the entire red ball of light turned into a black sphere, flying towards the temple...

"Attention, everyone, the demon has already begun to attack the gate of the palace and return to the sealed space. The Elf Legion is going in first. We will follow, and we must catch the eye before the **** race takes off the left eye of the idol!" Mo Xie commanded loudly.

"Understand." The teammates answered one after another.

Mo Xiaolang immediately relayed Mo Xie's order to the elven soldiers around him to prepare them for the charge.

Liana and Ouyang Jiaojiao also rushed from the center of the square, chasing the huge black ball in the sky and rushing forward quickly.


A black shadow flashed in the midair, and it rushed across the large square like lightning, came directly to the front of the temple gate, and rushed straight to the middle of the gate without hesitation!


The explosion sounded immediately, the entire thick temple gate, unexpectedly could not withstand the demon struggling, while the dust was rolling out, I saw sparks splashing everywhere, and wood and debris spewed out from the gate, thick and heavy. A huge black hole suddenly appeared in the middle of the palace gate...

The demon had disappeared in the depths of the main hall, knocking down a golden and white figure, causing all the Protoss hiding in it to look at each other in surprise, not understanding what was going on.


Mo Xie hurriedly waved his arm, and suddenly issued instructions.

The elf leader strode out and led hundreds of elf warriors who had no duty to guard the young children into the black hole of the temple gate. As soon as he entered the hall, the longbow in his hand was immediately raised horizontally, with five long arrows on the bowstring. Fanned out, with a clang of five arrows instantly...

The fan-shaped arrows rushed straight out, and the protoss soldiers who had just reacted and prepared to resist shot them back and flew back.

The leader of the elves leaped again, waving his back with both hands invincible. All the protoss soldiers standing in front of him were slammed into the air by him, clearing a large number of elves behind him.

With the sound of footsteps intensively sounded, the vigorous elf warriors rushed into the hall, locked on those Protoss warriors in twos and threes, and forced them to the corner of the hall to start an angry counterattack.

The elven warriors rushed into the hall more and more, and Mo Xie and his teammates followed them into the empty hall.

What the players did not expect was that there were not many ornaments in the magnificent temple. What you saw after entering the temple door was an open space with two temple pillar groups on the left and right sides. A wide avenue leads all the way to the other end of the hall.

From a distance, there are dense candles at the end of the hall, and on a tall **** platform, you can clearly see the outline of a tall statue.

"Master Chief, rush forward. The Protoss warriors are retreating. We must prevent them from destroying the statue." Mo Xie quickly shouted.

"Got it." The elf chief waved his long bow, and fiercely knocked all the protoss warriors and wizards around him into the air, and then rushed to the opposite side along the central passage according to his request.

Mo Xie and Mo Xiaolang ran wildly behind him, looking at the fierce fighting between the enemy and us, and found that the number of Protoss warriors had decreased significantly.

Especially their commander, now even more disappeared...

The demon once told Moxie that the temple does not seem to have a back door setting, but there is a hidden escape route directly from the altar at the other end of the hall to the outside of the city wall at the other end of the fort. Once the old man with the white beard is holding the idol The left eye leaves from the dark road, and this rewarding mission will fail.

He quickly dashed forward, following the elven leader all the way through the tens of meters long central passage, and finally the **** platform in front was clearly revealed...

The tall **** platform is located at the end of the temple, and on the high steps, stands a huge statue of the gods.

However, because this is a copy of the plot, the statue of the gods enshrined in this temple looks like a scribe wearing a robe and a long crown on his head, not any of the six veins of the gods.

With his hands on his back, he looked up at the sky arrogantly, his eyes gleaming in the light of the candlelight on the altar, like two bright stars in the night sky!

The eyes are still there!

Mo Xie let out a sigh of surprise, but as long as the demon had the eyeball on the left side of the idol, how could there be a shining eyeball on the right side. What happened?

Regardless of it, since there is something, I have to find a way to get it all.

At this time, behind the idol, a string of black shadows was climbing quickly towards the top of the idol's head along the narrow passage formed by the railing on the back of the idol. Although it was far apart, the tall figure of the old man in white robe was still clearly visible!

"Master Chief, the commander of the Protoss is there, we must prevent them from getting on top of the idol." Mo Xie hurriedly said in the midair ahead.

"Don't worry, this despicable guy can't run!" The elf leader finally got a chance to take revenge, there is no reason to let it go.

The elf leader sneered, strode quickly, rushing away like the wind, and quickly distanced himself from Moxie and the others...

Seeing the agile figure so fast, Mo Xie and his teammates were so excited, they quickly accelerated at the same time and rushed to the front of the platform.

When they followed the large group of elves to rush to the front of the platform, the leader of the elves quickly rushed up the steps, and directly hit a group of warriors blocked by the protoss, and flew over the heads of the large protoss soldiers with a slight vertical leap, and stepped directly On the passage on the back of the idol.

Facing the interception of the Protoss soldiers, the elf chief waved the huge bow in his hand, and easily swept the enemy down to both sides, and continued to rush upward without reducing his castration.

If the elves dare to be second in terms of climbing and flying, no one would dare to be the first.

The leader of the elves was a few meters away from one step, lightly jumping all the way on the back of the idol, exclaiming in every place along the way, the enemies in the way were easily swept down from the heights by him...

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