The Dimensional Pursuit

Chapter 354: Dig pits, bury people

On this day, just as Zhong Tu wondered when the personnel of the extremely dangerous crime suppression bureau would arrive, a slight abnormal fluctuation suddenly came into his mind.

Not through the network observation of Vajura, but through the clock diagram, after grasping Vajura’s attachment to the parent star, a global monitoring system constructed using a large number of nanomachines, the first time noticed the anomalous variables in the atmosphere and space. And sent the data to Yaoyao.

Read the clock diagram and put your energy into the past for the first time——

"come yet……"

Zhong Tu didn't stop him, he just switched to the observation vision of the nanomachine, monitoring the further actions of the anomaly maker.

The latter also simply sneaked into the place where the three prisoners were held.

That accurate and straightforward action, as if they had clear intelligence, made people doubt whether an inner ghost was cooperating with them.

But obviously, this is impossible. Surrounded by high-fidelity combat robots, there are no real humans with changeable minds, so unless the opponent cracks the core program of the high-fidelity combat robots in advance, there will be absolutely no betrayal.

So there is only one possible cause of this situation, and that is, like positioning the clock diagram, they also used similar methods to locate their companions.

The body was illusory as a ghost, ignoring various defensive guards, and went straight into the cell.



The inexplicable alien dialogue sounded, causing Zhong Tu to be blinded for an instant.

It's not the lingua franca of the universe-St. Orisman. It's another language that Zhongtu doesn't know.

This vigilance is no longer there.

Then the man left and went to another cell. After checking the status of all the members and asking about the enemy (clock picture), without hesitation, he immediately took out a strange instrument and whispered it for a while, then pressed a certain Buttons.

In an instant, some kind of fluctuation dissipated and disappeared into the air quickly.

The band was strange and fast, and even Zhongtu didn't come to stop it in a hurry.

Of course, it will not stop. He is waiting to use Vaquila's power to do great things, how could he prevent the ‘actor’ from appearing on stage?

So he didn't do the slightest block or action during the whole process, and let the scout who had awakened similar imaginary skills contact the prisoner. Otherwise, with his current exposed situation, how could Zhong Tu be indifferent?

Then Zhong Tu's thoughts moved, and the majestic mental power blasted toward the scout like thunder.

Now that the distress signal has been sent out, the scouts who acted as "Yao Yin" naturally lost their role, and there was no reason for him to behave.

So the next moment, the body of the scout who was taking out the suspected therapeutic agent to treat the three of them had a meal, and the whole body burst into a burst of light.

However, none of them were able to last. Two or three seconds later, they all collapsed, turning into fluorescent debris and disappearing into the void.

After that, the scout stayed for a while, and fell to the ground on his back.


"$#^" The captive exclaimed, his face becoming hard to look.

They are not stupid, they can naturally see what happened, and they can't help but worry about the next rescue operation and the rescuers who come. They are afraid that they will be left here just like themselves and others.

Immediately afterwards, a high-fidelity combat robot appeared and took away the scouts.

Awakeners of the imaginary talent skills are rare in the universe, so you should study them carefully.

Then the whole camp fell silent and entered a state of waiting.

A high-fidelity combat robot was sent out from the underground base, transferred to the ground around the temporary camp, turned on the IS armed, and was ready to respond.

Vajura began to appear in the inner circle of the atmosphere, densely covered with voids, filling up the one-kilometer radius of the center of the camp, waiting for people to come.

Zhongtu's mental power travels through the Vajura network, always ready to give the enemy a fatal blow.

In this situation, time passed ten minutes quickly, and then the space trembled suddenly. Under the agitation of the extremely sensitive Vajura, a team of more than twenty people suddenly appeared in In the cell where the prisoners were being held, a few people quickly guarded, in a posture of going to war immediately when there was a turmoil.

Faint energy fluctuations dispersed from them.

Although it is not obvious or even spread out, only surging within the cell area, it is still possible to let the clock diagram observing all this feel through the data, the power contained in their body.

"C-level C-level C-level B...what a big battle!"

There are actually three B-level masters among them! Coupled with the remaining dozens of C-levels, this scale is not much better than the original version of suppressing the Demon King, showing the huge lineup.

The captive who saw his companions arrived did not notice all of this, but shouted "$^!"

Even if he can't understand it, Zhong Tu can roughly think of it, nothing more than "danger", "ambush" and so on.

So without hesitation, he immediately ordered an attack.

Immediately, the high-fidelity combat robot, which was ready to kill, was fully fired, and the heavy artillery in his hand immediately blasted the cell.

As for the prisoners inside, there is no need to worry anymore at this time, just destroy them all.

Then there was Vajura, with scarlet electric lights flashing on the top of the head, and it made a sound, forming a powerful response cannon, which was then bombarded by the attack of the high-fidelity combat robot. cell.


The huge mushroom cloud rose up, and the terrifying explosion and energy shock spread rapidly.


The turf flew, and Vajura and the high-fidelity combat robot were immediately shrouded in thick smoke, and their sight was blocked to a certain extent.

But it was only to a certain extent. Soon, with the help of special vision, they saw the situation inside for the first time-there were people, and there were many people, under the protection of a powerful energy light curtain, they were intact. Stands in the ruins of the cell that has become wreckage.

"A B-rank's a good time."

Immediately, Zhong Tu gave another order, commanding the high-realistic robot and Vajura to attack.

He didn't believe that after encountering such a intensive, so many collective bombardment comparable to small-yield reaction bombs in an instant, that B-level guardian would be unscathed!

Suddenly, a dense barrage was shot out, rushing toward the people like a rain of meteors.


The visitors didn't hold on, and with a low voice, all the staff dispersed.

One person turned into a streamer, shuttled among the crowd of Vajura and high-fidelity fighters. The sharp weapon in his hand flickered and cut each of the Vajura or high-fidelity combat robots in half.

One person uses the invisible energy and shoots everywhere, like a fort gathering, bombarding the insect soldiers.

Others follow the same pattern, or they have skyrocketed and turned into giants, or alien armors appear outside their bodies to take damage, killing everywhere like a single individual.

As for the rescue... Let's talk about it after the fight.

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