The ensuing battle was almost one-sided.

Ye Ting rode a unicorn and faced Voldemort, who lacked magic power, and had the upper hand in speed and attack.

As a result, Voldemort had to turn into black smoke and be driven around by him.

Suddenly, the sound of footsteps and horse hooves was heard in the distance.

There were necromancers and centaurs who heard the sound of fighting and came after hearing the news.

Seeing that he had no chance to attract the attention of the unicorn, Voldemort immediately stopped dealing with Ye Ting, turned into black smoke again, and disappeared into the jungle.

Ye Ting watched him leave and did not pursue him. This was not a good opportunity to kill him.

Just need to wait a few days——

Ye Ting rode the unicorn back to the lake, where he met someone he expected.

"Ting Ye!" Hagrid shouted: "Why are you here? Oh my god, what are you riding on? A unicorn-! How did you do that."

Beside him, Harry was also very surprised. He couldn't believe that he could meet Ye Ting here, and he was riding a legendary creature, a beautiful unicorn.

Behind him, two centaurs greeted Ye Ting one after another with a very pleasant tone.

"Hello, my mighty pony, you always do things that surprise us. Since you are riding this unicorn, that means the crisis has been resolved, right?"

"Hello, Bane, and Ronan." Ye Ting nodded to them lightly: "You are right, there is a half-dead black necromancer who broke into the Forbidden Forest and wanted to drink the blood of unicorns. "Extension of life, I've driven him away, I guess he won't dare to come back again."

He didn't say Voldemort's name.

"It's really thanks to you this time." Ronan sighed and complimented: "You have helped us once again and also helped the Forbidden Forest. We really don't know how to thank you. I can only say that the centaurs tribe will always be grateful to you." Will be your partner."

"Do you still need to tell me?" Bane patted Ye Ting on the shoulder - Ye Ting, who was riding the unicorn, was only a little shorter than him - and said: "This little pony has already been approved by Dulu. This has never happened in the past five hundred years, and for this reason alone, the Forbidden Forest will always welcome him."

"Well, do you have a good relationship?" Seeing their familiar chat, Hagrid was a little confused.

"That's definitely," Bane replied happily, and then glared at Hagrid: "This little pony has helped us twice. The last time was to solve the trouble you caused.

"Oh, I'm so sorry," Hagrid apologized in a low voice, but he became sad again because he thought about Norbert's death, so Harry had to comfort him in a low voice.

Five people and a unicorn walked to the edge of the Forbidden Forest.

Here, Ye Ting turned over and got off the unicorn. He was going back to Hogwarts Castle.

The unicorn entangled him, kept rubbing its head on his chest, and licked his face with its tongue, obviously reluctant to let him leave.

"I have to go."

Ye Ting sighed and said warmly: "Before I leave, let me give you a name."

The unicorn cast an expectant look at him.

"La Rui." Ye Ting said, "I will call you La Rui. This name will serve as my expectation for you."

Lori hissed happily, obviously liking the name.

She will definitely like it. This name is the name of the unicorn goddess in the Forgotten Realms world of DND.

Then, Ye Ting drew a symbol on La Rui's forehead.

There was an immediate feeling of soul connection between him and La Rui.

This is a contract, which Ye Ting learned from the contract between Feiju and Oriana after he summoned them.

As the relationship between him and La Rui continues to deepen, this contract will continue to strengthen, and one day it will develop into the same contract as Feiju and the others.

Finally, he looked at Bane and Ronan.

"Please, do me a favor." He requested, "Lari's injury is not fully healed yet, please help me take care of her.

"It's all on us." Bane nodded generously.

"It is an honor for us centaurs to be able to help the holy unicorn." Ronan also agreed.

So, Ye Ting made up his mind to fall in love with La Rui immediately and walked towards Hogwarts Castle. Behind him, La Rui looked at her reluctantly, her pure eyes full of tears.

After returning to Hogwarts, Ye Ting soon had to face questioning from the girls - he had returned to the Ravenclaw lounge late at night for several days in a row.

Although others did not discover all this, how could the girls who were paying attention to him not know?

In desperation, Ye Ting had to selectively tell them some of his experiences.

When they heard that Ye Ting had made friends with the centaurs, they were just curious and envious. But when they heard about the unicorn, whether it was the senior sister who was always calm and calm or Zhang Qiu who was afraid of the Forbidden Forest, They all became excited immediately. Girls are indeed beauty-conscious.

The three of them kept asking questions about unicorns. Hermione even questioned Ye Ting because of the common sense that "unicorns are only close to pure girls", but in the end, they all expressed that they wanted to see La with their own eyes. Rui.

0…please give me flowers…

However, this was impossible because the final exams at Hogwarts were about to begin, and Ye Ting had no choice but to promise them that he would take them to meet Xinrui after the exams.

Definitely, there is still a problem, that is, since that night, Professor Quirrell has disappeared.

He probably considered that Ye Ting might tell Dumbledore the truth, so he hid first.

On the day of the exam, the weather was very hot, and the large classroom where they answered the questions was even more uncomfortably hot. The teacher gave them new quills specifically for exams, all with spells to prevent cheating.

But for Ye Ting, these questions were too simple. He completed all the written tests within half an hour and then left the classroom, which put great pressure on other little necromancers.

There are also practical exams.

Professor Flitwick asked them to go into the classroom one by one and see if they could tap dance a pineapple across a desk.

Ye Ting waved his magic wand at the pineapples, and a row of pineapples lined up on the desk. They danced tap dance according to Ye Ting's command until they walked around the table. This made everyone look at it. Professor Wei immediately gave him a perfect score.

Professor McGonagall watched as they turned a mouse into a snuff box - the more elaborate the box, the higher the score; if the box still had a mouse's whiskers, points would be deducted.

Ye Ting turned the mouse into a gorgeous enamel snuff box - he had seen such a handicraft with his own eyes when he was in Russia - and got another perfect score.

When taking the Potions exam, their goal was to make an amnesia potion. Snape stood behind and watched closely. Everyone could feel his breathing on the back of their necks, which made them very nervous. However, Ye Ting never cared about this. He was the first to complete the potion, and Professor Snape couldn't find anything wrong at all, so he had to pinch his nose and give him a perfect score.

The last exam was the history of magic. Although Ye Ting didn't study much, he used the method he used to study history when he was studying science in high school - a temporary memorization. He actually got a perfect score.

In other words, all his grades were full marks and the professors were very satisfied with him.

Definitely, the real results haven't come out yet, and they still have a week to leisurely stay at Hogwarts Factory.

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