The Dharma God Of All Realms Begins With Harry Potter

Chapter 35 Victory And Harry At Night

In the fifth game, it was Ye Ting's turn to attack.

This time, he changed his routine again.

Faced with Roger's strict defense, he simply didn't even consider breaking through and shot from a long distance away.

Under his strong arm strength, the Quaffle was like an arrow leaving the string. Roger could only watch helplessly as the ball flew over his head, drew a beautiful arc, and then accurately entered the goal.

This time, Ye Ting didn't even enter the scoring area!

Such pitching skills really amaze these little necromancers.

The referee promptly announced the score.


Roger fell sadly to the grass and had to face his failure.

He walked forward and shook hands with Ye Ting.

"You are indeed our Ravenclaw genius. It will be your time from now on."

He left the court dejectedly, leaving a sad figure behind everyone.

It seemed that it would take him some time to calm down.

As for Ye Ting, he is now surrounded by female team members and Ravenclaw girls.

Zhang Qiu was the closest to him. She hugged him excitedly and jumped up and down. She couldn't help but leave a soft kiss on his face.

All the eaglets present believed that the era of Ravenclaw dominating the Quidditch Cup was coming.

In this way, Ye Ting became Ravenclaw's Chaser - the team originally planned to recruit a Chaser from the third-year students to replace the senior students who left the team, but the spot was given to Ye Ting. .

After Ye Ting promised to help Zhang Qiu and train her flight skills, another senior seeker left the team with confidence and concentrated on reviewing O.W.L.

Zhang Qiu became the official Seeker, which was a year ahead of schedule in the original plot.

On the day when the duel between Ye Ting and Roger ended, he defeated Roger with a score of 3:0, and the news of becoming the Ravenclaw Chaser quickly spread throughout Hogwarts.

When they heard the news, most people's first reaction was disbelief.

However, there were many Kitty Hawks watching the game at the scene. They described the situation so vividly that others could not help but believe it.

Now, Ye Ting's fame is not limited to his original image of a genius and handsome guy.

Achievements in these three areas, study, appearance and sports, are what students are most concerned about. A person who can excel in any of them will be welcomed and loved by his classmates.

But Ye Ting is more than that. He is unparalleled in these three aspects, which makes him someone that most students look up to.

His fans are no longer limited to girls, many boys have also expressed their admiration and adoration for him.

Definitely, Ye Ting is not Jin Jialong, and he cannot make everyone like him.

There are still some boys and some necromancers who believe in pure bloodism who don't like him very much, and most of these people are from Slytherin House.

Draco Malfoy is a typical example of these people. He has spoken nonsense in front of others more than once, saying that Ye Ting is just a dirty "mudblood" who can do nothing but pretend.

This time, when he heard that Ye Ting defeated Roger and successfully became the team's chaser in the first grade, Malfoy's jealousy was so intense that even Harry Potter became the chaser. No news from the Seeker made him feel so jealous.

He said that Ye Tingqi must have bribed Roger and deceived everyone in Ravenclaw, and said that this was completely partiality.

Rumor has it that Malfoy lost his temper in the common room and then wrote several long letters home.

Definitely, I just mentioned another recent news, that is, the famous savior Harry Potter was admitted to Gryffindor and became the Seeker.

But with Ye Ting Zhuyu in front of him, the news did not cause much of a sensation in other colleges. Only the little lions of Gryffindor were happy for him.

But the day after the news came out, the joy of the little lions turned into anger.

Harry Potter, Ron Weasley and Neville Long Barton were actually caught by Filch during a night out, and each of them deducted 10 points from Gryffindor.

During breakfast, Ye Ting could hear the Weasley brothers' loud noises across several rows of tables: George and Fred constantly praised the three of them for their night out, saying they were so cool. They also asked Harry why he didn't take them with him; but Percy got angry at Ron and said he would write to his mother to report all this.

On the Slytherin side, Malfoy and his two followers burst into laughter, looking like their plot had succeeded.

Ye Ting knew why. In the original book, it was Malfoy who invited Harry and him to have a duel between necromancers in the trophy room at midnight. But it was just a bait. Harry and Ron listened to his words and ran to find him in the middle of the night, but were almost caught by Filch.

But unlike now, in the original book Hermione went with them, and then they escaped by accident. Perhaps it was the butterfly effect caused by Hermione being assigned to Ravenclaw, but Harry did not escape Filch this time.

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