The Dharma God Of All Realms Begins With Harry Potter

Chapter 56 Windfall And Christmas Gifts

This trip to Eastern Europe went smoothly.

When Ye Ting returned to New York, Charles Murphy's home, nearly two weeks had passed since Christmas, and his vacation was about to end.

This journey was very fruitful for him. After witnessing the fall of the red giant with his own eyes, he and other Western financial institutions feasted on the corpse of the giant, so happily.

In fact, his operation was not complicated - in the Soviet Union, as Charles, he used sufficient assets as collateral to lend a large sum of rubles - about five million rubles - in the Soviet bank, and agreed to deliver it in US dollars. , and then repay the debt in rubles - definitely, he would have to use special means such as confusion spells and misdirection spells. Otherwise, as an individual, he would not be able to compete with formal financial institutions in this regard.

He then received about $5.5 million in cash.

The next step is to wait.

On December 25, 1991, Gorbachev announced his resignation as President of the Soviet Union; on December 26, the Soviet Union disintegrated, and the Russian Federation became the sole successor to the Soviet Union. All overseas properties, deposits, diplomatic institutions, embassies and consulates of the former Soviet Union will be taken over by Russia.

The Soviet Union disintegrated and split into 15 countries: the three East Slavic countries, the three Baltic countries, the five Central Asian countries, the three Transcaucasian countries, and Moldova.

An era is over.

After that, the ruble plummeted four to five times within a week. In other words, today's 5.5 million US dollars is equivalent to more than 20 million rubles, and he only needs to spend 5 million of it for repayment. , the rest is pure profit.

This is simply like robbing a bank - no, robbing a bank is not as profitable as this.

After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, Russia was left with only an empty shell. It was not without reason.

The wealth accumulated by the Soviet Union over the past decades was swept away by Western bankers.

If Ye Ting had enough time, he could wait a few more months. At that time, the inflation rate in Russia was as high as 2000%. In other words, these 5.5 million US dollars would be equivalent to hundreds of millions of rubles in a few months. , he can still earn more.

Unfortunately, what he lacks now is time.

However, a twenty-fold drop increased his gain by at most a quarter, which is equivalent to about one million U.S. dollars. Although this money seems to be a lot, now he has earned more than four million U.S. dollars. It was enough for him to spend a while, there was no need to spend time and energy learning magic for this extra million.

Then, he conducted a sweep in Russian stores and returned home with a full load.

Due to the economic crisis, Russia's luxury goods, handicrafts and other industries are in depression: everyone doesn't even have money to eat, so where can they spend their money?

This made Ye Ting cheaper. He used the US dollars he had to buy a lot of local specialties and souvenirs at low prices.

After all, in this case, the U.S. dollar maintains its value better than the ruble. Merchants would rather lose a little and receive U.S. dollars instead of the ruble, which may depreciate at any time.

Now, Ye Ting, who had returned from victory, and Oriana tidied up Charles Murphy's home together, made some arrangements, and then poured the anti-petrification potion into his mouth.

Poor Charles finally returned to his pre-petrified state, but he still didn't wake up - he was hit by Ye Ting's coma spell before he was petrified, so it would take a while before he could be lifted from the coma.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Ye Ting randomly fabricated some memories of a vacation in Eastern Europe and stuffed them into Charles' mind.

Since these memories were based on Ye Ting's own personal experience, they were authentic enough. Then he cast the Confusion Curse, the Confusion Curse, and the Forgetting Curse on Charles in succession. In this case, Charles' mind would be in chaos. Within a week he will become forgetful and forgetful, so that he will no longer doubt the fragments of memory.

To increase credibility, Ye Ting also placed a half-bottle of vodka and half-burnt leaves in the living room - these are easy to get in the United States. He also left many Eastern European specialties to Charles.

When Charles wakes up, he will feel that his memory is Chaos, with only some fragments of traveling in Eastern Europe. But combined with the souvenirs, the vodka and leaves on the table, he will come to the conclusion on his own: he did go to Eastern Europe. I went on vacation, but after returning to New York, my memory was confused due to alcoholism and overdose of fly leaves, and I forgot many specific details.

If he wants to further verify, then his flight tickets, consumption records, small-amount ruble exchange records, etc. can all prove that he has indeed been to Eastern Europe - after all, these are all things Ye Ting put in his face and used his identity What you do cannot be faked at all.

As for the operations of mortgage loans and shorting the ruble, since they were entirely done in Soviet banks, there are no records in New York.

And Ye Ting had already completely settled the matter when he left Russia. Unless Charles came to Russia in person, accurately found the bank, and found the transaction in the bank's records - all the people involved in the transaction were later arrested. A forgetting spell was cast, but electronic records and written records were left behind - otherwise he would never know in his life that he "himself" had done such a big job in Russia.

As for whether he will be targeted by the KGB, held accountable by the Russian government, or refused entry, that is none of Ye Ting's business.

When Ye Ting returned to Wu's Orphanage, there were only two days before the end of the vacation.

Returning to the orphanage and entering the familiar room, Ye Ting was filled with emotions for a moment.

Four months ago, he was still an ordinary person, dreaming of becoming a big entrepreneur and the richest man in the world.

But now, four months later, I have entered the other side of the world and become a real necromancer.

Oriana looked around his room curiously, wanting to take a good look at the place where her dearest father once lived.

Feiju was jumping up and down on the bed excitedly - she also missed this former home.

Ye Ting found that his room was already filled with Christmas gifts, almost all of which were sent to him by friends he met at Hogwarts - definitely, as well as his huge fan base.

Since Ye Ting spent a lot of time reading books in the public library and the library in the Ravenclaw lounge when he was at Hogwarts, everyone felt that books were the best gift for Ye Ting.

He received about sixty books, and even the professors also sent him some more advanced magic books. These books were neatly piled on the floor - more than twenty of them were written by Gilderoy Law. Hart's book, it seems that this guy is quite good at deceiving little girls.

Most members of the fan club gave him chocolates and gift cards. There were almost 200 chocolates, enough to last him for a year, and more than 100 gift cards.

Definitely, Ye Ting would never dare to eat these chocolates easily, because he might not know which chocolate would have a love agent added to it - among the chocolates he received from L when he was injured, four or five chocolates had a love agent added to them. Fortunately, he didn't eat any of it.

There were also other gifts, such as Roger giving him a statue of Alasdair Maddock - the ace chaser of the Montrose Magpies, the most successful team in the league. A golfer and Roger's most admired player; Zhang Qiu gave him a set of posters of the Tate Hill Tornadoes - she is a loyal fan of this team; Hermione gave him a shorthand quill; Penelope She gave him a hand-knitted scarf - according to her roommate, she had been secretly preparing this scarf a month ago, but she neither knitted the scarf outside the dormitory nor let her roommate use it. This was told; and Dumbledore gave him a package of disgusting cockroach dumplings.

Seeing this unexpectedly large pile of gifts, Ye Ting was both happy and distressed.

Fortunately, this time, he made a fortune in Russia and bought enough specialties and souvenirs before returning. It would be just enough to use them all as a return gift.

In addition, these souvenirs can also be used as proof that he is traveling - he also found several unanswered letters from Zhang Qiu, Hermione and Penello among the gifts, thinking that he had made an appointment with them during the holiday before parting. Ye Ting felt a headache after writing letters, hoping that these souvenirs from Russia could quell their dissatisfaction.

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