The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 767: The enemy appears

The Orc Legion finally began its action at 7 o'clock, and the players of the God Realm League retreated to the city according to the instructions.

At the same time, a large number of players in charge of publicity are still spreading advertisements of monster siege in the main city, and the number of irrelevant players attracted to God Realm Town is increasing.

Even Mo Xie and a group of commanders couldn't believe it. The territory was only established for less than two days, and the revenue in the vault was almost 80 million gold coins!

This is an astronomical figure that they could not even imagine before!

And this number is only temporary, and the beating sound of gold coins is still growing crazily every second, and the momentum has never stopped.

As more and more players hear the wind, and directly drive the consumption level of God Realm Town, potions purchased from pharmacies, or goods sold in shops, these will bring direct benefits to God Realm Town’s vault ...

After all, the pharmacies and other shops in God Realm Town had set the price of potions in them by Mo Xie himself.

But he was not so black-hearted. He just increased the sales price of the potion in the drugstore by two or three silver coins compared to the main city.

In fact, it is only a small part of the money for the territory to make money, when the real money is actually made, it is still behind...

Because now, the scale of God Realm Town is limited, and it hasn't been long since it was established. The size of the store area is greatly restricted. Players have not yet started to officially operate here. Once the territory is expanded, countless players start to set up stores. The business atmosphere is dark, and the number of gold coins in the vault will grow even faster!

When players sell goods, the system will automatically deduct certain taxes and enter the vault in God Realm Town.

And players who trade with each other must pay the corresponding transaction tax, which is also the income of God Realm Town.

In short, once the alliance territory is established, as long as it attracts a large number of players, it will be a matter of time to make money.

Now that the God Realm Town built by Mo Xie has been initially completed, only after the orcs are defeated today, you can safely increase the alliance level and continue to expand the scale of the territory.

And the cost of his investment in the territory has been earned back in the past two days, not only has recovered the cost, but also made a small profit, which is regarded as the upfront cost of supporting the life and professional army.

According to this good form of development, there will be one or two months, Mo Xie will not have to worry about funding.

But he knew in his heart that this was just a good wish. When the arrogant alliance also builds up the territory, many players will definitely take away a part.

If today's battle can be successfully ended, Mo Xie will think about this issue carefully.

"Is the monster siege about to begin? Why is there an hour left in the countdown?"

"Yeah, with such a long preparation time, where are the monsters now?"

"I'm going, this city is too small, it's crowded!"

A large group of black and overwhelmed players were squeezed into the city, anxiously waiting for the start of the monster siege.

"Xiao Mo, what else should you pay attention to, you can arrange it soon." Mo Xiaolang asked.

"Have you sent someone to the mountains behind us?" Mo Xie asked.

"This has been arranged. I will set aside the back door at that time, so that the players can climb up from the cliff, and when they need a total attack, let them rush down from both sides and hit the orcs by surprise." Mo Xiaolang said.

"Great, since Brother Wolf has already arranged it, I don't have to worry about it. The main issue is security, and I must not give the orcs any chance." Moxie said.

"Don't worry about this. I ask my brothers to start deploying traps on both sides of the cliff. Anyway, I won't give the orcs a chance to go up to the mountains. Besides, we still have so many players to help. Even the human tactics can stop the orcs Go forward." Mo Xiaolang laughed.

"Very well, now only the arrogant alliance is left. I hope they can rest on their feet today, otherwise, they should suffer..." Mo Xie sneered.

Today’s battle is not a regular city battle, but a hostile battle between players against the orc army. If the arrogant alliance chooses to help the orc army, it means that they must fight against ordinary players, but against people from the gods. There is no way.

Once the people of the arrogant alliance become famous, the brothers of the God Realm Alliance can take the initiative...

However, Mo Xie knew very well that what a smart Luo Feng was, he would definitely not take the initiative to participate in the battle, and at most he would send people to make trouble.

But this way of making trouble was limited, and Mo Xiaolang knew exactly how to deal with them.

"I have sent people to stare at the nearby intersections. As long as the arrogant alliance people appear, I will send people to supervise them at all times. If they want to help the orc army occupy the terrain, I will let them know how powerful it is." Mo Xiaolang Smiled.

"Today, I am in charge of things inside and outside the city, and Brother Wolf will take care of everything." Mo Xie nodded and said.

"Okay, we will work together to see what happened today." Mo Xiaolang smiled.

In the entire God Realm Town, there are actually only the outer legions of the God Realm Alliance and the newly recruited legions, as well as most of the life professional players. The main defense force is set on the tower, and the city has to rely on a large number of ordinary players to help. .

And Mo Xiaolang brought a group of teammates, 10,000 elite legion players, and a large number of ordinary players guided into the mountains by them, lying in ambush on the cliff at any time. Once there is a chance for battle, they will rush uphill from both sides. Next, directly attack the orc army...

The two ended the conversation, which meant everything was ready, just waiting for the orcs to attack.

At this time, hundreds of players from the God Realm League had returned to the Cuiping Mountain map at the exit of the Sunshine Grassland and immediately pulsed toward the mountain on the side of the territory.

"Great, the orc army will enter the map soon, be careful." The head of the sub-group retreated and reported.

"They're good, just wait for them." Mo Xie said lightly.

Standing on the heights of the tower, looking at the end of the grassland, black spots continued to appear one by one, slowly converging into a large black ocean, constantly rushing towards God Realm Town...

Standing on the cliff, Mo Xiaolang and several beauties immediately saw the situation in the distance. Although they had checked the size of the orc army last night, they couldn’t help seeing their huge numbers again today. Secretly frightened.

"These are 50+ senior fighters with extra talent bonuses. Can we stop them?" Zhou Jianing asked worriedly.

"Don't be afraid, there are so many of us, so well prepared, it would be weird if we still can't beat it." Lianna laughed.

"Yeah, we still have a thunderstorm." Ouyang Jiaojiao said.

"It can't be used until the thunderstorm strikes the sky. This is our baby, and it will be gone when it runs out." Mo Xiaolang said lightly.

As large groups of orc warriors continued to pour into the map of Cuiping Mountain, slowly getting closer and closer, many ordinary players also saw this spectacular surprise.

The crowd could not help but burst into cheers, and everyone was looking forward to a hearty battle.

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