The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 632: Orchid Sky Valley

For Mo Xie, because he didn't learn the art of collecting herbs, he couldn't see the difference between ordinary plants and medicinal materials, so he could only guess the shape of the plant and make some basic judgments.

In the virgin jungle in front of him, there are clumps of vegetation that he has rarely seen. Which are medicinal materials and which are ordinary plants are simply unrecognizable.

But just looking at the lush green plants made him feel very surprised.

He didn't know most of the plants here, and he could only judge these peculiar plants as medicinal materials for the time being.

On the long narrow mountain top, there are dense jungles everywhere in front. If you want to find a strange place, you can only continue to explore.

Carrying the weapon, Mo Xie walked straight forward and began a journey through the jungle...

Entering the dense forest, there was no sound around him, and no monsters appeared, which made him feel very puzzled. Since entering Shennong Mountain, the monster refresh area has been extremely dense, but after arriving here, The monsters seemed to be all missing.

Step by step into the depths of the jungle, and continue along the ridge, the surrounding environment is getting darker, and the dense branches have already completely blocked the sun in the sky.

But after walking hundreds of meters away on guard, Mo Xie still didn't see any monsters.

The map here does not seem to have a monster refresh area?

Mo Xie was puzzled to move on. Unexpectedly, he walked straight for half an hour, and nothing happened along the way.

When the sun was shining ahead, after he passed through the jungle on the top of the mountain, the ridge had gradually descended, showing a long, gentle **** extending downward...

There were still dark abysses on both sides, but the ridges in the distance could prove that Mo Xie was going down to a mysterious map scene.

Curious in his heart, he quickly rushed out of the edge of the jungle and stood on a green lawn.

The ridge in front of me has turned into a narrow zone with a width of more than ten meters, and has been leaning forward and descending...

In front of him, there were no trees in sight except the lawn. As long as he walked along the lawn on the ridge, he would be able to descend continuously to the other side of the ridge.

He quickly opened the blue cloth map in his hand and combined the information on the small map to determine the terrain ahead.

What is strange is that in the dense lines on the map in hand, his current position is not marked at all, and the small map is only a ridge of real power and a green light spot, and it is impossible to determine his current position.

This is also no way. There are such ridges everywhere in the Shennong Mountains, and similar terrain is very common.

The most important thing is that his location is not deep into the middle of the map, he is still active on the edge, and it is still on the top of the mountain map, even the system can't show all the environment around him.

Except for the black abyss on both sides, nothing else can be seen.

Mo Xie also knew that the route he was walking on was a road that was not on the blue cloth map. He didn't know where the end of the road led to?

But I have come here, there is absolutely no reason to look back

Putting away the map, Mo Xie continued to follow the ridge all the way down, and the surrounding gusts gradually dissipated. Instead, it turned out to be a circling wind...

As he continued to move forward, the cold wind around him shivered unconsciously.

The abyss on both sides remained the same, but the nearby ridge appeared above the head unknowingly, only this ridge was still sloping down, seeming to be leading into the valley at the foot of the mountains.

This is a peculiar terrain. It is necessary to know that in the entire Shennong Mountains, following the normal passage given by the system, players will always walk through the top of the major ridges, and will never enter the position at the foot of the mountain.

Because the entire Shennong Mountain is an abyss except for the ridge, there are very few shallow valleys.

Stirring the cold wind, looking at the cliff on one side, there is still a black hole below, and the end is still invisible, which makes Mo Xie feel very magical.

What kind of peculiar terrain will this ridge lead itself into?

He doesn't care about anything now, just carrying his weapon and walking straight along the ridge, trying to find where the end of the ridge is?

As he moved fast, not only was the cold wind roaring around, but the sun was getting less and less, and the surrounding tall ridge seemed to form a deep well, making the terrain here even more strange and inexplicable.

It was still sunny daylight outside, but Mo Xie now felt that he seemed to have entered the darkness ahead of time. Apart from looking up and seeing the sun above his head, everything around him looked dark and the environment was very scary.

Even the lawn under the feet seems to be getting slippery and slippery. In the darkness ahead, gusts of cold wind mixed with mist rushed towards your face...

Mo Xie knew in his heart that he had already followed the downward ridge and was entering the bottom of the Shennong Mountains, and further down he would completely enter the dark map.

Bite the scalp and move on, this walk actually took another half an hour.

I didn’t see any monsters wherever I went, as if this road was like a dead end!

Unconsciously, the ridge gradually became gentle, and the **** gradually disappeared.

But in the darkness ahead, Mo Xie was surprised to find that the ridge had reached the end, and a cliff was right in front of him!

But in front of the cliff, a black shadow hung in the air, and it turned out to be a thick tree and vine hanging across the cliff, like a suspension bridge, continuing to connect the road outside the cliff.

What is this?

Mo Xie exhaled the package and took out a torch from it.


The fire was shining, and most of the surrounding environment appeared in front of him.

Now he is standing on the cliff at the end of the ridge, and there is a dark, bottomless abyss less than three meters on both sides!

And beyond the cliff in front of him, there is also a black abyss tens of meters long. If you want to move on, you can only reach the opposite bank by following the rattan bridge hanging on the cliff.

This vine is very thick, and there should be no danger if you walk carefully.

Mo Xie gritted his teeth and walked to the edge of the cliff with a torch. He stretched out his foot to test the toughness of the tree and vine, only to find that he stepped on it without shaking, which made him feel relieved.

Step by step, he continued to move forward along the vines. Although the road became more difficult and dangerous, it failed to stop his determination to explore.

Because the map ahead seemed more mysterious, it made him want to figure it out.

After walking a few meters along the tree vines, Mo Xie has come to the top of the overhead cliff. The center of gravity of the whole body rests on the tree vines, but as the span gets higher and higher, the thicker tree vines begin to sway. , So scared that his heart was pounding and pounding.

Coupled with the continuous cold wind, Mo Xie only felt that his whole body was drenched in cold sweat, and it was freezing into ice!

The temperature here is already very low, coupled with a large area of ​​water mist, makes people feel particularly uncomfortable.

But Mo Xie understood that he had to rush through the vines as soon as possible, and there might be a real danger later!

He speeded up and rushed forward, and the torch in his hand kept illuminating the situation on the opposite side of the cliff. A few meters away, one end of the tree vine was connected to a black stone cliff.

Mo Xie hurriedly strode across, flew over the last few steps, and finally stood on the opposite cliff.

Feeling the hardness under his feet, he also let out a long breath.

Ding...System: Congratulations to the players, don’t be sad, you successfully discovered the hidden map of Orchid Empty Valley, the map system has new information loaded!

Suddenly, a system prompt popped up in front of him, and Mo Xie's eyes were taken aback...

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