The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 620: Resource map

I thought that there was no result, but I didn't expect the pharmacy shopkeeper to have new suggestions, which immediately made Mo Xie extremely excited.

"I know a colleague who has been devoting himself to the research of top-level medicinal herbs, especially the three medicinal herbs that may be recorded in the Jindan catalogue." Ma Buyi said thoughtfully.

"Then trouble the shopkeeper, can you tell me who this person is? I'll go and look for it immediately." Mo Xie asked excitedly.

"Don't worry, this person was originally the chief medical doctor of the Sunset Army, who was responsible for the treatment of the army, but after the war broke out in the city more than ten years ago, the chief medical doctor was also missing." Mabuyi seemed to look around nervously. He lowered his voice and added: "It is said that the chief military doctor has two possibilities. One is that he died in a rebellion in the rebellion, and the other is that he escaped from the city and hides in the wild to gather medicine and make alchemy.

" could this happen!" Mo Xie was speechless.

"However, you are asking me as the right person. He used to help me back then. When I collected the medicine pills, I faintly heard that in a mountain in the east of the city, someone had encountered him. Go to the east of the city. Dashan looks for it, and it may learn his whereabouts." Mabuyi whispered.

"A mountain is so big, where can I find him? Besides, I don't know what he looks like." Mo Xie touched his head speechlessly.

"Honorable guest official, the alchemist must be looking for places with a lot of medicinal materials. If you go to the mountains and lock the hidden valleys and cliffs rich in medicinal materials, you will surely be able to find him. And his appearance is very easy to recognize, as long as you see a rickety figure. The old man with snow-white hair and a medicinal basket and medicinal **** on his back must be him. Nothing, let me help people to the end. This is a medicinal distribution map. You can save a lot of money by looking for it according to its records. Time." Mabuyi took out a cloth map out of his arms and spread out.

I saw that this handkerchief-sized square map was densely painted with a large number of thin lines, as if outlining the outline of a large mountain...

"You see, these dense black spots are where the medicinal materials are. Go and look for them slowly." Mabuyi smiled and handed the map.

"Thank you, the shopkeeper, this is great!" Mo Xie reached out to the ground map in excitement. Not only can the Jindan catalogue unlock the secrets, but also the location of so many medicinal resources can be easily obtained. It is really cool...

"Why, is this like taking my map away?" Mabuyi asked, blinking.

"This... what else does the shopkeeper have instructions?" Mo Xie asked inexplicably.

"If you want this picture, you have to pay a certain price." A merchant's unique look appeared on Ma Buyi's face.

"Well, how much money I bought." Mo Xie nodded helplessly.

"Thank you for your patronage, and collect 100 gold copies of the atlas. The information in it is guaranteed to be half correct, and the young man is not deceived!" Ma Buyi smiled.

"I'm going, one picture will cost 100 gold!" Mo Xie opened his mouth wide, just let him grab the money.

But now there is no way, this hundred gold is still taken out obediently, at least some clues to the task can be obtained.

And Mo Xie can be sure that the chief military doctor has other mission plots, because what he encountered happened to coincide with the time of the sunset city battle between the two generals, and this military doctor might be the same as the general anode. There is a very close connection.

Reluctantly took out a hundred gold, took the drawing from the smiling linen, and Mo Xie turned and left.

After wandering around the city for a while, after looking at the lively scene of the city that had been missing for a long time, he planned to go to the east of the city to find the location of the mountain first, and was ready to find the mysterious military doctor.

In fact, he doesn't know where to go now, so he can level up by himself, and he has to find a suitable leveling map.

It just so happens that he can take this opportunity to look for the whereabouts of the military doctors, check the existence of resource collection points, and by the way, he can also find the next leveling scene...

After making up his mind, seeing that the time was more than half an hour before going offline at noon, Mo Xie hurriedly drove his mount towards the center teleportation formation.

After teleporting to the vicinity of the east gate, he immediately drove his mount to the far east gate...

After rushing out of the gate, entering the field map, and passing through the vast grassland, Mo Xie began to march towards the field map further away.

According to this heavily purchased map, the medicine mountain is called Shennong Mountain. It is a large map scene composed of countless mountains, and the level should be 30+.

He walked through the maps with peace of mind, and continued to move towards the 30-level map area...

After spending half an hour, Mo Xie quickly ran across various terrains, and after passing through the last hill map, at the end of the map ahead, a large verdant ridge appeared in his sight.

The so-called location of this verdant mountain range happened to be in the surrounding terrain of the 30-level map. Mo Xie quickly let the mount rush forward, trying to determine the map name of this mountain range.

As he quickly came to the junction of the two maps, the outline of the mountains in front of him became clearer, and it gradually matched the map he was holding.

That's it!

Mo Xie approached the new map excitedly, and the system prompt suddenly jumped out...

Ding...System: Congratulations to the players, don’t be sad, you successfully found the map of Shennong Mountain, the map system has new information loaded!

This time it was surprisingly successful, and he found the map he wanted without going wrong, and Mo Xie was very happy.

The pop-up system prompted that when the new map interface was switched over, I saw a large green mountain range in front of the entire small map, stretching towards the distance.

Within a radius of hundreds of miles, there are green mountains everywhere. This Shennong Mountain is like a huge bread buckled on the ground, with countless peaks connected one after another.

Unlike other mountains, Shennong Mountain does not have many valleys and ravines. Players can only walk on the ridges and often see bottomless cliffs and large mountain plains.

This terrain is really a good place to hide resource collection points.

Mo Xie looked ahead. On the high hillside, a winding path led to the depths of the mountains. He urged the mount to speed up and rush to the foot of the mountains.

Climbing up the hillside, the surrounding large mountainside grassland is full of lush weeds as high as one person. From here, you can already find some sporadic medicinal collection areas.

It's just that the number of hidden medicinal materials in these grasses is too small, and it takes too much time to find the next one after collecting one. Mo Xie just checked it briefly and continued along the path to the top of the hillside.

After a few minutes of fast climbing, he rode his mount to the middle of the hillside, the mountain became steeper, and the mount could no longer be used normally.

Mo Xie jumped off his mount and walked forward to continue forward, but in the deep grass on both sides of the mountain path, it was obvious that there were many monsters staring at him with blood-red eyes. As the breeze blew, the large grasses swayed back and forth, seeming to be there at any time. The monsters rushed out of the grass!

He had to be careful, climb forward quickly, planning to leave this dangerous area as soon as possible...

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